Photo by Vincent Guth on Unsplash
Recently I heard a story about a guy. He was one of the best in his sport. Last year he won the overall championship. This year he failed to do so. The overwhelming frustrations got him thinking to quit, what he loves most. I thought I share some thoughts on that topic.
"We can each define ambition and progress for ourselves. The goal is to work toward a world where expectations are not set by the stereotypes that hold us back, but by our personal passion, talents and interests." - Sheryl Sandberg
It doesn't matter in what field you excel. Whether it's sport or programming or any endeavor in life. Often we encounter success followed by failure. How can we overcome the temporary discomfort and keep our eyes on the goal?
Most of us work towards a goal we set ourselves. Accomplishing the goal sets expectations for our next achievement. And that's where we have to be careful.
We compare the previous journey to the one that's ahead. We give our actions a new frame. We already know what it's like to be on top. We develop a sense of ownership to that goal.
We start to think and act differently. We "know" what had led to previous success. We start to redefine our approach to the problems without giving it all.
And that's where we start losing. The moment we think we are entitled to something, we stop going all in.
Being entitled to something and owning something only can lead to loss. There is nothing more to win, since you already have it.
You change your mentality. You're up there. You only can look downwards. You lost the drive that was needed to get you up there.
You also stop to respect the competition, since you already own it. You stop giving credit for trying and failing. You levitate yourself in a state of superior presence.
We expect that something will happen. Our limited mind with all is biases tricks us into thinking that action A lead to result B. This misvaluation causes failure and we don't see it.
Only after the fall we start to realize what went wrong but then it's too late for this round and you start to questioning yourself.
That's the moment when you have to refocus. Reevaluate. Resharp. And start all over.
You already have been one of the best. It's in you. Now it's again on you to take it back. But your future is only as bright as you can see it.
Where do expectations happen? They happen in our own head. In our mind.
Our mind is like the rider on a horse. Every change in our mind changes the direction of that horse.
There are thoughts that can derail you from your goal and thoughts that can help you towards your goal.
A goal is pure. Once the goal is reached, maintaining the state is a new goal. You can't expect. All you can do is put in the work.
Failing is part of the process. Learn from it and cultivate motivation. You're back in the race.
Learn from your setback.
Learn from your shortcomings.
Start with an earthquake.
Focus on the "is" rather than the "should".
"In life, it’s not the genetic guy who wins or the guy with the most potential who wins; it’s the person with the greatest perseverance who wins. Always be willing to get up and go at it again and again. That’s the guy who has his hands raised later in life. That’s the guy you guys need to be." – Greg Plitt
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Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash