Prove Lemma 21.4.
Prove that every node has rank at most
$\lfloor \lg n\rfloor$ .
The rank increases by 1 only when
In light of Exercise 21.4-2, how many bits are necessary to store
$x.rank$ for each node$x$ ?
Using Exercise 21.4-2, give a simple proof that operations on a disjoint-set forest with union by rank but without path compression run in
$O(m\lg n)$ time.
Professor Dante reasons that because node ranks increase strictly along a simple path to the root, node levels must monotonically increase along the path. In other words, if
$x.rank > 0$ and$x.p$ is not a root, then level($x$ )$\le$ level$(x.p)$. Is the professor correct?
No. Think about an extreme condition
Consider the function
$\alpha'(n) = \min \{k: A_k(1) \ge \lg(n + 1)\}$ . Show that$\alpha'(n) \le 3$ for all practical values of$n$ and, using Exercise 21.4-2, show how to modify the potential-function argument to prove that we can perform a sequence of$m$ MAKESET, UNION, and FIND-SET operations,$n$ of which are MAKE-SET operations, on a disjoint-set forest with union by rank and path compression in worst-case time$O(m \alpha'(n))$ .