DM For Facebook and Instagram Bruteforce/Dictionary attack hacking script, Telegram:
A Script to Phish and Get Victim's Login Credentials.
PhishHack is a beginner's friendly, automated and ultimate phishing tool in python. The tool Includes popular websites like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, GitHub, Dropbox, and many others. Created with Flask and tunneled with ngrok. It also has custom templates in it.
- Beginner's friendly
- Auto install all required modules
- Multiple tunneling options
- Ngrok
- Localhost
- Victim information (like, IP,user-agent,continent,country,region name,city,district,zip code,latitude-longitude and ISP)
- Phishing short url ( i.e.: )
requires the following programs to run properly -
python3. Version
Run script:
$ git clone
$ cd PhishHack/
$ python3
- Install required modules to run
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
If you have questions or need any help, Message me here: @cybergeek
PhishHack Usage for exploiting targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. It's the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable laws both local, state and federal. The Developer assume no liability and is not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this script