All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
2.3.0-coreum.14 (2025-01-31)
- update hook to get the price from message (f5319e1)
2.3.0-coreum.13 (2025-01-29)
- update template for dex place order to highlight the most important information (873edee)
2.3.0-coreum.12 (2025-01-27)
- polish logic to get sender and amount (8ae682b)
2.3.0-coreum.11 (2025-01-27)
- update price handle for dex place order msg (f507dcb)
2.3.0-coreum.10 (2025-01-27)
- add formatting of number for place order (c3cccd6)
2.3.0-coreum.9 (2025-01-23)
- add display of domain name for the account if it's present (550b219)
2.3.0-coreum.8 (2025-01-21)
- add console log for the result of querying the bidds client (9ec317f)
2.3.0-coreum.7 (2025-01-20)
- handle total supply in assets page (b641ded)
2.3.0-coreum.6 (2025-01-20)
- add domain search support to big dipper (da6794a)
2.3.0-coreum.5 (2025-01-17)
- add formatting for the denoms for messages of asset ft (ca1f8e5)
2.3.0-coreum.4 (2025-01-16)
- display raw_message in json format for custom messages (e5d4f47)
2.3.0-coreum.3 (2025-01-16)
- update templates for messages (6871287)
2.3.0-coreum.2 (2025-01-10)
- update constructors of msg_clear_admin and msg_transfer_admin (849f980)
2.3.0-coreum.1 (2025-01-10)
- update constructors of new custom msgs (ec70b1b)
2.3.0-coreum.0 (2025-01-08)
- add support for custom messages, add dex params (8936061)
2.2.1-coreum.3 (2024-11-12)
2.2.1-coreum.2 (2024-11-08)
- Remove patch from standard version (7d5851f)
2.2.1-coreum.1 (2024-11-08)
- read tag from coreum app folder (883a63b)
2.2.1-coreum.0 (2024-11-08)
- add asset to search placeholder (f8d213b)
- add auth params (2586105)
- add breadcrumb (551f0db)
- add breadcrumb for proposal details page (207732a)
- add Bridge transactions history for Coreum -> XRPL (#92) (6587ac4)
- add calculation of price change 24h, update chart configs (665abf1)
- add charts for assets and asset pages (eac48a3)
- add formatting of token and denoms (#96) (43e6d31)
- add height to the proposal details page (d143506)
- add loader to transaction details messages (ef12c09)
- add name to the proposal details page (7ec013d)
- add support of xrpl assets (#91) (f5fd4ad)
- add table of assets for desktop view (d74e8eb)
- add VERSION to docker build (f9b9358)
- add VERSION to runner stage in Dockerfile (e00042c)
- add version to settings modal (a18b9ef)
- add xrpl assets support for others tokens seciton of account details (de4477f)
- add xrpl to coreum transactions (#93) (f89bd13)
- connect assets page with api (535373a)
- format 'available' for known assets (c601e1c)
- handle formating of huge numbers (8a29349)
- handle xrpl explorer links, update styles for table cells in bridge tx history (#94) (87212a2)
- hide token_upgrade_decision_timeout & token_upgrade_grace_period params from ft token params (a2dbb48)
- improve getFormatString function (fedb433)
- improve search, add address validations for account details page (69a1ec2)
- optimize page loading for bridge tx history (#95) (337d68a)
- polish styles (#100) (ea3ef7a)
- polish ui (0f0f607)
- redo the fetch when error is returned (a3704be)
- remove base_proposal_reward and bonus_proposal_reward (929f394)
- update assets supply (14ac4cc)
- update bridge tx histories (b33c524)
- update chain for ibc assets, update other tokens section with registered assets (e86b6c9)
- update chart data to take latest 7 days (b19435a)
- update denom fetch for token_price table (3481859)
- update formatting for amounts, add view on explorer links (#99) (c11a2b1)
- update hoverings for asset page, add default logo (6e07dcc)
- update loading state for assets, update social url icons (56f4309)
- update logic for navigation from account screen using back breadcrumb (e0d7954)
- update messages in tx details, update formatNumberWithThousandsSeparator function (#90) (ec29a85)
- update msg (2987c70)
- update other tokens to display denom (11aa96f)
- update queries for validators to handle all validators (#97) (c43edbd)
- update sender and destination addresses formatting in bridge tx history (4c40a06)
- update token price fetching to use token_price table's value from bdjuno (ed43565)
- update token type, rename subunit to denom (2efe5d3)
- update transactions amount format (135fdd8)
- update transactions list in home page (56b18c2)
- update ui after design check (#80) (bbe6022)
- update version (0d67e6d)
- update way of displaying of chain in assets and asset pages (f550696)
- upgrade version of next (2a477bf)
- use assets data for ibc token in token details (c132192)
- use ibc token precision to format numbers (24184f8)
- add contract validation (76048f6)
- add missing field to web-coreum general_types (7dd076a)
- assets denoms (4cdc7e7)
- assets list overflow (2bbf9e6)
- check for quorum params (fe3b0bd)
- comment unused code (46d7159)
- consensus section data (a3a34b0)
- handle coreum tokens in other tokens section (9e33b64)
- handle empty asset links (556742c)
- handle failed requests response to prevent pages crash (a38d36c)
- handle token denom presence (e9ce655)
- handle very small numbers in assets and asset pages (11ad395)
- hide token price change (2c6ba3b)
- latest block proposer overlap (6dd98e5)
- move pages title in the exist's wrapper (b1a5ab9)
- optimize and simplify the search function, add ability to search assets by partial includes (58bffe0)
- polish messages of transaction details (f79db9c)
- polish styles for bridge tx table (9dd6676)
- remove comment (7f01821)
- responsiveness of other tokens section (91de3a0)
- revert length of proposal's description (96d1745)
- set the rule for rendering of network switcher (73e3f66)
- update account details hook, add logs (a33b4d5)
- update account state handling (cdfac9f)
- update assets screen ui (6a40221)
- update available for mobile devices (e11470e)
- update formating for very low balances in account details page (c632908)
- update hooks for account staking data (6c77f95)
- update Less than 0.0001$ message (76d026e)
- update link to assets.json (b68770a)
- update logic of getting and display the data in price chart (a1bad7b)
- update mobile view for transactions details list items, when message is too long (864702b)
- update msg to ibc_transfer (a0eabe7)
- update msg with updated token-registry (869907f)
- update nextjs package for ui (3ba5297)
- update parse of numbers in msg (4b1add9)
- update price chart render to remove inconsistency between current price (42539e7)
- update process of formating of available other tokens (562b903)
- update proposals page to prevent layout crash, handle correct key for list item in proposals to prevent page crash, update layout of proposal's description in proposals details page (#98) (a890320)
- update rendering rules for online voting power (28b5904)
- update sorting function for assets list (0c7110b)
- update sortKey for name (e343e0b)
- update the way of processing transactions (0eea0ff)
- update ticks count depends on current network (093c0a4)
- update token_price_history time range (3945ad3)
- update usage of token price history (092f146)
- update validators mobile view (ccee242)
- update version (1eaf066)
- usage of maxValidators value from staking params in dataBlocks of home page (ffb4870)
- use correct denom to fetch token price (25c6e8a)
- validator query state update (0077f48)