Strathclyde Learning Analytics Test Environment, or SLATE is an experimental environment in which Learning Analytics's can be studied. The over all aim of the project is to consume grades and other related data of students and, flag up areas of concern. This will take the form of a student dashboard, enabling progress tracking and a more feature filled lecturer/TA dashboard that will provide deeper information to allow for meaningful and time sensitive interventions in the hope of increasing student attainment.
The project consists of a SPA client written in AngularJs (1.4.x), and a Java (SpringMVC) server that provides a RESTful API and Data mining capabilities.
This is my dissertation project for my degree in Computer Science at the University of Strathclyde.
The project is structured as follows:
- repository
- docs
- src
- client - contains the SPA client
- server - contains the Java Application server
Thomas Maxwell -
This project can not be copied and/or distributed without the express permission of the authors.