Modulo che abilita Authentication e Authorization Control nel contesto del progetto SIMPATICO/SPRINT
Il progetto SPRINT intende valorizzare alcuni risultati del progetto SIMPATICO ( volti a migliorare e semplificare l’interazione tra cittadino e servizi online. L’obiettivo del progetto è di creare un kit che permetta una facile integrazione di alcune funzioni avanzate di SIMPATICO in un generico portale della Pubblica Amministrazione e/o in un servizio online.
Authentication e Authorization Control component (ACC), che fa parte della famiglia di tools messa in riuso, e' il componente che abilita la gestione dell'autenticazione e della gestione degli accessi nei tool messi in riuso.
La descrizione completa e tecnica di utilizzo dei diversi componenti si trova nel documento di progetto
Per maggiori informazioni è possibile consultare:
- documento di progetto
Il prodotto è stabile e production ready e usato in produzione dal Comune di Trento. Lo sviluppo avviene sia su richiesta degli Enti utilizzatori, sia su iniziativa autonoma del maintainer.
Il repository è organizzato con una struttura di directory tipica dei progetti Java Apache Maven.
- nella cartella src sono presenti i sorgenti
- Nella directory doc e' presente la documentazione del progetto SPRINT
license: Apache 2.0 mainCopyrightOwner: 'Smart Community Lab, FBK and Comune di Trento' repoOwner: 'Smart Community Lab, FBK and Comune di Trento'
name: Marco Pistore email: affiliation: Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Le segnalazioni di sicurezza vanno inviate all'indirizzo
Authentication and Authorization Control Module.
This module exposes the OAuth2.0 protocol functionality for user authentication and for the authorization of resource access (e.g., APIs). The module allows for managing user registration and for athenticating user using social accounts, in particular Google+ and Facebook.
In SIMPATICO project is used as a Identity Server and allows for federating different components of the platform (e.g., IFE, Citizenpedia, etc). It is also used to protect the access to the platform component APIs (e.g., logging, CDV, SF).
- RDBMS (tested on MySQL 5.5+)
- Java 1.7+
- J2EE Servlet Container (tested on Apache Tomcat 7.*+)
- Apache Maven (3.0+)
MySQL Installation
- Create a new schema (for example acprovider).
- Create a new user, (for example name ac password ac).
- Give the user all the privileges for the new schema.
The default properties may be changed in /main/resources/
Build Project
The project is implemented to be built with Apache Maven. To build the project, execute the following command:
./mvnw package
This will create the aac.war in target folder. The arcihve is ready for deployment in standard servlet container. The AAC management console is available at
Configure properties in:
From the root of the project:
- Try the system executing
docker-compose up
- Run as a daemon executing
docker-compose start
- Stop the daemon executing
docker-compose stop
The configuration properties of the project are available in /main/resources/ They include
DB configuration
Defined with jdbc.+ properties.
External authentication
To configure the authentication using social accounts (i.e., Google or Facebool) it is necessary to specify the corresponding properties namely google.+ and fb.+. Refer to the corresponding provider documentation for the instructions on how to obtain the clientId and client secrets for Google and Facebook.
External URL
If the app is exposed externally on a custom domain, the application.url property should declare the AAC endpoint on that domain, e.g.
Access to the developer console
The development console (/aac/dev) is used to configure AAC OAuth2 client applications that use AAC as Authorization Server (e.g., IFE, CDV, Citizenpedia). By default any user may access and create the client applications. In order to avoid this, set mode.restricted property to true and configure the enabled accounts in the authorized account list (defined with the ac.admin.file property). Specified the authorized accounts in this file as follows (one account role per line):
< authority>;< attrkey>;< attrvalue>;< role>
where authority stands for google, facebook or internal; attrkey stands for identity attribute for that authority (OIDC_CLAIM_email for Google, id for d Facebook, and email for internal logn respectively), attrvalue defines the value of the attribute, and role defines the possible role (one of admin or developer). For example,
associates the role admin to the user with email if authenticated with Google account.
Support Email
Support email address to be contacted in case of error or administration issues. It will be displayed on error pages.
This is a scenario where AAC is used as an Idenity Provider in a federated authentication environment. This is the case, for example, for IFE authentication or Citizenpedia.
To enable this scenario, AAC exposes OAuth2 protocol. Specifically, it is possible to use OAuth2.0 Implicit Flow as follows.
1.1. Register Client App in the AAC developer console (/aac/dev).
To do this
- Login with authorized account (see access configuration above);
- Click New App and specify the corresponding client name
- In the Settings tab check Server-side and Browser access and select the identity providers to be used for user authentication (e.g., google, internal, or facebook). Specify also a list of allowed redirect addresses (comma separated).
- In the Permissions tab select Basic profile service and check and scopes. These scopes are necessary to obtain the information of the currently signed user using AAC API.
1.2. Activate Implicit Flow Authorization
This flow is suitable for the scenarios, where the client application (e.g., client part of a Web appp) makes the authentication and then direct access to the API without passing through its own Web server backend. This allows for generating only a token for a short time period, so the next time the API access is required, the authentication should be performed again. In a nutshell, the flow is realized as follows:
The client app, when there is a need for the token, emits an authorization request to AAC in a browser window.
.The request accepts the following set of parameters:
- client_id: the client_id obtained in developer console Indicates the client that is making the request. The value passed in this parameter must exactly match the value in the console.
- response_type with value token, which determines if the OAuth 2.0 endpoint returns a token.
- redirect_uri: URL to which the AAC will redirect upon user authentication and authorization. The value of this parameter must exactly match one of the values registered in the APIs Console (including the http or https schemes, case , and trailing ‘/’).
- scope: space-delimited set of permissions the application requests Indicates the access your application is requesting.
AAC redirects the user to the authentication page, where the user selects one of the identity providers and performs the sign in.
Once authenticated, AAC asks the user whether the permissions for the requested operations may be granted.
If the user accepts, the browser is redirected to the specified redirect URL, attaching the token data in the url hash part:\_token=025a90d4-d4dd-4d90-8354-779415c0c6d8&token\_type=Bearer&expires\_in=3600
. -
Use the obtained token to obtain user data using the AAC API:
GET /aac/basicprofile/me HTTPS/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json Authorization: Bearer 025a90d4-d4dd-4d90-8354-779415c0c6d8
The result of the invocation describes basic user properties (e.g., userId) that can be used to uniquely identify the user.
In this scenario the goal is to restrict access to the protected resources (e.g., an API endpoint). Also in this case the scenario relies on the use of OAuth2 protocol. The two cases are considered here:
The protected resources deal with user-related data or operation. For example, in case the access to the user profile is performed, access to CDV is performed on behalf of a specific user, etc. In this case (according to OAuth2), the access to the API should be accompanied with the Authorization header that contains the access token obtained via Implicit Flow (or via Authorization Code Flow).
The protected resource does not deal with user-related data or operation and is not performed client-side. In this case, the access to the API should also be accompanied with the Authorization header that contains the access token obtained via OAuth2 client credentials flow.
The protected resource will use the OAuth2 token and dedicated AAC endpoints to ensure that the token is valid and (in case of user-related data) to verify user identity. If the token is not provided or it is not valid, the protected resource should return 401 (Unauthorized) error to the caller.
2.1. AAC API
To obtain the user data the following call should be performed:
GET /aac/basicprofile/me HTTPS/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token-value>
If the token is valid, this returns the user data:
"name": "Mario",
"surname": "Rossi",
"userId": "6789"
To validate the token, i.e., to check the token is not expired and is associated to proper scopes the following call should be performed (optionally, the scope to be checked is passed as scope query parameter, comma-separated):
GET /aac/resources/access HTTPS/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token-value>
The request return value of true (respectively, false) if the token is valid and is applicable for the specified scope.
2.2. Generating Client Credentials Flow Token
In case the access to the non user-resource is performed, it is possible to use access token obtained through OAuth2 client credentials flow. In this flow, the resulting token is associated to an client application only.
The simplest way to obtain such token is through the AAC development console: on the Overview page of the client app use the Get client credentials flow token link to generate the access token. Note that the token is not expiring and therefore may be reused.
Alternatively, the token may be obtained through the AAC Oauth2 token endpoint call:
POST /aac/oauth/token HTTPS/1.1
Accept: application/json
The following parameters should be passed:
- grant_type: value client_credentials
- client_id: client app ID
- client_secret: client secret
A successful response is returned as a JSON object, similar to the following:
"access_token": "025a90d4-d4dd-4d90-8354-779415c0c6d8",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 38937,
"scope": "profile.basicprofile.all"
In order to adapt AAC in different language, it is required to configure the parameter (default_locale) inside file
# default locale.
The resource strings for selected locale can be defined inside resources folder for e.g. following files are available with translations in italian, english, and spanish.
Please make sure to provide translation of all the available strings in the internal_<lang>.properites file.
(Optional) to be used with Internal Login feature. One can also create internal login account registration, password recovery templates in different languages following the existing ones inside folder:
Additional internal login can be activated by setting the parameter(internal.account.enabled) inside file:
# internal account.
This allow enabling of internal account management facility. The functionality requires configruation of mail sender configuration inside the file. With this configuration parameters, one can specify the principal account to be used for sending email on account registration and password recovery:
# smtp configuration(with internal account enabled).
Default implementation requires the newly registered user to confirm the registration by clicking the link in the confirmation mail. To confirm the users without this step, one can perform direct DB update:
UPDATE registration SET confirmed = 1