Many Unix machines now come with TMUX built in. Check by running
tmux ls
If you get a message stating tmux is an unknown command you will need to install
The easiest way to install TMUX on Mac is using brew
brew install tmux
pacman -S tmux
apt install tmux
dnf install tmux
Further instructions can be found here
Installing TPM is very simple
- Clone the TPM repo
git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
- Include TPM in your tmux config file
set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tpm'
... insert plugins here ...
run '~/.tmux/plugins/tpm/tpm'
It is wise to keep the run command at the very bottom of your tmux.conf
Remember you need to reload your configuration file whenever you make a change to your settings
source ~/.tmux.conf
NOTE: This command needs to be ran inside of the tmux terminal. You can access your tmux terminal
from inside of a tmux session and entering prefix + :
Assuming you have TPM installed, installing tmux plugs is very easy. Simply add the following line to your tmux.conf
set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/<insert plugin here>'
Remember this must be added after the tpm plugin and the line running tpm
Once that line has been added, resource your tmux config file and tell tmux to install
plugins with prefix + I
More information on TPM can be found here
If you would like to use my tmux conf, either in its entirity or as a template, it can be found here
TMUX commands can get a bit long, if you would like to use a script to simplify its use, that can be found here