Effective September 1, 2017.
By playing on CloudCityMC you agree to the following:
That you will follow the rules listed here.
That you will not use glitches that you (the player) or another player has discovered. They must be reported immediately.
That you will not leak or try to find ways to discover the server's plugin list.
You also understand:
The rules can be changed at any time with or without notice.
That the Terms and Conditions can be changed at any time with or without notice.
All commands will be logged and stored for statistic purposes, but only the command will be logged, not the sender or any arguments.
Failure to follow these conditions will result one or more of the following:
Termination of you ability to play on the server. (Banned)
Restrictions to specific parts of the server.
If you do not agree to the CloudCityMC Terms and Conditions, then you cannot play on the server.
We accept changes! Head to the PR section of the GitHub to modify the document.