- 理解代理定义中推理循环的影响。
- 使用计划和评估技术帮助自我纠正的代理。
- 创建能够操控代码完成任务的代理。
- 自我反思:代理可以评估自身表现并找出改进的地方。
- 适应性:代理可以根据过去的经验和不断变化的环境调整其策略。
- 错误修正:代理可以自主检测和纠正错误,从而提高结果的准确性。
- 资源管理:代理可以通过规划和评估行为来优化资源的使用,例如时间和计算能力。
- 角色:代理的个性和特征,定义其与用户的交互方式。
- 工具:代理可以执行的能力和功能。
- 技能:代理所具备的知识和专业能力。
- 收集用户偏好:询问用户的旅行日期、预算、兴趣(例如博物馆、美食、购物)以及任何具体需求。
- 检索信息:搜索符合用户偏好的航班、住宿、景点和餐馆。
- 生成推荐:提供包含航班详情、酒店预订和建议活动的个性化行程。
- 根据反馈调整:询问用户对推荐的反馈,并进行必要的调整。
- 访问航班和酒店预订数据库。
- 巴黎景点和餐馆的信息。
- 之前交互中的用户反馈数据。
- 分析用户反馈:旅行代理会审查用户反馈,以确定哪些推荐受到欢迎,哪些不受欢迎,并据此调整未来的建议。
- 适应性:如果用户之前提到不喜欢拥挤的地方,旅行代理会在未来避免在高峰时段推荐热门景点。
- 错误修正:如果旅行代理在过去的预订中出现错误,例如推荐了已满的酒店,它会学习在推荐之前更严格地检查可用性。
class Travel_Agent:
def __init__(self):
self.user_preferences = {}
self.experience_data = []
def gather_preferences(self, preferences):
self.user_preferences = preferences
def retrieve_information(self):
# Search for flights, hotels, and attractions based on preferences
flights = search_flights(self.user_preferences)
hotels = search_hotels(self.user_preferences)
attractions = search_attractions(self.user_preferences)
return flights, hotels, attractions
def generate_recommendations(self):
flights, hotels, attractions = self.retrieve_information()
itinerary = create_itinerary(flights, hotels, attractions)
return itinerary
def adjust_based_on_feedback(self, feedback):
# Analyze feedback and adjust future recommendations
self.user_preferences = adjust_preferences(self.user_preferences, feedback)
# Example usage
travel_agent = Travel_Agent()
preferences = {
"destination": "Paris",
"dates": "2025-04-01 to 2025-04-10",
"budget": "moderate",
"interests": ["museums", "cuisine"]
itinerary = travel_agent.generate_recommendations()
print("Suggested Itinerary:", itinerary)
feedback = {"liked": ["Louvre Museum"], "disliked": ["Eiffel Tower (too crowded)"]}
- 自我反思:代理可以分析其表现并找出改进的地方。
- 适应性:代理可以根据反馈和变化的条件调整策略。
- 错误修正:代理可以自主检测和纠正错误。
- 资源管理:代理可以优化资源使用,例如时间和计算能力。
- 当前任务:明确定义任务。
- 完成任务的步骤:将任务分解为可管理的步骤。
- 所需资源:确定必要的资源。
- 经验:利用过去的经验来指导规划。
- 询问用户关于旅行日期、预算、兴趣和任何具体需求的详细信息。
- 示例:“您计划什么时候旅行?”“您的预算范围是多少?”“您在假期中喜欢哪些活动?”
- 根据用户偏好搜索相关的旅行选项。
- 航班:寻找符合用户预算和偏好的航班。
- 住宿:找到符合用户对位置、价格和设施要求的酒店或租赁房产。
- 景点和餐馆:识别与用户兴趣一致的热门景点、活动和餐饮选择。
- 将检索到的信息编制成个性化行程。
- 提供航班选项、酒店预订和建议活动的详细信息,确保推荐符合用户偏好。
- 与用户分享拟议的行程以供审查。
- 示例:“这是为您巴黎之行建议的行程,包括航班详情、酒店预订以及推荐的活动和餐馆。请告诉我您的想法!”
- 询问用户对拟议行程的反馈。
- 示例:“您喜欢这些航班选项吗?”“酒店是否符合您的需求?”“是否有您想添加或删除的活动?”
- 根据用户反馈修改行程。
- 对航班、住宿和活动推荐进行必要的更改,以更好地符合用户偏好。
- 向用户展示更新后的行程以供最终确认。
- 示例:“我已根据您的反馈进行了调整。这是更新后的行程。您觉得如何?”
- 在用户批准行程后,进行航班、住宿和任何预定活动的预订。
- 将确认详情发送给用户。
- 在用户旅行前和旅行期间,随时协助处理任何更改或额外请求。
- 示例:“如果您在旅行期间需要任何进一步的帮助,请随时与我联系!”
class Travel_Agent:
def __init__(self):
self.user_preferences = {}
self.experience_data = []
def gather_preferences(self, preferences):
self.user_preferences = preferences
def retrieve_information(self):
flights = search_flights(self.user_preferences)
hotels = search_hotels(self.user_preferences)
attractions = search_attractions(self.user_preferences)
return flights, hotels, attractions
def generate_recommendations(self):
flights, hotels, attractions = self.retrieve_information()
itinerary = create_itinerary(flights, hotels, attractions)
return itinerary
def adjust_based_on_feedback(self, feedback):
self.user_preferences = adjust_preferences(self.user_preferences, feedback)
# Example usage within a booing request
travel_agent = Travel_Agent()
preferences = {
"destination": "Paris",
"dates": "2025-04-01 to 2025-04-10",
"budget": "moderate",
"interests": ["museums", "cuisine"]
itinerary = travel_agent.generate_recommendations()
print("Suggested Itinerary:", itinerary)
feedback = {"liked": ["Louvre Museum"], "disliked": ["Eiffel Tower (too crowded)"]}
首先,让我们了解 RAG 工具与预加载上下文的区别:
RAG 将检索系统与生成模型结合。当提出查询时,检索系统从外部来源获取相关文档或数据,并使用这些检索到的信息增强生成模型的输入。这有助于模型生成更准确和上下文相关的响应。
在 RAG 系统中,代理从知识库中检索相关信息,并利用这些信息生成适当的响应或行动。
校正型 RAG 方法专注于使用 RAG 技术来纠正错误并提高人工智能代理的准确性。这包括:
- 提示技术:使用特定提示指导代理检索相关信息。
- 工具:实施使代理能够评估检索信息相关性并生成准确响应的算法和机制。
- 评估:持续评估代理的表现,并进行调整以提高其准确性和效率。
考虑一个从网络检索信息以回答用户查询的搜索代理。校正型 RAG 方法可能涉及:
- 提示技术:根据用户输入制定搜索查询。
- 工具:使用自然语言处理和机器学习算法对搜索结果进行排序和过滤。
- 评估:分析用户反馈以识别和纠正检索信息中的不准确之处。
校正型 RAG(检索增强生成)增强了人工智能在检索和生成信息时纠正任何不准确之处的能力。以下是“旅行代理”如何使用校正型 RAG 方法提供更准确和相关的旅行推荐:
- 提示技术:使用特定提示指导代理检索相关信息。
- 工具:实施使代理能够评估检索信息相关性并生成准确响应的算法和机制。
- 评估:持续评估代理的表现,并进行调整以提高其准确性和效率。
- 初始用户交互
- “旅行代理”收集用户的初始偏好,例如目的地、旅行日期、预算和兴趣。
- 示例:```python
preferences = {
"destination": "Paris",
"dates": "2025-04-01 to 2025-04-10",
"budget": "moderate",
"interests": ["museums", "cuisine"]
- 信息检索
- “旅行代理”根据用户偏好检索有关航班、住宿、景点和餐馆的信息。
- 示例:```python
flights = search_flights(preferences)
hotels = search_hotels(preferences)
attractions = search_attractions(preferences)
- 生成初始推荐
- “旅行代理”利用检索到的信息生成个性化行程。
- 示例:```python
itinerary = create_itinerary(flights, hotels, attractions)
print("Suggested Itinerary:", itinerary)
- 收集用户反馈
- “旅行代理”询问用户对初始推荐的反馈。
- 示例:```python
feedback = {
"liked": ["Louvre Museum"],
"disliked": ["Eiffel Tower (too crowded)"]
- 校正型 RAG 过程
- 提示技术:
- 示例:```python
if "disliked" in feedback:
preferences["avoid"] = feedback["disliked"]
- **工具**:旅行代理使用算法对新的搜索结果进行排名和筛选,强调基于用户反馈的相关性。
- 示例:```python
new_attractions = search_attractions(preferences)
new_itinerary = create_itinerary(flights, hotels, new_attractions)
print("Updated Itinerary:", new_itinerary)
- **评估**:旅行代理通过分析用户反馈并进行必要的调整,持续评估其推荐的相关性和准确性。
- 示例:```python
def adjust_preferences(preferences, feedback):
if "liked" in feedback:
preferences["favorites"] = feedback["liked"]
if "disliked" in feedback:
preferences["avoid"] = feedback["disliked"]
return preferences
preferences = adjust_preferences(preferences, feedback)
#### 实用示例
class Travel_Agent:
def __init__(self):
self.user_preferences = {}
self.experience_data = []
def gather_preferences(self, preferences):
self.user_preferences = preferences
def retrieve_information(self):
flights = search_flights(self.user_preferences)
hotels = search_hotels(self.user_preferences)
attractions = search_attractions(self.user_preferences)
return flights, hotels, attractions
def generate_recommendations(self):
flights, hotels, attractions = self.retrieve_information()
itinerary = create_itinerary(flights, hotels, attractions)
return itinerary
def adjust_based_on_feedback(self, feedback):
self.user_preferences = adjust_preferences(self.user_preferences, feedback)
new_itinerary = self.generate_recommendations()
return new_itinerary
# Example usage
travel_agent = Travel_Agent()
preferences = {
"destination": "Paris",
"dates": "2025-04-01 to 2025-04-10",
"budget": "moderate",
"interests": ["museums", "cuisine"]
itinerary = travel_agent.generate_recommendations()
print("Suggested Itinerary:", itinerary)
feedback = {"liked": ["Louvre Museum"], "disliked": ["Eiffel Tower (too crowded)"]}
new_itinerary = travel_agent.adjust_based_on_feedback(feedback)
print("Updated Itinerary:", new_itinerary)
class TravelAgent:
def __init__(self):
# Pre-load popular destinations and their information
self.context = {
"Paris": {"country": "France", "currency": "Euro", "language": "French", "attractions": ["Eiffel Tower", "Louvre Museum"]},
"Tokyo": {"country": "Japan", "currency": "Yen", "language": "Japanese", "attractions": ["Tokyo Tower", "Shibuya Crossing"]},
"New York": {"country": "USA", "currency": "Dollar", "language": "English", "attractions": ["Statue of Liberty", "Times Square"]},
"Sydney": {"country": "Australia", "currency": "Dollar", "language": "English", "attractions": ["Sydney Opera House", "Bondi Beach"]}
def get_destination_info(self, destination):
# Fetch destination information from pre-loaded context
info = self.context.get(destination)
if info:
return f"{destination}:\nCountry: {info['country']}\nCurrency: {info['currency']}\nLanguage: {info['language']}\nAttractions: {', '.join(info['attractions'])}"
return f"Sorry, we don't have information on {destination}."
# Example usage
travel_agent = TravelAgent()
初始化 (
method): TheTravelAgent
class pre-loads a dictionary containing information about popular destinations such as Paris, Tokyo, New York, and Sydney. This dictionary includes details like the country, currency, language, and major attractions for each destination. -
Retrieving Information (
method): When a user queries about a specific destination, theget_destination_info
- 定义客户的偏好和预算。
- 基于这些偏好启动初始计划。
- 通过迭代优化计划,最大化客户满意度。
class TravelAgent:
def __init__(self, destinations):
self.destinations = destinations
def bootstrap_plan(self, preferences, budget):
plan = []
total_cost = 0
for destination in self.destinations:
if total_cost + destination['cost'] <= budget and self.match_preferences(destination, preferences):
total_cost += destination['cost']
return plan
def match_preferences(self, destination, preferences):
for key, value in preferences.items():
if destination.get(key) != value:
return False
return True
def iterate_plan(self, plan, preferences, budget):
for i in range(len(plan)):
for destination in self.destinations:
if destination not in plan and self.match_preferences(destination, preferences) and self.calculate_cost(plan, destination) <= budget:
plan[i] = destination
return plan
def calculate_cost(self, plan, new_destination):
return sum(destination['cost'] for destination in plan) + new_destination['cost']
# Example usage
destinations = [
{"name": "Paris", "cost": 1000, "activity": "sightseeing"},
{"name": "Tokyo", "cost": 1200, "activity": "shopping"},
{"name": "New York", "cost": 900, "activity": "sightseeing"},
{"name": "Sydney", "cost": 1100, "activity": "beach"},
preferences = {"activity": "sightseeing"}
budget = 2000
travel_agent = TravelAgent(destinations)
initial_plan = travel_agent.bootstrap_plan(preferences, budget)
print("Initial Plan:", initial_plan)
refined_plan = travel_agent.iterate_plan(initial_plan, preferences, budget)
print("Refined Plan:", refined_plan)
初始化 (
method): TheTravelAgent
class is initialized with a list of potential destinations, each having attributes like name, cost, and activity type. -
Bootstrapping the Plan (
method): This method creates an initial travel plan based on the client's preferences and budget. It iterates through the list of destinations and adds them to the plan if they match the client's preferences and fit within the budget. -
Matching Preferences (
method): This method checks if a destination matches the client's preferences. -
Iterating the Plan (
method): This method refines the initial plan by trying to replace each destination in the plan with a better match, considering the client's preferences and budget constraints. -
Calculating Cost (
- 初始计划:旅行代理基于客户的观光偏好和$2000的预算创建初始计划。
- 优化计划:旅行代理迭代优化计划,以满足客户的偏好和预算。
- 收集用户偏好。
- 检索潜在的旅行目的地列表。
- 使用LLM根据用户偏好重新排序和评分目的地。
以下是如何更新之前的示例以使用Azure OpenAI服务:
- 您需要拥有一个Azure订阅。
- 创建一个Azure OpenAI资源并获取您的API密钥。
import requests
import json
class TravelAgent:
def __init__(self, destinations):
self.destinations = destinations
def get_recommendations(self, preferences, api_key, endpoint):
# Generate a prompt for the Azure OpenAI
prompt = self.generate_prompt(preferences)
# Define headers and payload for the request
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_key}'
payload = {
"prompt": prompt,
"max_tokens": 150,
"temperature": 0.7
# Call the Azure OpenAI API to get the re-ranked and scored destinations
response = requests.post(endpoint, headers=headers, json=payload)
response_data = response.json()
# Extract and return the recommendations
recommendations = response_data['choices'][0]['text'].strip().split('\n')
return recommendations
def generate_prompt(self, preferences):
prompt = "Here are the travel destinations ranked and scored based on the following user preferences:\n"
for key, value in preferences.items():
prompt += f"{key}: {value}\n"
prompt += "\nDestinations:\n"
for destination in self.destinations:
prompt += f"- {destination['name']}: {destination['description']}\n"
return prompt
# Example usage
destinations = [
{"name": "Paris", "description": "City of lights, known for its art, fashion, and culture."},
{"name": "Tokyo", "description": "Vibrant city, famous for its modernity and traditional temples."},
{"name": "New York", "description": "The city that never sleeps, with iconic landmarks and diverse culture."},
{"name": "Sydney", "description": "Beautiful harbour city, known for its opera house and stunning beaches."},
preferences = {"activity": "sightseeing", "culture": "diverse"}
api_key = 'your_azure_openai_api_key'
endpoint = 'https://your-endpoint.com/openai/deployments/your-deployment-name/completions?api-version=2022-12-01'
travel_agent = TravelAgent(destinations)
recommendations = travel_agent.get_recommendations(preferences, api_key, endpoint)
print("Recommended Destinations:")
for rec in recommendations:
class is initialized with a list of potential travel destinations, each having attributes like name and description. -
Getting Recommendations (
method): This method generates a prompt for the Azure OpenAI service based on the user's preferences and makes an HTTP POST request to the Azure OpenAI API to get re-ranked and scored destinations. -
Generating Prompt (
method): This method constructs a prompt for the Azure OpenAI, including the user's preferences and the list of destinations. The prompt guides the model to re-rank and score the destinations based on the provided preferences. -
API Call: The
library is used to make an HTTP POST request to the Azure OpenAI API endpoint. The response contains the re-ranked and scored destinations. -
Example Usage: The travel agent collects user preferences (e.g., interest in sightseeing and diverse culture) and uses the Azure OpenAI service to get re-ranked and scored recommendations for travel destinations.
Make sure to replace your_azure_openai_api_key
with your actual Azure OpenAI API key and https://your-endpoint.com/...
替换为Azure OpenAI部署的实际端点URL。
- 作为提示技术,RAG涉及制定特定查询或提示,以指导从大型语料库或数据库中检索相关信息。然后将这些信息用于生成响应或采取行动。
- 制定提示:根据任务或用户输入创建结构良好的提示或查询。
- 检索信息:使用提示从预先存在的知识库或数据集中搜索相关数据。
- 生成响应:将检索到的信息与生成式AI模型结合,以生成全面且连贯的响应。
- 用户输入:"我想参观巴黎的博物馆。"
- 提示:"查找巴黎的顶级博物馆。"
- 检索到的信息:关于卢浮宫、奥赛博物馆等的详细信息。
- 生成的响应:"以下是巴黎的一些顶级博物馆:卢浮宫、奥赛博物馆和蓬皮杜中心。"
- 作为工具,RAG是一个集成系统,可以自动化检索和生成过程,使开发人员无需为每个查询手动编写提示即可实现复杂的AI功能。
- 集成:将RAG嵌入AI代理的架构中,使其能够自动处理检索和生成任务。
- 自动化:工具管理整个过程,从接收用户输入到生成最终响应,无需为每一步明确提示。
- 高效性:通过简化检索和生成过程,提高代理的性能,使其能够更快、更准确地响应。
- 用户输入:"我想参观巴黎的博物馆。"
- RAG工具:自动检索关于博物馆的信息并生成响应。
- 生成的响应:"以下是巴黎的一些顶级博物馆:卢浮宫、奥赛博物馆和蓬皮杜中心。"
方面 | 提示技术 | 工具 |
手动与自动 | 每个查询手动制定提示。 | 检索和生成的自动化过程。 |
控制 | 对检索过程提供更多控制。 | 简化并自动化检索和生成。 |
灵活性 | 允许根据具体需求定制提示。 | 更适合大规模实现。 |
复杂性 | 需要设计和调整提示。 | 更容易集成到AI代理的架构中。 |
def search_museums_in_paris():
prompt = "Find top museums in Paris"
search_results = search_web(prompt)
return search_results
museums = search_museums_in_paris()
print("Top Museums in Paris:", museums)
class Travel_Agent:
def __init__(self):
self.rag_tool = RAGTool()
def get_museums_in_paris(self):
user_input = "I want to visit museums in Paris."
response = self.rag_tool.retrieve_and_generate(user_input)
return response
travel_agent = Travel_Agent()
museums = travel_agent.get_museums_in_paris()
print("Top Museums in Paris:", museums)
巴黎最好的博物馆?"). - **导航意图**:用户希望导航到特定的网站或页面(例如,“卢浮宫官网”)。 - **交易意图**:用户希望执行交易,例如预订航班或购买商品(例如,“预订飞往巴黎的航班”)。 2. **上下文意识**: - 分析用户查询的上下文有助于准确识别其意图。这包括考虑先前的互动、用户偏好以及当前查询的具体细节。 3. **自然语言处理(NLP)**: - 使用NLP技术来理解和解释用户提供的自然语言查询。这包括实体识别、情感分析和查询解析等任务。 4. **个性化**: - 根据用户的历史记录、偏好和反馈个性化搜索结果,提高检索信息的相关性。 #### 实际示例:旅行代理中的意图搜索 让我们以旅行代理为例,看看如何实现意图搜索。 1. **收集用户偏好** ```python
class Travel_Agent:
def __init__(self):
self.user_preferences = {}
def gather_preferences(self, preferences):
self.user_preferences = preferences
``` 2. **理解用户意图** ```python
def identify_intent(query):
if "book" in query or "purchase" in query:
return "transactional"
elif "website" in query or "official" in query:
return "navigational"
return "informational"
``` 3. **上下文意识** ```python
def analyze_context(query, user_history):
# Combine current query with user history to understand context
context = {
"current_query": query,
"user_history": user_history
return context
``` 4. **搜索并个性化结果** ```python
def search_with_intent(query, preferences, user_history):
intent = identify_intent(query)
context = analyze_context(query, user_history)
if intent == "informational":
search_results = search_information(query, preferences)
elif intent == "navigational":
search_results = search_navigation(query)
elif intent == "transactional":
search_results = search_transaction(query, preferences)
personalized_results = personalize_results(search_results, user_history)
return personalized_results
def search_information(query, preferences):
# Example search logic for informational intent
results = search_web(f"best {preferences['interests']} in {preferences['destination']}")
return results
def search_navigation(query):
# Example search logic for navigational intent
results = search_web(query)
return results
def search_transaction(query, preferences):
# Example search logic for transactional intent
results = search_web(f"book {query} to {preferences['destination']}")
return results
def personalize_results(results, user_history):
# Example personalization logic
personalized = [result for result in results if result not in user_history]
return personalized[:10] # Return top 10 personalized results
``` 5. **示例用法** ```python
travel_agent = Travel_Agent()
preferences = {
"destination": "Paris",
"interests": ["museums", "cuisine"]
user_history = ["Louvre Museum website", "Book flight to Paris"]
query = "best museums in Paris"
results = search_with_intent(query, preferences, user_history)
print("Search Results:", results)
``` --- ## 4. 作为工具的代码生成 代码生成代理使用AI模型来编写和执行代码,解决复杂问题并实现任务自动化。 ### 代码生成代理 代码生成代理使用生成式AI模型来编写和执行代码。这些代理可以通过生成和运行各种编程语言的代码来解决复杂问题、实现任务自动化并提供有价值的见解。 #### 实际应用 1. **自动代码生成**:为特定任务生成代码片段,例如数据分析、网络爬取或机器学习。 2. **作为RAG的SQL**:使用SQL查询从数据库中检索和操作数据。 3. **问题解决**:创建并执行代码以解决特定问题,例如优化算法或分析数据。 #### 示例:用于数据分析的代码生成代理 假设您正在设计一个代码生成代理。其工作流程可能如下: 1. **任务**:分析数据集以识别趋势和模式。 2. **步骤**: - 将数据集加载到数据分析工具中。 - 生成SQL查询以过滤和聚合数据。 - 执行查询并检索结果。 - 使用结果生成可视化和见解。 3. **所需资源**:访问数据集、数据分析工具和SQL能力。 4. **经验**:利用过去的分析结果提高未来分析的准确性和相关性。 ### 示例:旅行代理的代码生成代理 在此示例中,我们将设计一个代码生成代理Travel Agent,通过生成和执行代码来协助用户规划旅行。该代理可以处理诸如获取旅行选项、筛选结果以及使用生成式AI编制行程等任务。 #### 代码生成代理概述 1. **收集用户偏好**:收集用户输入的信息,如目的地、旅行日期、预算和兴趣。 2. **生成用于获取数据的代码**:生成代码片段以检索航班、酒店和景点数据。 3. **执行生成的代码**:运行生成的代码以获取实时信息。 4. **生成行程**:将获取的数据编译为个性化的旅行计划。 5. **根据反馈调整**:接收用户反馈并重新生成代码以优化结果。 #### 分步实现 1. **收集用户偏好** ```python
class Travel_Agent:
def __init__(self):
self.user_preferences = {}
def gather_preferences(self, preferences):
self.user_preferences = preferences
``` 2. **生成用于获取数据的代码** ```python
def generate_code_to_fetch_data(preferences):
# Example: Generate code to search for flights based on user preferences
code = f"""
def search_flights():
import requests
response = requests.get('https://api.example.com/flights', params={preferences})
return response.json()
return code
def generate_code_to_fetch_hotels(preferences):
# Example: Generate code to search for hotels
code = f"""
def search_hotels():
import requests
response = requests.get('https://api.example.com/hotels', params={preferences})
return response.json()
return code
``` 3. **执行生成的代码** ```python
def execute_code(code):
# Execute the generated code using exec
result = locals()
return result
travel_agent = Travel_Agent()
preferences = {
"destination": "Paris",
"dates": "2025-04-01 to 2025-04-10",
"budget": "moderate",
"interests": ["museums", "cuisine"]
flight_code = generate_code_to_fetch_data(preferences)
hotel_code = generate_code_to_fetch_hotels(preferences)
flights = execute_code(flight_code)
hotels = execute_code(hotel_code)
print("Flight Options:", flights)
print("Hotel Options:", hotels)
``` 4. **生成行程** ```python
def generate_itinerary(flights, hotels, attractions):
itinerary = {
"flights": flights,
"hotels": hotels,
"attractions": attractions
return itinerary
attractions = search_attractions(preferences)
itinerary = generate_itinerary(flights, hotels, attractions)
print("Suggested Itinerary:", itinerary)
``` 5. **根据反馈调整** ```python
def adjust_based_on_feedback(feedback, preferences):
# Adjust preferences based on user feedback
if "liked" in feedback:
preferences["favorites"] = feedback["liked"]
if "disliked" in feedback:
preferences["avoid"] = feedback["disliked"]
return preferences
feedback = {"liked": ["Louvre Museum"], "disliked": ["Eiffel Tower (too crowded)"]}
updated_preferences = adjust_based_on_feedback(feedback, preferences)
# Regenerate and execute code with updated preferences
updated_flight_code = generate_code_to_fetch_data(updated_preferences)
updated_hotel_code = generate_code_to_fetch_hotels(updated_preferences)
updated_flights = execute_code(updated_flight_code)
updated_hotels = execute_code(updated_hotel_code)
updated_itinerary = generate_itinerary(updated_flights, updated_hotels, attractions)
print("Updated Itinerary:", updated_itinerary)
``` ### 利用环境意识和推理 基于表格的模式确实可以通过利用环境意识和推理来增强查询生成过程。以下是实现方式的示例: 1. **理解模式**:系统将理解表格的模式,并利用此信息来支持查询生成。 2. **根据反馈调整**:系统将根据反馈调整用户偏好,并推断需要更新模式中的哪些字段。 3. **生成和执行查询**:系统将生成并执行查询,以根据新的偏好获取更新的航班和酒店数据。 以下是一个包含这些概念的更新Python代码示例: ```python
def adjust_based_on_feedback(feedback, preferences, schema):
# Adjust preferences based on user feedback
if "liked" in feedback:
preferences["favorites"] = feedback["liked"]
if "disliked" in feedback:
preferences["avoid"] = feedback["disliked"]
# Reasoning based on schema to adjust other related preferences
for field in schema:
if field in preferences:
preferences[field] = adjust_based_on_environment(feedback, field, schema)
return preferences
def adjust_based_on_environment(feedback, field, schema):
# Custom logic to adjust preferences based on schema and feedback
if field in feedback["liked"]:
return schema[field]["positive_adjustment"]
elif field in feedback["disliked"]:
return schema[field]["negative_adjustment"]
return schema[field]["default"]
def generate_code_to_fetch_data(preferences):
# Generate code to fetch flight data based on updated preferences
return f"fetch_flights(preferences={preferences})"
def generate_code_to_fetch_hotels(preferences):
# Generate code to fetch hotel data based on updated preferences
return f"fetch_hotels(preferences={preferences})"
def execute_code(code):
# Simulate execution of code and return mock data
return {"data": f"Executed: {code}"}
def generate_itinerary(flights, hotels, attractions):
# Generate itinerary based on flights, hotels, and attractions
return {"flights": flights, "hotels": hotels, "attractions": attractions}
# Example schema
schema = {
"favorites": {"positive_adjustment": "increase", "negative_adjustment": "decrease", "default": "neutral"},
"avoid": {"positive_adjustment": "decrease", "negative_adjustment": "increase", "default": "neutral"}
# Example usage
preferences = {"favorites": "sightseeing", "avoid": "crowded places"}
feedback = {"liked": ["Louvre Museum"], "disliked": ["Eiffel Tower (too crowded)"]}
updated_preferences = adjust_based_on_feedback(feedback, preferences, schema)
# Regenerate and execute code with updated preferences
updated_flight_code = generate_code_to_fetch_data(updated_preferences)
updated_hotel_code = generate_code_to_fetch_hotels(updated_preferences)
updated_flights = execute_code(updated_flight_code)
updated_hotels = execute_code(updated_hotel_code)
updated_itinerary = generate_itinerary(updated_flights, updated_hotels, feedback["liked"])
print("Updated Itinerary:", updated_itinerary)
``` #### 解释 - 基于反馈的预订 1. **模式意识**:`schema` dictionary defines how preferences should be adjusted based on feedback. It includes fields like `favorites` and `avoid`, with corresponding adjustments.
2. **Adjusting Preferences (`adjust_based_on_feedback` method)**: This method adjusts preferences based on user feedback and the schema.
3. **Environment-Based Adjustments (`adjust_based_on_environment`方法)**:此方法根据模式和反馈自定义调整。 4. **生成和执行查询**:系统生成代码以根据调整后的偏好获取更新的航班和酒店数据,并模拟执行这些查询。 5. **生成行程**:系统根据新的航班、酒店和景点数据创建更新后的行程。 通过使系统具有环境意识并基于模式进行推理,它可以生成更准确和相关的查询,从而提供更好的旅行推荐和更个性化的用户体验。 ### 使用SQL作为检索增强生成(RAG)技术 SQL(结构化查询语言)是与数据库交互的强大工具。当用作检索增强生成(RAG)方法的一部分时,SQL可以从数据库中检索相关数据,以为AI代理中的响应或操作提供信息并生成它们。让我们探讨如何在旅行代理的上下文中使用SQL作为RAG技术。 #### 关键概念 1. **数据库交互**: - 使用SQL查询数据库,检索相关信息并操作数据。 - 示例:从旅行数据库中获取航班详情、酒店信息和景点。 2. **与RAG集成**: - 根据用户输入和偏好生成SQL查询。 - 然后使用检索到的数据生成个性化推荐或操作。 3. **动态查询生成**: - AI代理根据上下文和用户需求生成动态SQL查询。 - 示例:定制SQL查询以根据预算、日期和兴趣筛选结果。 #### 应用 - **自动代码生成**:为特定任务生成代码片段。 - **作为RAG的SQL**:使用SQL查询操作数据。 - **问题解决**:创建并执行代码以解决问题。 **示例**:一个数据分析代理: 1. **任务**:分析数据集以发现趋势。 2. **步骤**: - 加载数据集。 - 生成SQL查询以过滤数据。 - 执行查询并检索结果。 - 生成可视化和见解。 3. **资源**:数据集访问权限、SQL能力。 4. **经验**:利用过去的结果提高未来分析的准确性。 #### 实际示例:在旅行代理中使用SQL 1. **收集用户偏好** ```python
class Travel_Agent:
def __init__(self):
self.user_preferences = {}
def gather_preferences(self, preferences):
self.user_preferences = preferences
``` 2. **生成SQL查询** ```python
def generate_sql_query(table, preferences):
query = f"SELECT * FROM {table} WHERE "
conditions = []
for key, value in preferences.items():
query += " AND ".join(conditions)
return query
``` 3. **执行SQL查询** ```python
import sqlite3
def execute_sql_query(query, database="travel.db"):
connection = sqlite3.connect(database)
cursor = connection.cursor()
results = cursor.fetchall()
return results
``` 4. **生成推荐** ```python
def generate_recommendations(preferences):
flight_query = generate_sql_query("flights", preferences)
hotel_query = generate_sql_query("hotels", preferences)
attraction_query = generate_sql_query("attractions", preferences)
flights = execute_sql_query(flight_query)
hotels = execute_sql_query(hotel_query)
attractions = execute_sql_query(attraction_query)
itinerary = {
"flights": flights,
"hotels": hotels,
"attractions": attractions
return itinerary
travel_agent = Travel_Agent()
preferences = {
"destination": "Paris",
"dates": "2025-04-01 to 2025-04-10",
"budget": "moderate",
"interests": ["museums", "cuisine"]
itinerary = generate_recommendations(preferences)
print("Suggested Itinerary:", itinerary)
``` #### 示例SQL查询 1. **航班查询** ```sql
SELECT * FROM flights WHERE destination='Paris' AND dates='2025-04-01 to 2025-04-10' AND budget='moderate';
``` 2. **酒店查询** ```sql
SELECT * FROM hotels WHERE destination='Paris' AND budget='moderate';
``` 3. **景点查询** ```sql
SELECT * FROM attractions WHERE destination='Paris' AND interests='museums, cuisine';
``` 通过将SQL作为检索增强生成(RAG)技术的一部分,像Travel Agent这样的AI代理可以动态检索并利用相关数据,提供准确且个性化的推荐。 ### 结论 元认知是一种强大的工具,可以显著增强AI代理的能力。通过引入元认知过程,您可以设计出更智能、更适应性强且更高效的代理。使用附加资源进一步探索AI代理中元认知的迷人世界。