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This repository contains the Docker components necessary to deploy a local data science development environment. The current configuration includes 2-node HDFS, Zeppelin w/ spark 2.2, Nifi, Kafka, Jupyter notebook, postgres db, and example Python scripts to consume/produce Kafka. Applications and services are largely version-locked to match HDP v2.6.0.3 for development and testing.

  • Jacob McPadden, Thomas JS Durant, Dustin R Bunch, Andreas Coppi, Nathan Price, Kris Rodgerson, Charles J Torre Jr, William Byron, H Patrick Young, Allen L Hsiao, Harlan M Krumholz, Wade L Schulz. “A Scalable Data Science Platform for Healthcare and Precision Medicine Research”, 2018; arXiv:1808.04849.


Prerequisite for Docker on Windows

Due to an update in Hyper-V, some ports are now reserved and cannot be bound within a container. The following will need to be run, which will require system restarts.

At an elevated command prompt (see commands in code block below):

  1. Disable Hyper-V, restart
dism.exe /Online /Disable-Feature:Microsoft-Hyper-V
  1. Reserve ports, enable Hyper-V, restart (note, may take a few minutes for services to fully disable and allow ports to be excluded).
  • To view excluded ports: netsh int ipv4 show excludedportrange protocol=tcp
dism.exe /Online /Disable-Feature:Microsoft-Hyper-V
netsh int ipv4 add excludedportrange protocol=tcp startport=50070 numberofports=1
netsh int ipv4 add excludedportrange protocol=tcp startport=50090 numberofports=1
dism.exe /Online /Enable-Feature:Microsoft-Hyper-V /All


  1. git clone
  2. cd baikal-devenv/compose
  3. docker-compose up -d --build
  4. docker exec hadoop-namenode /bin/bash
  5. docker exec hadoop-namenode /bin/bash


  1. docker-compose down -v


  • All nodes are at either localhost or the virtual host IP address depending on system config
  • NiFi at port 8080
    • Mounted nifi data directory is baikal-dev/nifi/data
    • For connecting to hdfs in nifi use /opt/nifi/conf/hdfs/conf-site.xml
  • installs some packages for PySpark and gives Storm write access to /data and Nifi write access to /user/nifi paths in hdfs
  • Zeppelin is at port 9001
  • StormUI is at port 9090
  • Jupyter is at port 8888
  • Kafka advertise port is 9092

To connect to Kafka using confluent_kafka python API:

from confluent_kafka import Producer
p = Producer({'bootstrap.servers': ''})

Related Repositories

Example applications built on this platform include:

  1. Nucleus - A Platform for Creating Laboratory Business Intelligence Dashboards and Performing Advanced Analytics on Laboratory Data
  2. Electron - Application to Acquire Real-Time Physiologic Monitoring Data