A top list generator of any topic you want.
Name | Github Username | |
Alejandro Porras Torrecilla | a.porras.2019@alumnos.urjc.es | skuzow |
Gledrian Gutierrez Regala | g.gutierrezr.2020@alumnos.urjc.es | gutche |
Alberto Dekenó Maho | a.dekeno.2020@alumnos.urjc.es | kr4ll |
Frantzes Elzaurdia | f.elzaurdia.2020@alumnos.urjc.es | franchescoURJC |
Vicente González Pérez | v.gonzalez.2020@alumnos.urjc.es | Vicente1215 |
Agile methodology using scrum framework with jira.
- User.
- List.
- Topic.
- Comments.
- Guest: View posts and profiles.
- User: Create posts, manage profile, follow users, like posts, comment on posts.
- Admin: Manage posts, topics, files & user.
This app has a pie chart that shows the popularity of topics based on the number of posts that use said topics.
Email verification for user registration.
Website is going to have a sort by votes algorithm. In order to show the posts sorted by the difference between upvotes and downvotes.
Login page, from this page we are going to be able to log into our personal account. Two more options are offered here, to enter the page as a guest or to create an account.
Register page In case we don't own an account, we are going to be able to create one using the register page.
Feed page Once we are through the login process, the feed, the principal page is going to be shown. Here the navbar makes his appearance, as well as the posts sorted by date of creation.
Search From the navbar every user is going to be able to look for different posts and users by selecting an option or typing it
Profile interactions If u press the number of people who's following an account you'll be able to see the list of accounts
Now selecting one of the user from the list we're going to be redirected to the profile we have just selected.
Profile page When the user icon is pressed at the navbar, the profile page shows up. Here we can see information about users such as number of people that he follows or his description.
Profile page of other users When we browse a profile page that isn't ours, if we are logged in we are going to be able to see a button to follow the account.
Comments and comment section When the user is logged he can use the comments section to place his thoughs about the post.
CreateList page This page allow the logged in users to create their own Top-List. By adding photos and descriptions to the list items.
For me page Once you have logged in you can decide to only see posts from people you are currently following, by pressing the heart button at the navbar
Admin Panel page From this page the admins are going to be able to manage user activities and study the topics graphics !
The first point, docker must be installed in order to be able to use the database.
Once you have docker installed it must be linked with mysql database.
Assuming that the user is using Visual Studio Code, to run the application in visual you need to install the extensions for Springboot as well as an extension for java plus the jdk-17 and Maven 4.0.0
Once this is pulished, u can run the application. However, to create an account u need to run maildev, for the confirmation email.
Textual description: Login, registration (email verification), security configuration (encryption, CSRF protection, HTTPS), search bar, navbar, admin-panel and general styling changes.
Commit number | Description |
#1 | Top-list page with comments |
#2 | Search bar with autocomplete |
#3 | Email verification for register |
#4 | Login and registration |
#5 | Admin-panel layout with collapse and mustache |
File number | File |
#1 | RegistrationService.java |
#2 | AdminPanelController.java |
#3 | RegisterController.java |
#4 | WebSecurityConfig.java (and entire net.daw.alist.security package) |
#5 | searchbar.html |
Commit number | Description |
#1 | Complete Admin Panel |
#2 | Database Initialize |
#3 | Pie chart |
#4 | Follow users |
#5 | Add topics |
File number | File |
#1 | create-chart.js |
#2 | Post.java |
#3 | AdminPanelController.java |
#4 | DatabaseInitializer.java |
#5 | User.java |
Commit number | Description |
#1 | create list logic |
#2 | creation of posts with several topics |
#3 | models adjusment |
#4 | topic selector |
#5 | Votes logic |
File number | File |
#1 | CreateListController.java |
#2 | topic handler |
#3 | PostItemService |
#4 | VotesService |
#5 | VotesController |
Commit number | Description |
#1 | Profile |
#2 | Create List |
#3 | Models & Database |
#4 | Spring init |
#5 | Docker |
File number | File |
#1 | ProfileController.java |
#2 | profile.html |
#3 | CreateListController.java |
#4 | create-list.html |
#5 | /models |
Commit number | Description |
#1 | Lazy loading script |
#2 | Navbar |
#3 | Home page |
#4 | For me page |
#5 | SQL queries |
File number | File |
#1 | load-data.js |
#2 | PostController.java |
#3 | PostRepository.java |
#4 | navbar.html |
#5 | /posts models |
- Make sure to have Docker and git installed.
- Open your terminal.
- Clone this repository using the command "git clone https://github.com/CodeURJC-DAW-2022-23/webapp1.git".
- Execute the command cd ./webapp1/back/docker.
- Run "create_image.sh [DockerUsername]/[TagName]".
In order to run the dockerized app follow the next steps:
- Make sure to have Docker and git installed.
- Open your terminal.
- Clone this repository using the command "git clone https://github.com/CodeURJC-DAW-2022-23/webapp1.git".
- Execute the command cd ./webapp1/back/docker.
- Execute the command "docker-compose up" on the shell.
- Open the following url "https://localhost:8443".
YAML file: https://github.com/CodeURJC-DAW-2022-23/webapp1/blob/main/back/api-docs/api-docs.yaml
Visualize HTML file: https://raw.githack.com/CodeURJC-DAW-2022-23/webapp1/main/back/api-docs/api-docs.html
Textual description: Rest security configuration, AuthRestController, UserRestController register/banUser/getUser methods and SpringDoc generation.
File number | File |
#1 | AuthRestController.java |
#2 | UserRestController.java |
#3 | RestSecurityConfig.java |
#4 | jwt package |
#5 | PostRestController.java |
Commit number | Description |
#1 | CommentRestController methods added |
#2 | createComment added and documented |
#3 | CommentRestController documented |
#4 | getUserComments and getPostComments implemented |
#5 | banUser fixed |
File number | File |
#1 | CommentRestController.java |
#2 | AList.postman_collection.json |
#3 | PostService.java |
#4 | UserRestController.java |
#5 | Comment.java |
Commit number | Description |
#1 | Post RestController postman |
#2 | Topic RestController postman |
#3 | Following methods |
#4 | Votes methods |
#5 | votes and following documentation |
File number | File |
#1 | PostRestController.java |
#2 | UserRestController.java |
#3 | AList.postman_collection.json |
Commit number | Description |
#1 | Post rest controller |
#2 | Topic rest controller |
#3 | Database wait on |
#4 | Dockerfile |
#5 | Docker compose |
File number | File |
#1 | PostRestController.java |
#2 | TopicRestController.java |
#3 | DatabaseWaitConfigurator.java |
#4 | Dockerfile |
#5 | docker-compose.yml |
Commit number | Description |
#1 | Ajax rest controller implementation |
#2 | Ajax rest controller docs |
#3 | Ajax rest controller postman |
#4 | Post controller postman |
#5 | Fix for empty ajax rest controller in postman collection |
File number | File |
#1 | AList.postman_collection.json |
#2 | AjaxRestController.java |
In order to execute the SPA application in a dev environment you should follow the next steps:
- Install Docker Desktop.
- Create and account on Dockerhub.
- Open any shell of type "bash".
- Clone this repository using the command "git clone https://github.com/CodeURJC-DAW-2022-23/webapp1.git".
- Use command "cd" until you get to the folder "Docker".
- Execute the command "docker-compose -f docker-compose-build.yml up" on the shell.
- Use command "cd" until you get to the /front/src/app directory.
- Run "npm install" followed by "ng serve" to download dependencies and run the app.
- The app is now running on "https://localhost:4200" for development.
In order to run the dockerized app follow the next steps:
- Make sure to have Docker and git installed.
- Open your terminal.
- Clone this repository using the command "git clone https://github.com/CodeURJC-DAW-2022-23/webapp1.git".
- Execute the command cd ./webapp1/back/docker.
- Run "create_image.sh [DockerUsername]/[TagName]"
To use the SPA version add /new to URL´s
In order to deploy the app follow the next steps:
- Config private ssh key to access the machine via ssh
- Connect to the machine via ssh: ssh -i ssh-file-directory-path machine-user@ip-machine-address
- Clone repo with git clone
- Go to docker folder inside back and run docker-compose
Commit number | Description |
#1 | Top-list page |
#2 | Home and following page |
#3 | Gmail verification |
#4 | Rest API fixes |
#5 | Ajax comments |
File number | File |
#1 | posts.service.ts |
#2 | feed.component.ts |
#3 | top.component.ts |
#4 | post.component.ts |
#5 | comment-form.comonent.ts |
Commit number | Description |
#1 | Create post paga working |
#2 | Topic choosing |
#3 | Images |
#4 | Create post logic |
#5 | CreatePost API method |
File number | File |
#1 | create-post.component.ts |
#2 | create-post.component.html |
#3 | create-post.component.css |
#4 | post.service.ts |
#5 | PostRestController |
Commit number | Description |
#1 | Generic feed component |
#2 | Logged user consistency |
#3 | Profile basis |
#4 | Register reactive form |
#5 | Angular init components |
File number | File |
#1 | auth.guard.ts |
#2 | auth.service.ts |
#3 | register.component.ts |
#4 | profile.component.ts |
#5 | follow.component.ts |
Commit number | Description |
#1 | Pie Chart admin-panel |
#2 | Add and delete topic |
#3 | Users banning admin-panel |
#4 | Improve of inputs usability admin-panel |
#5 | Search Bar |
File number | File |
#1 | manage-topics.component.html |
#2 | search.component.ts |
#3 | search.service.ts |
#4 | manage-users.component.ts |
#5 | manage-topics.component.ts |
Commit number | Description |
#1 | Render Image |
#2 | Navbar icon glow based on route |
#3 | App icon component |
#4 | User image render |
#5 | Refactored classes for better efficiency |
File number | File |
#1 | nav.component.ts |
#2 | icon.component.ts |
#3 | post.component.html |
#4 | Post.java |
#5 | posts.service.ts |