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Direction and Normal

Root Types and Parameters

All parameters

Default Parameters

For all cases:

  • PosX: current cursor position
  • PosY: current cursor position
  • PosZ: current cursor position
  • CasterX: current caster position
  • CasterY: current caster position
  • CasterZ: current caster position

With Scheduler:

  • Time: current scheduler time

Spell Action


  • TickUsing: ticks player is using this spell
  • Power: The power factor of this spell
  • CastX: Position where this spell is casted
  • CastY: Position where this spell is casted
  • CastZ: Position where this spell is casted



  • TickCount: Ticks this projectile has existed
  • ProjectileX: Position of this projectile (when root block is initiated)
  • ProjectileY: Position of this projectile (when root block is initiated)
  • ProjectileZ: Position of this projectile (when root block is initiated)

Custom Particle


  • TickCount: Ticks this particle has existed

Block Types

Action Blocks (20)

All logic action block types


Executes either one of the 2 action blocks based on a condition

  • param predicate (bool expression): condition
  • param action (action block, default empty): action block to execute when predicate results in true
  • param fallback (action block, default empty): action block to execute when predicate results in false


Executes multiple action blocks at the same time, with the same context

  • param children (list of action blocks): action blocks to execute


Delays execution of an action block

  • param tick (int expression): tick to delay
  • param child (action block): action block to be executed later


Move the position and orientation of execution context

  • param modifiers (list of modifier): a list of modifiers to move
  • param child (action block): subsequent action block using new position and orientation


Selects entity using entity selectors, and process them using entity processors

  • param selector (entity selector): selector to determine a list of entities to process
  • param processors (list of entity processor): a list of processors to run over for the entities selected
  • param target (enum):
    • ENEMY: all entities that are not allied with spell caster
    • ENEMY_NO_FAMILY all entities that are not allied with spell caster, except the ones that are the same type and don't hate spell caster
    • ALLY: all entities that are allied with spell caster
    • ALLY_OR_FAMILY all entities that are allied with spell caster, or the ones that are the same type and don't hate spell caster


  • Using ENEMY_NO_FAMILY can help to prevent friendly fire without needing to setup team system
  • Using ALLY_OR_FAMILY can help to give positive effects to other players without needing to setup team system

All iterator action block types

All iterators have an optional param called index. It for specifying the name of iterating index as variable. It starts from 0, and ends at step-1. You can use it to do calculation for subsequent blocks.


Execute an action block for multiple times

  • param step (int expression): step to iterate
  • param child (action block): action block to execute repeatedly
  • param index (optional string): variable name for index. If you don't need index as variable, just don't add this to the block to improve efficiency.

Note that most iterators are actually simplification of an iterate block with another commonly used block.


Execute an action block for multiple times, with delays between them.

  • param step (int expression): step to iterate
  • param delay (int expression): delay in ticks between steps
  • param child (action block): action block to execute repeatedly
  • param index (optional string): variable name for index. If you don't need index as variable, just don't add this to the block to improve efficiency.

Note that first step (index = 0) will be executed immediately.

iterate_delayed TODO


Execute an action block for multuple times over a sequence of points on a straight line

  • param step (int expression): step to iterate
  • param child (action block): action block to execute repeatedly
  • param index (optional string): variable name for index. If you don't need index as variable, just don't add this to the block to improve efficiency.

Other optional parameters:

  • param aloneDir (double expression, default 0): step size along dir
  • param offset (static vector, default (0,0,0)): alternative direction to move toward
  • param aloneOffset (double expression, default 0): step size along alternative direction
  • param startFromOrigin (static bool, default true): whether to start from pos or pos+dir*alongDir+offset*alongOffset. Note that in either case, index will start from 0.


Execute an action block for multuple times over a sequence of points on an arc

  • param count (int expression): total number of times to iterate
  • param child (action block): action block to execute repeatedly
  • param index (optional string): variable name for index. If you don't need index as variable, just don't add this to the block to improve efficiency.
  • param radius (float expression): radius of the arc
  • param minAngle (float expression, default -180): starting angle in degree
  • param maxAngle (float expression, default 180): ending angle in degree
  • param maxInclusive (static bool, default false):
    • If true, index = 0 will be at minAngle, and index = count - 1 will be at maxAngle
    • If false, index = 0 will be at minAngle, and index = count - 1 will ba 1 step away from maxAngle

If angle between minAngle and maxAngle is 360 degree, using maxInclusive = false yields uniform distribution over a circle. However, if the angle in between is smaller, it's recommended to set maxInclusive to true.

Note that if you set maxInclusive = true while having count = 1, game will crash


Select several random points on a fan with specified angle range and radius range. The chance of selecting at any point is the same regardless of the distance to origin.

Can also be used to select points on a ring (maxAngle-minAngle=360), on a pie (minRadius = 0), or on a circle (intersection of previous 2 special cases).

  • param count (int expression): total number of times to iterate
  • param child (action block): action block to execute repeatedly
  • param index (optional string): variable name for index. If you don't need index as variable, just don't add this to the block to improve efficiency.
  • param minRadiuss (float expression): minimum radius to select a point
  • param maxRadiuss (float expression): maximum radius to select a point
  • param minAngle (float expression, default -180): starting angle in degree
  • param maxAngle (float expression, default 180): ending angle in degree

Extra variables: Normally iterators gives one variable defined by index, but this block gives 2 extra variables if you hve index defined:

  • <index>_radius: the actual radius selected
  • <index>_angle: the actual angle selected If you use index="i", then "i_radius" and "i_angle" will also be added to variable list.

All particle / sound action block types

particle TODO

block_particle TODO

item_particle TODO

dust_particle TODO

transition_particle TODO

sound TODO

All block action block types

set_block TODO

set_block_facing TODO

remove_block TODO

knock_block TODO

ContextPredicates (6)

All context predicates

and TODO


move TODO

block TODO

top_surface TODO

replaceable TODO

Modifiers (10)

All modifier types


Move pos in the direction of dir by distance

  • param distance (float expression)


Rotate dir with normal vector of normal

  • param degree (float expression): degree to rotate for Y-Rot
  • param vertical (float expression, default 0): degree to rotate for X-Rot (positive means closer to normal)


Move pos with absolute offset

  • param x (float expression, default 0)
  • param y (float expression, default 0)
  • param z (float expression, default 0)


Set dir to an absolute value. Will be normalized if it's not unit vector

  • param x (float expression, default 0)
  • param y (float expression, default 0)
  • param z (float expression, default 0)


Move pos with a random offset

  • param shape (enum), specifies the shape of the random distribution.
  • param x (float expression, default 0): scales x-axis of the random vector
  • param y (float expression, default 0): scales y-axis of the random vector
  • param z (float expression, default 0): scales z-axis of the random vector


  • RECT: uniform distribution of a [-1,1]^3 unit cube. Same as using offset with rand(-x,x), rand(-y,y), rand(-z-z)
  • SPHERE: uniform distribution on surface of a unit sphere.
  • GAUSSIAN: uniform Gaussian distribution.


Set normal to an absolute value. Will be normalized if it's not unit vector

  • param x (float expression, default 0)
  • param y (float expression, default 0)
  • param z (float expression, default 0)


Let dir = normal


Let normal = dir


Set pos to current caster position


Set dir to current caster facing

EntitySelectors (8)

All selector types


Selects the caster itself


Moves the position and orientation of the selector using modifiers, then invoke subsequent selectors

  • param modifiers: a list of modifiers to move
  • param child: subsequent selectors using new position and orientation


Selects with a single bounding box of shape [-size/2, size/2]x[0, y]x[-size/2, size/2].

  • param size (float expression): width of the box
  • param y (float expression): height of the box
  • param center (static bool, default false):
    • If true, use pos as the center of the box
    • If false, use pos as the center bottom of the box


Merges results of multiple selectors

  • param function (enum): UNION for merging
  • param selectors: a list of selectors to merge


A series of box selectors in a line

  • param step (int expression): number of steps to move forward
  • param size (float expression): size of the bounding box, also the step size to move forward

Note that there will be step+1 boxes, from pos to pos+dir*size*step


A series of box selectors in an arc

  • param step (int expression): number of steps to divide the arc
  • param radius (float expression): radius of the arc
  • param size (float expression): size of the bounding box
  • param minAngle (float expression, default -180): starting angle in degree
  • param maxAngle (float expression, default 180): ending angle in degree

Note that there will be step+1 boxes, from minAngle to maxAngle


Approximated Cylinder selector with 5 boxes, from bottom center of the cylinder

  • param r (float expression): radius of the cylinder
  • param y (float expression): height of the cylinder


Approximated Ball selector with 7 boxes, from center of the ball

  • param r (float expression): radius of the ball

EntityProcessors (5)

All processor types


  • param damage_type: damage type id, vanilla or modded
  • param damage (float expression) damage to deal
  • param indirect (static bool, default false) make the damage indirect
  • param positioned (static bool, default true) supply damage origin. Vanilla use it to calculate shield blocking, default damange knockback, etc


Knock back target, facing from damage position to target. Triggers knockback events. Exact effect affected by knockback resistance.

  • param knockback (float expression), knockback strength
  • param angle (float expression, default 0), angle to shift the knockback direction in Y-Rot
  • param tilt (float expression, default 0), angle to shift the knockback direction in X-Rot

Note that y-axis component in knockback vector will be discarded. Use push if you want y-axis movement.


Push target, facing depending on parameter. Unaffected by knockback resistance.

  • param speed (float expression), push strength
  • param angle (float expression, default 0), angle to shift the push direction in Y-Rot
  • param tilt (float expression, default 0), angle to shift the push direction in X-Rot
  • param vector: enum that determines push direction:
    • UNIFORM: push direction aligns with dir
    • TO_CENTER: push direction is a factor from pos to entity center
    • TO_BOTTOM: push direction is a factor from pos to entity position


  • param effect: mob effect ID
  • param duration (int expression): duration of effect in ticks
  • param amplifier (int expression, default 0): level of effect, Lv.I is 0
  • param ambient (static bool, default false): if the effect is ambient (constantly refreshed)
  • param visible (static bool, default true): if the effect shows effect particles


  • param duration (int expression)
  • param property: enum that determines which property to set
    • IGNITE set entity to be ignited for x ticks
    • FREEZE set entity to be frozen for x ticks already (note that entity unfroze at double rate, so it's x/2 ticks to continue freezing)


Port L2magic 1.21 to 1.20.1







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