A Virtual Assistant to improve productivity and learning.
- using voice or keyboard shortcut to search for definitions and explanation of words or concepts
- save the searched words as a flashcard
- transform your personal notes automatically into flashcards
- create your own decks of flashcards
- start learning sessions with a goal of correct answers for each card in the choosen deck
- set your default browser. You can find the option in the search/search.cpp file. If you use Chromium for example:
system(("chromium -new-tab " + search2).c_str());
Replace "chromium" with your default browser:
- For google chrome: google-chrome or google-chrome-stable (on linux)
- For Firefox: firefox
- On windows, uncomment the ShellExecute function to enable the browser function. This method may be easier if you run into issues with the browser set up.
- The default Compiler on Linux is set to g++. If you use another compiler, change the compiler inside the CMakeLists.txt file.
- Open your command line
- cd to project root directory: solon/
- Create a build directory: mkdir build
- Change into the build direcotry: cd build
- Inside the build directory type: cmake .. && make
- To execute the application write: ./solon
- bs4
- SpeechRecognition
- gTTS
- requests
- playsound
- To install all the packages type this into your command line:
pip install bs4 SpeechRecognition gTTS requests playsound
First of all, I would recommend to set the program as a keyboard shortcut, to use it effortless, quickly and intuitively. You can also create a bash script with the following text:
#!/bin/bash cd <path-to-build-directory> .solon
If you already have a collection of notes, you can turn them easily into flashcard:
- Create a .txt file inside /solon/files/decks/.txt
- Copy your entire notes document into the .txt file
- Put a "?" at the end of each question or "#" at the front of a topic title. You will find an example inside the example.txt file.
- Save the file and the program will automatically create the front and back of each flashcard after execution
Uncomment line 42-43 inside the scraping.py file.
Every searched keyword is stored in the /files/decks/history.txt file