DiscordBot is not a plugin that provides anything for players/users, this plugin provides Developers with an extensive API to interact with a Discord Bot via DiscordPHP
Here are a list of plugins that provide user functionality:
- Chat Bridge | Bi-directional chat between Discord and Minecraft
- Discord Account | Link your Discord account to your Minecraft account
- More to be listed (If you use this plugin open a PR to add your plugin here)
Developers, see API.md for more information on how to use the DiscordBot API
Advanced Developers, see Network_API.md for more information on the network protocol / external bots.
Name | Version | Included in releases |
PHP | ^ 8.1 | ❌ |
PocketMine-MP | ^ 5.0 | ❌ |
DiscordPHP | 10.0.0-RC6 | ✅ |
Promise | 2.10 | ✅ |
All Releases v2.0.0 onwards have been tested and released on Poggit, you can download the latest release from Poggit or from GitHub
GitHub release being slightly more optimised, useless files are not included.
This plugin is also available via composer to use as a dev-dependency when using PHPStan, PHPUnit, or similar.
You can install it simply with composer require --dev jaxkdev/discordbot
To see more information about the project via composer/packagist please see here.
Please note the package name is
and notdiscordbot-pmmp/discordbot
No support is given for users or developers running from source, I myself build the plugin into a phar before testing.
If you do become an active contributor to the plugin I will help you set up efficient workflows to ease testing.
Discord-PHP/DiscordPHP - Used internally to communicate with discord.
ReactPHP/Promise - Used to provide a promise API Library to developers.
[Dev] PHPStan/PHPStan - Used to analyse the plugins code for any potential problems.
[Dev] PHP-CS-Fixer/PHP-CS-Fixer - Used to maintain the plugins code to a standard.
- Used to maintain a changelog format.
And many more sub-dependencies that allow the above to function.