- Click the fork button at the top of the repository
- Go to your github page, and navigate to the repository you just forked
- Clike on the copy link
- Clone the repository to your local machine
- Open a terminal
- Navigate to a directory where you want to clone the project
- Type git clone [copy the link from earlier]
- Open a mysql session with the following mysql -u root -p or another user who has permission to create a database
- Type CREATE DATABASE db_beagle You will need this so your project has a database to work with
- Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where you cloned the repository(The directory that contains www)
- Initialize your virtual environment by typing virtualenv env
- Activate your virtual environment by typing ./venv/Scripts/activate Note you will have to do this every-time you want to do something to your environment, I suggest wriing a script that opens the terminal with it already activated
- Edit the settings.py file as necessary (most likely the database settings), however revert these before making a pull request.
- Navigate to the main repository
- Copy the copy button
- Open a terminal and change directories to where you have the fork of your repository
- type git remote add upstream [link you copied]
- Now you will be able to pull changes from the main repository, so if there is a change there you can sync it up with your repository. It is recomended to fetch from the main repository often, as this is the "official version" of the code.
- Make sure you comment code well
- Python code should pass pep8 and pyflakes linters
- Only commit source code and resources. Review what you are tracking before you commit, and make necessary adjustments to the .gitignore file.
- Static resources should go into the static folder
- The one exception is any resources used in the readme should go into the README_resources file, as these will not be deployed to the mainserver
- Each app should have it's own template directory
- Have as little dependencies as possible between apps
- Make use of branches to implement changes, or create new apps
- If you want something done create an entry in the TODO file
- If you don't know what to do look in the TODO file
- Add design mockups to the mockup folder
- Group mockups appropriately, use good names for the files, and try to include a text description of each mockup you submit
- Try to use proper spelling and grammar, mistakes happen though so if you see a mistake fix it
- Use lower case tags in HTML5
- Do not motify the LICENSE File
- View specific templates should be bundled with the view, site wide templates should be stored with the project
If you would like to be listed as a Collaborator so you can approve pull request, and other the other goodies that come along with it send an email to AdamLeBlanc; if you have shown your commitment to the project, and that you can be trusted making important decisions he will add you as a collaborator.