geneName complement(3668847..3668981) #FF0000
geneName 3668847..3668981 #00FF00
Note that we pre-define some Color. We can use the word listed follow to access.
- red
- blue
- green
- black
- white
- purple
- brown
- skyblue
- pink
geneName complement(3668847..3668981) purple
geneName 3668847..3668981 pink
docker build -t georgezhao/landa:1.0 .
docker run -d -p 1080:1080 georgezhao/landa:1.0
mkdir build
cd build
make -j
usage: LineAndArrow --input=string --output=string [options] ...
-i, --input Path to Input File (string)
-o, --output Name of Output. (string)
-s, --stdout Print SVG in STDOUT.
--datapath Work Path (string [=./])
--tmppath Tmp Path (string [=./])
-?, --help print this message
# Output to ./o_file.svg
./LineAndArrow --input --output o_file
usage: [-h] [-e E] [--port PORT]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-e E Path to LineAndArrow.
--port PORT Port(Default: 8080)
python3.8 -W ignore -u --port 8080 -e ./LineAndArrow.exe
And Then visit: http://YourAddr:YourPort/LineAndArrow?D=1&Data=YourBase64CodeData
Add File named lineandarrow.wsgi:
import sys
import os
sys.path.insert(0, 'Path_to_the_folder_of_server/src')
from server import path_to_exe
path_to_exe = '/Path_to_LineAndArrow/LineAndArrow.exe'
from server import app as application
Add Config to Your site_config. (e.g. /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/*.conf)
WSGIScriptAlias / /Path_to_the_folder_of_wsgi_file/lineandarrow.wsgi
<Directory /Path_to_the_folder_of_wsgi_file>
AllowOverride None
Require all granted
<Directory /Path_to_the_folder_of_server>
AllowOverride None
Require all granted
Restart Your Apache2 server
sudo service apache2 restart
And Then visit: http://YourAddr:YourPort/LineAndArrow?D=1&Data=YourBase64CodeData