Project Gemini
Due to the advent of Covid, community life (Under the context of halls and residential colleges) within NUS has taken an adverse turn as meeting new people have become harder. Even though there are platforms that allow one to meet new people within the community (e.g. interest groups/ CCAs), there is no platform that has the sole purpose of allowing you to meet new people within your own community.
Other groups usually have an unspoken requirement that acts as a barrier that prevents people from meeting others.
For example, interest groups/CCAs usually require you to have an interest in the particular skill in order to join them, House/Faculty activities are very daunting to go in alone as friends usually go to these activities together et cetera.
But providing a platform solely for meeting new people sets that one goal as the expectation, mitigating the previously said social barriers.
We hope to be able to make a social platform that allows people within the same community to connect with one another more easily, allowing more people to know more people within their own community.
As a Year 1, I wish to meet more people/freshies in my own batch and in my own hall/residential college as I am new to the community.
As a senior, I wish to meet new freshies/juniors who come into my residential college/hall.
As a community head, I wish to be able to facilitate activities to help bond my own community.
As a NUS student, I wish to find other students that enjoy the same hobbies and activities (CCAs) as I do.
The Web App is a social platform for students to better find and interact with each other.
Features to be completed by the end of May:
Landing Page and account system
Allow users to log into their account and out.
Display basic information (their own information only)
Filtering system
Allow users to see other people’s data depending on the information that they have provided.
Features to be completed by the End of June:
Messaging system
a. Allow users to text one another through the application
Integration with Social Media
a. Allows for users to connect to Social Media platforms with ease.
Features to be completed by the end of July:
Integration with Social Media/NUSMODS
a. Allow each account to grab their public feed (e.g. show the recent few posts of Instagram/ show their linkedin profile).
b. Links with NUSMODS to show each person’s timetable, allowing for ease of setting up group meetings.
“Get to know you” Events.
a. Allow admin users (e.g. people who are “leaders” of a CCA group etc) to initiate “Get to know you” Events.
b. These events groups people together in groups of x, where x is a number decided by the admin user. This creates a group for each group of people to chat with one another and get to know each other. There could be preset tasks (e.g. go for a meal, watch a movie together) that the admin leader could implement for them to motivate them to go out together with a prize at the end of the event for each group.
ReactJS (Front-end)
Express + NodeJS
MongoDB (Back-end)
(Please note that this are just a early mockup and might not be representative of our final product)
Which provides a list of people for one to interact with. It will display a list of people, which comprises of their name and a mode of communication (e.g. email/telehandle as most people in uni use telegram as a mode of communication) as shown below.
Which allows users to message to other users individually and in groups.
Which allows users to have integrated functionality from other useful website
The technical proof is as shown below:
Kakilang was a project that helped William and I experience learning new technologies, with William implementing live texting functions, knowing the pros and cons between NoSQL and SQL databases, and Dylan having his first touch into Front-End Web Development. With this we hope to be able to create more robust applications in the future that help us impact the world through tech :)