FogeSkript is a comprehensive package that empowers you to effortlessly interact with Discord's API. It ensures scripting remains easy to learn and consistently effective.
- This version is developed by me (Clyders) aka Aditya so it may contains bugs and a lot of new features.
- $ai and $aiQuota,
- $parseN (parse Number like 1 minutes 10 seconds into 1m10s),
- $roll (alias for $randomNumber),
- $unescapeCode,
- $parseTS (parse the unix timestamps), and more to come.
TO-DO (Planned)
1. Hellforge:
- $start, $pickaxe, $sword and more...
2. Lol:
- $balance, $beg, plans (alias for $premiumplans), $botInfo, $economyStats and more...
Make sure you have node.js installed, and greater than version v16.11.0. Once done, run the next command in a folder (from any IDE or terminal):
My FogeSkript:
npm i