- Intro
- Technologies & Techniques
- Live Project
- Additional Links
- Possible Improvements
- All Project Features
This is the Frontend of a News Explorer Service App, where users can search for news articles worldwide and save them to their own accounts. The app developed with React.
- ReactJS
- JavaScript
- CSS3
- React Router Dom
- Responsive Layout
- JWT server Auth
- newsapi.org - provides articles news
- Deployed to
Vercel Serverless technology
- Git/GitHub
NPM Packages (Backend) | Aspects of Use |
bcryptjs | Password Encryption |
body-parser | Returns middlewares that handle incoming requests before they reach a target controller |
celebrate | It's an express middleware function that wraps the joi validation library |
cors (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) | It is a mechanism to allow or restrict requested resources on a web server depend on where the HTTP request was initiated. This policy is used to secure a certain web server from access by other website or domain |
dotenv | automatically loads environment variables from a .env file into the process .env object |
express-winston | Provides middlewares for request and error logging of your express.js application |
winston | Universal logging library with support for multiple transports |
validator | A library of string validators and sanitizers |
jsonwebtoken | An open standard for securely transferring data within parties using a JSON object |
express-rate-limit | Use to limit repeated requests to public APIs and/or endpoints such as password reset |
helmet | Helps you secure your Express apps by setting various HTTP headers |
RESTful API Enpoints | HTTP Methods | Usage Purpose |
/signup | POST | User Registration |
/signin | POST | User Login |
/users/me | GET | GETting user data |
/articles | GET | GETting data from all articles |
/articles | POST | Creating a new article |
/articles/:_id | DELETE | DELETE an article by its id |
$ git clone https://github.com/Chen-Abudi/news-explorer-frontend.git
$ cd news-explorer-frontend
$ npm i or npm install
$ npm run start
Visit the App ππ½ HERE !
Homepage for users before sign up/sign in
Homepage for user who's logged in
Sign up
Sign in/Log in
Form Validation
Search results for articles
When there's no match for searching terms, not found results will be shown
The saved articles page in users account/profile
Info about the author section
- Create a Forgot Password option in case the users forget theirs.
- Resets Password
- Customize news outlet filtration according to user preferences.
- Customize the sorting of saved articles based on user preferences.
- Adjust the application for a dark/night mode.