Provide JSON file template that demonstrate how to create customize Well-Architected reviews using Custom lenses.
This repository is maintained by internal volunteer, community members and domain service experts.
All the sample artifacts (JSON) were contributed by domain expert for pilot preview purpose. All the pilot preview with custom lens have to be conducted by certified domain expert after customer enablement. If you are looking for official AWS Well-Architected Lenses material for specific topics, please go to
AWS Well-Architected helps cloud architects build secure, high-performing, resilient, and efficient infrastructure for a variety of applications and workloads.
The AWS Well-Archtected Tool makes it easy to create Custom Lenses by providing a json template that you can use. The template outlines how the lens content must be defined, and it controls how the lens is presented within the AWS WA Tool.
The quickest setup to run Customs Lens need setup includes:
- An AWS account
- Proper IAM User and Role to access the AWS Well-Architected Tool with the WellArchitectedConsoleFullAccess managed policy.
This repository used DynamoDB as an example to show how to create Custom Lens in WA console from json template with several step as following:
- Prepare your custom lens WA template json file
- Navigate to the AWS WA Tool on the AWS console and create custom lens
- Publish your custom lens and attached with version tag
- Review workloads using custom lenses
You can also reference the Well-Architected Lab which provide step by step guideline.
- [Streaming Media Lens](/Streaming Media Lens/)
- SAP Lens
- Container Build Lens
- SAP Lens
- Serverless Applications Lens
- Hybrid Networking Lens
- Games Industry Lens
- Data Analytics Lens
- Machine Learning Lens
- Streaming Media Lens
- SaaS Lens
- Financial Services Industry Lens
- IoT Lens
- IoT Lens Checklist
- High Performance Computing Lens
This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. For more details, please take a look at the LICENSE file.
Please read our contributing guidelines