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VimWiki To Org Mode πŸ¦„

Migration to Org mode, made a bit easier


Install or update

pip install -U vimwiki-to-org

What it does:

Converts this:

= Header1 =
== Header2 ==
=== Header3 ===
==== Heading4 ====
===== Heading5 =====
====== Heading6 ======

*bold text*
_italic text_

[[some wiki|description for some wiki file]]

* bullet list item 1
* bullet list item 2
    1) numbered list item 1
    2) numbered list item 2

def greet(s):
    print("Hello, " + s)

`echo "42"`

| a table |  |
|         |  |


To this:

* Header1 
** Header2 
*** Header3 
**** Heading4 
***** Heading5 
****** Heading6 

*bold text*
/italic text/

[[some][description for some wiki file]]

- bullet list item 1
- bullet list item 2
    1) numbered list item 1
    2) numbered list item 2

#+begin_src python
def greet(s):
    print("Hello, " + s)


~echo "42"~

| a table |  |
|         |  |



Launch via CLI

vimwiki_to_org -d ~/vimwiki -o ./some_dir/


python -m vimwiki_to_org -d ~/vimwiki -o ./some_dir/


vimwiki_to_org -h

usage: vimwiki_to_org [-h] [-d WIKI_PATH] [-o OUTPUT_PATH]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d WIKI_PATH, --wiki-path WIKI_PATH
                        path to vimwiki directory (optional) (default: /home/USERNAME/vimwiki/)
  -o OUTPUT_PATH, --output-path OUTPUT_PATH
                        path to output directory (optional) (default: PROJECT_DIR/converted_files/)


  • Make it easier to migrate over existing VimWiki files to .org files
  • Have a reasonable amount .wiki file content converted to it's .org equivalent (at least 60-70%) so there's less to manually edit.


Extend for your own situation:

  • The current config should be good enough for most basic VimWiki markdown, but everyone's notes are different.
  • Configure the regex and the markdown replacements for your specific situation.

Your ~/vimwiki/ directory is safe:

  • Your .wiki files are not modified, just read.
  • Regular files are not touched (.png, etc). Those will have to be manually transferred.

Keep your linked pages:

  • Links between .wiki files are converted to link to their new .org pages.
[[SomeWikiPage]] -> [[]]

Regex is applied by priority:

  • Headers, code blocks and links get handled first before converting text emphasis markdown
  • This is to avoid accidentally converting things like:
    • underscores used in a code block to italic text: some_var_name -> some/var/name
    • file names with underscores converted to italic text: file:some_file_name.png -> file:some/file/name.png
    • etc, etc.