Edit existing Firewall Policy settings
: Optional audit log comment
: A hashtable of Firewall Policy properties
PS> Edit-CsFirewallPolicySettings -Body @{ policy_id = <string>; default_inbound = <string>;
default_outbound = <string>; enforce = <boolean>; test_mode = <boolean> }
Edit an existing Firewall Rule Group
: Optional audit log comment
: A hashtable of Rule Group properties
Find Firewall Event IDs in your environment
: The filter expression that should be used to limit the results
: Search all firewall event metadata for the provided string
: The maximum records to return [default: 5000]
: The offset to start retrieving records from [default: 0]
: Repeat request until all results are returned
PS> Get-CsFirewallEventId
Get detail about Firewall Events by ID
: Target Firewall Event IDs
PS> Get-CsFirewallEventInfo -Id @(<string>, <string>)
Get firewall field specification ids
: A specific platform id
: The maximum records to return [default: 100]
: The offset to start retrieving records from [default: 0]
: Repeat request until all results are returned
PS> Get-CsFirewallFieldId
Get firewall field specifications
: Specific fields specification ids to retrieve
PS> Get-CsFirewallFieldInfo
Get firewall platform ids
: The maximum records to return [default: 100]
: The offset to start retrieving records from [default: 0]
PS> Get-CsFirewallPlatformId
Get firewall platform names
: Specific platform ids to return
PS> Get-CsFirewallPlatformInfo -Id @(<string>, <string>)
Returns basic Firewall Policy settings
: Target Firewall Policy IDs
PS> Get-CsFirewallPolicySettings -Id @(<string>, <string>)
Search for Firewall Rule Group IDs in your environment
: The filter expression that should be used to limit the results
: Search all firewall event metadata for the provided string
: The maximum records to return [default: 5000]
: The offset to start retrieving records from [default: 0]
: Repeat request until all results are returned
PS> Get-CsFirewallRuleGroupId
Get detail about Firewall Rule Groups by ID
: Target Firewall Rule Group IDs
PS> Get-CsFirewallRuleGroupInfo -Id @(<string>, <string>)
Search for Firewall Rule IDs in your environment
: A specific Firewall policy ID to return rules for
: The filter expression that should be used to limit the results
: Search all firewall event metadata for the provided string
: The maximum records to return [default: 5000]
: The offset to start retrieving records from [default: 0]
: Repeat request until all results are returned
PS> Get-CsFirewallRuleId
Get detail about Firewall Rules by ID
: Target Firewall Rule IDs
PS> Get-CsFirewallRuleInfo -Id @(<string>, <string>)
Create a new Firewall Rule Group
: A Rule Group ID to copy rules from
: If toggled, rules will be cloned from the CrowdStrike Firewall Rule Groups Library
: Optional audit log comment
: A hashtable of Rule Group properties
PS> New-CsFirewallRuleGroup -Body @{ name = <string>; enabled = <boolean> }
Delete a Firewall Rule Groups by ID
: The IDs of the Firewall Rule Groups to delete
: Optional audit log comment
PS> Remove-CsFirewallRuleGroup -Id @(<string>, <string>)