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An easy to use Python wrapper for pubproxy's public proxy API.


NOTE: The minimum python version for this library is 3.7, check with python -V or python3 -V if you're unsure about your current version.

Install the pubproxpy package using your standard Python package manager e.g.

$ pip install pubproxpy

As always you are recommended to install into a virtual environment.

Keyless API Limitations

API Daily Limits

At the time of writing this without an API key the pubproxy API limits users to 5 proxies per request and 50 requests per day. The maximum proxies per request is always used to minimize rate limiting along with getting the most proxies possible within the request limit meaning you should get 250 proxies per day without needing an API key.

API Rate Limiting

Without an API key pubproxy limits users to one request per second so a ProxyFetcher will try to ensure that at most only one request per second is done without an API key. This is synchronized between ProxyFetchers, but this is not thread safe so make sure all ProxyFetchers are on one thread in one program if you have no API key. The rate limiting is quite severe, so upon being hit the API seems to deny requests for several minutes/hours.

Quickstart Example

from pubproxpy import Level, Protocol, ProxyFetcher

# ProxyFetcher for proxies that use the socks5 protocol, are located in
# the US or Canada and support POST requests
socks_pf = ProxyFetcher(
    protocol=Protocol.SOCKS5, countries=["US", "CA"], post=True

# ProxyFetcher for proxies that support https, are elite anonymity level,
# and connected in 15 seconds or less
https_pf = ProxyFetcher(
    protocol=Protocol.HTTP, https=True, level=Level.ELITE, time_to_connect=15

# Get one socks proxy, followed by 10 https proxies
# NOTE: even though there are multiple `ProxyFetcher`s the delays are
#       coordinated between them to prevent rate limiting
socks_proxy = socks_pf.get()[0]  # Get a single socks proxy
https_proxies = https_pf.get(10)  # Get 10 https proxies

# And then if you want to get any remaining proxies left over in the local list
# before stopping then you can!
unused_proxies = socks_pf.drain()

# Do something with the proxies, like spawn worker threads that use them


Getting proxies is handled by the ProxyFetcher class. There are several parameters you can pass on initialization to narrow down the proxies to a suitable type. From there you can just call .get(amount=1) to receive a list of amount proxies where each proxy is in the form of "{ip}:{port}". There is an internal blacklist to ensure that the same proxy IP and port combo will not be used more than once by any ProxyFetcher, unless exclude_used is False.

ProxyFetcher Parameters

Since the API doesn't check pretty much anything for correctness, we do our best in the ProxyFetcher to ensure nothing is wrong. As far as I know the only thing that isn't checked is that the countries or not_countries actually use the correct codes.

Parameter Type Description
exclude_used bool [Default: True] If the ProxyFetcher should prevent re-returning proxies
api_key str API key for a paid account, you can also set $PUBPROXY_API_KEY to pass your key, passing the api_key parameter will override the env-var if both are present
level pubproxpy.Level [Options: ANONYMOUS, ELITE] Proxy anonymity level
protocol pubproxpy.Protocol [Options: HTTP, SOCKS4, SOCKS5] Desired communication protocol
countries str or list<str> Locations of the proxy using the ISO-3166 alpha-2 country code, Incompatible with not_countries
not_countries str or list<str> Blacklist locations of the proxy using the ISO-3166 alpha-2 country code, Incompatible with countries
last_checked int [Bounds: 1-1000] Minutes since the proxy was checked
port int Proxies using a specific port
time_to_connect int [Bounds: 1-60] How many seconds it took for the proxy to connect
cookies bool Supports requests with cookies
google bool Can connect to Google
https bool Supports HTTPS requests
post bool Supports POST requests
referer bool Supports referer requests
user_agent bool Supports forwarding user-agents

ProxyFetcher Methods

Keeping it simple (stupid), so just .get(amount=1) and .drain().

Method Returns
.get(amount=1) List of amount proxies, where each proxy is a str in the form "{ip}:{port}"
.drain() Returns any proxies remaining in the current list, useful if you are no longer getting proxies and want to save any left over


All the exceptions are defined in pubproxpy.errors.

Exception Description
ProxyError Base exception that all other pubproxpy errors inherit from, also raised when the API returns an unknown response
APIKeyError Error raised when the API gives an incorrect API Key response
RateLimitError Error raised when the API gives a rate-limiting response (more than 1 request per second)
DailyLimitError Error raised when the API gives the daily request limit response