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File metadata and controls

380 lines (282 loc) · 17.6 KB


Environment set up

Set up module

nextflow conf/              \
         --set_seqs /path/to/Viral_candidates_fasta.gz  \
         --setname "MY_VIRAL_CANDIDATES"


Some considerations:

  • Please ensure to lauch this command from the project directory.
  • This step might take some time since it needs to download and process the reference database.
More details about the references setup

This module prepares the file setup and databases to run the pipeline afterward. In the case of databases, the main steps are:

  1. Database download: Viral reference database (RVDB) most recent version is downloaded. If the database is already downloaded in the desired location it will not be downloaded again. This step can be forced by using the flag: --rvdb_update.
  2. Merge database with Viral Candidate sequences: In this step, sequences from the viral candidates set that are not present in the reference database are included. If the merge has been done previously it will not be repeated. The merge can be forced again by using the flag --merge_update.
  3. Split datbase: The full database is split into a subset containing only the sequences classified in the families of interest. Another subset containing the rest of the species is created at the same time. If the subset is already created it will not be created again. It can be forced by using the flag --dbsplit_update .

Note that by redoing any of the described flags, all the downstream steps will be repeated as well. Thus, by activating the flag --rvdb_update, --merge_update is automatically activated; and by activating --merge_update, --dbsplit_update is activated as well. If the run is interrupted for any reason, remember that the -resume nextflow option will restart the pipeline from where it left off in the previous execution.

Configuration file:

The configuration file is named nextflow.config, you can find it in the workflow main directory. It contains the default variables used in each of the steps of the pipeline. If you are interested in changing any of the parameters before running the pipeline you can:

a) Modify the document
All parameters can be modified directly on the configuration file. Preferably, do not modify the filename keep it in the same directory. If you change the filename or directory of the configuration file, or if you are running the pipeline using the GitHub link, you can provide the name of the configuration file as a command line argument using the -params-file option.

b) Add the parameter as a command line option
If you are interested in adjusting only one or a few parameters it might be more convenient to provide these options directly as command line options. You can do so by simply writing: --ParameterOfInterest NewValue. i.e. If you are interested in changing the default number of CPUS to 16 you can run the pipeline as follows:

nextflow run --NCPUS 16

You can find more information on how to custom and provide the configuration file in the nextflow config documentation .

Data summary:

A tabular file containing information about the samples is necessary to run the pipeline, only the samples described in this tabular file will be analyzed. This file must be named "samples_definition.tbl", a template is provided with the repository named "", and it has the following format:

R01_C09_G01	   G1_C_S9	       Illumina	    PE	     Bat_guano	      Capture	         Sample 9 description
R01_C10_G02	   G2_C_S10	       Illumina	    PE	     Bat_guano	      Capture	         Sample 10 description

Only the first two columns are used in the pipeline, but it is recommended to add some metadata information in the tabular file for further data visualizations.

  • Illumina ID is the identifier given in the sample files and corresponds exactly to the root of the raw fastq file name.
  • Sample ID corresponds to the sample identifier that will be used in all the pipeline steps.

In the first step of the pipeline (reads cleaning), the names are changed in such a way that raw reads keep their original ID while clean reads (and everything that comes after) are renamed into de sample ID. If you are not interested in modifying the ids, use the same code in both columns.

Input data:

All samples must be in fastq.gz format. All of them must be placed in the same directory.

It is assumed that input sequence files are paired files named following a pattern. The root name for each sample must be described in the data summary, and the pattern for the suffix referring to each pair of reads must be described in the file ($R1 and $R2 variables).

e.g. if your set of samples is:


Your data summary could be similar to:

sample_A    sample_AA_april_2021
sample_B    sample_bb_april_2021
sample_C    sample_C_april2021

In this manner, you simplify and standardize the name of the files generated all along the pipeline.

And, finally, you should define the pattern in the projectvars as R1="_r01", since this is the pattern for the first file of each pair, and R1="_r02", since this is the pattern for the second file of each pair.

Viral candidates reference sequence fasta file

Fasta file containing the reference sequences of the Viral Candidates. The identifier must be in GENBANK format (acc|PANEL_NAME|seqid|INFO). These sequences will be used as a reference database for alignments (performed with bowtie for the reads and blast for the contigs) and for the taxonomic classification (see "Kaiju databases" subsection).


  • Filtering step with Kaiju: From the nine databases available in \kaiju{} repositories \captvred{} analysis uses \textit{nr-euk} by default since it comprises all taxonomic groups we are interested in discarding. However, the pipeline offers the flexibility to change the reference database or to use a customized one.

    • To use another preset database parameter --raw_kaiju_db. Available options are described in kaiju documentation.
  • Taxonomy assignment: The default database is RVDB, a curated and non-redundant viral database that includes all viral (and virus-like) entries hosted by eukaryotes. In the setup, this database is merged with genomic sequences of Viral Candidates to ensure that all are fully represented. After that, the full database is subsetted to obtain a smaller database including all the species taxonomically classified in the families to which correspond the Viral Candidates. RVDB is the default database in the pipeline. It can be changed with the parameter --refdb_link and providing the full link to download the database (it will be donwloaded by wget).


Clone the repository

Clone the repository from GitHub Running command with default workflow and parametes will be:

nextflow run CAPTVRED [optional parameters] -with-report $RPTDR/Nextflow_execution_report.html


If the pipeline crashes at some point, after solving the probrem the execution can be resumed from the last cached results by using the argument -resume.

nextflow run CAPTVRED [optional parameters] -with-report $RPTDR/Nextflow_execution_report.html -resume

All options and parameters

Pipeline detailed description


Reads quality is performed at four different stages during the pipeline, (1) in the raw reads (before any manipulation of the data), (2) in the clean reads (after the cleaning step) and (3) in the filtered reads (after discarding non-viral reads). FastQC is run with default parameters. In all three cases, the quality assessment is performed using FastQC individually for each file. All FastQC reports in the run are summarized in a single report using multiQC(v1.9). MultiQC is also used to summarize the bam files quality after the alignment of the reads into the reference sequences using bowtie (see section 2.3). In both cases, MultiQC is run with default parameters. The final html reports are copied to the reports directory for the final data visualization.

No parameters can be modified in the quality stage of the pipeline.

More information:


Reads cleaning is performed using BBDuk(BBMap version 38.96), it takes the paired files and processes them (always coupled), and it outputs a pair of mated files (with the suffix _pe1 and _pe2 respectively) and also a singletons file (with the suffix _sgl). As mentioned above, the quality of these files is subsequently assessed with FastQC and MulitQC programs.

All output files (paired and singleton fastq compressed files and quality reports) are saved in the $BDIR/cleanseqs directory.

At this point, the reads identifiers are translated from the Illumina ID to the sample ID (see data summary section).


  • params.bbdukREF

By default, the reference file used in the cleaning step contains the reference Illumina adapters and is given as a BBDUK resource. If you use a different technology and/or adapters, provide them in a comma-separated file.

  • params.bbdukMINLEN

Reads shorter than this after trimming will be discarded, BBDuk uses 10 by default, in this pipeline the minlength is set to 32.

  • params.bbduqMAQ

Minimum average quality, reads with average quality (after trimming) below this will be discarded. BBDuk, by default has no threshold value (maq=0), for CAPTVRED, threshold is set to 10.

(Remember that you can modify any of the parameters in the config file or directly from the command line.)

More information: BBDUK guide

Filter and discard non-viral reads

Before mapping or assembling steps, we try to discard reads identified as non-viral species (such as eukaryotic, archaea, or bacterial DNA). To do so, a fast taxonomic classification is performed using Kaiju(v.1.9.0). Paired and single reads are assigned to a taxonomic group separately and, later, merged in the same file to generate a tab-separated summary and a krona plot in HTML format (you can find these files in $BDIR/taxonomy/kaiju/"sample_ID"/reads_taxon directory). All reads assigned to non-viral are discarded (using seqkit v.0.15.0) and a new set of FASTQ files is saved in the $BDIR/cleaneqs directory with the suffix *.filtered.fastq.gz). As mentioned above, the quality of these files is subsequently assessed with FastQC and MulitQC programs.


  • .params.kaijuDBRAW:

The reference database is used to assign a taxonomic range to the reads. By default it is used nr_euk database, it can be changed by refseq or even by a customized one. You can find more information about different databases in the kaiju GitHub repository.

  • params.kaijuMAX_FORKS, params.kaijuMAX_RETRIES and params.kaijuNCPUS:

Kaiju is the higher resource-consuming program in the pipeline, when running too many kaiju processes in parallel the pipeline may crash, to avoid so, specific parallelization parameters are set for the kaju in both reads taxonomy and contigs taxonomy. kaijuMAX_FORKS refers to the maximum number of process instances that can be executed in parallel, it is set by default to 4. kaijuNCPUS refers to the maximum number of CPUs used in this process, it is set to 26 by default. The error strategy is set to "retry" up to 2 times ( kaijuMAX_RETRIES). You can find more information about directives on this page of the Nextflow documentation.

(Remember that you can modify any of the parameters in the config file or directly from the command line.)

More information:

Reads assembly:

The final set of reads is assembled into contigs for the further taxonomic analysis.


  • params.assembler:

This pipeline is developed to support two assemblers: MEGAHIT and TRINITY. By default the assembly is performed using megahit, which is notably faster and less resource-consuming.

*CONSIDERATIONS ON TRINNIY ASSEMBLER: Trinity is a highly resource-consuming program and requires a higher number of reads than other programs to assemble a contig. For this reason, the maximum memory allowed for this is this option is 250G (you can modify this using the parameter params.trinityMAXM. To avoid the crash of the whole pipeline in the cases when the program is not able to assembly any contig an exception handler has been added to the trinity module; if this happens nextflow will raise a warning, for any further information you will have to look over the log files. Please take into account that this pipeline has been developed to work with environmental samples (from cities sewage), the DNA may be degraded and in some cases trinity may not be able to assembly any contig.*

  • params.megahit_errorHandler: This parameter allows the user to add an error handler in the case that megahit crashes. This might happen when the program is not able to assemble any reads, especially in negative controls or degraded samples. To avoid this, the error handling strategy can be changed to 'ignore' in the configuration file or directly as a CL option.

  • params.assemblyMINCONLEN:

No contigs shorter than this number will be assembled. The same parameter is valid either for megahit or trinity assemblers. Considering the read lengths and the origin of the samples, by default, the minimum contig length is set to 100. After assembling the contigs, the reads are aligned using the contigs set as reference (In this case parameters are --end-to-end --fast) using bowtie and samtools. All sequences longer than 100nt that do not align to any contig, are considered singletons and added to the final assembly.

More information:

Reads alignment on reference sequences:

The final set of contigs is aligned against the set of reference sequences (the ones used to design the capture probes) to see which species were found and what is the coverage. The alignment is performed using the bowtie2 software (v.2.4.2) and after samtools (v.1.1) is used to discard unmapped and low quality reads. This step is performed separately in paired ends reads and single-end reads with the same exact parameters. The bowtie is run always with the end-to-end alignment mode and sensitive presets, these parameters cannot be modified in this pipeline since many false positives and/or low-quality hits have been detected with any other approach.


  • params.alignMINQ This parameter refers to the minimum acceptable quality (in phred score format) of the aligned reads when filtering with samtools. By default, it is set to 13 (Q=13), which is translated in an error probability of 0.05 or a 95% of accuracy.

More information: