A CLI tool with a server for managing passwords
This a CLI tool solution for creating and managing passwords. It comes with a server so that it can be deployed on the same computer or on the local network. The server encrypts and stores the passwords in a local MongoDB instance. The CLI tool automatically copies the password to the clipboard and it is also possible to silence the descriptions of the CLI and to output the password. It also supports multiple options for it's password generator.
- Golang/Go
- Windows 10/11 or Linux
- xclip or xsel (if you're using Linux)
- Docker
- Clone the repo in the server/storage's node with
git clone https://github.com/ChristianSassine/password-manager.git
- Install the CLI's binary by using the following command:
go install github.com/ChristianSassine/password-manager/pass-cli@main
- Tweak the environmental variables in the docker-compose.yml (optional but recommended)
- Execute the following command in the cloned repository to run the server and database containers:
docker compose up
- You will find the CLI's binary in GOBIN if it's defined, otherwise it will be in GOPATH/bin
- You will need to set the server's URL and create a user on the client with:
pass-cli config -u <URL>:<PORT> -c <USER>:<PASSWORD>
e.g: pass-cli config -u localhost:8080 -c Hello:World
- Set the envonmental variables PASS_USERNAME and PASS_PASSWORD to your credentials
pass-cli help
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details