Simple PSR-0 and PSR-4 Style Autoloaders.
The PSR-0 Autoloader does not include the Zend style underscore to / translation.
Autoloader is available through Packagist via Composer
"require": {
"corpus/autoloader": "1.*"
These are simple autoloaders, that operate on the SPL autoloader stack order. You use one instance per directory or namespace.
use Corpus\Autoloader\Psr0;
use Corpus\Autoloader\Psr4;
// PSR-0 Autoloader
spl_autoload_register( new Psr0('/vendor/path/blah') );
// PSR-4 Autoloader
spl_autoload_register( new Psr4('My\\Prefix', '/vendor/path/blah') );