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Implementation of Neural Style Transfer based on the original paper by Gatys et al., with adaptations from Deep Learning with Python by François Chollet. This notebook allows you to experiment with style transfer, content reconstruction, and style reconstruction to explore and gain a deeper understanding of how Neural Style Transfer (NST) works.


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Neural Style Transfer

Main Image


Neural Style Transfer (NST) was introduced by Leon Gatys et al. in 2015. It consists of applying the style of a reference image to a target image while conserving the content, as exemplified:

Style: Textures, colors, visual patterns across various spatial scales.
Content: Higher-level macrostructure of the image.

The idea of style transfer is related to texture generation, which has a long history in image processing before the development of its neural counterpart.

The key notion behind the implementation of NST is the same idea fundamental to all Deep Learning algorithms: definition of a loss function.

In high-level terms, the loss function is defined as:

$$\mathcal{L}_{\text{style\_transfer}} = \underbrace{\text{distance}(\text{style}(\text{reference\_image}), \text{style}(\text{combination\_image}))}_{\text{Style loss}} + \underbrace{\text{distance}(\text{content}(\text{original\_image}), \text{content}(\text{combination\_image}))}_{\text{Content loss}}$$


  • $\text{distance}$: A norm function such as $\text{L}_2$ norm.
  • $\text{content}$: A function computing a representation of the image content.
  • $\text{style}$: A function computing the representation of the image style.

Minimizing the loss function ensures:

  • $\text{style}(\text{combination}_{image}) \approx \text{style}(\text{reference}_{image})$,
  • $\text{content}(\text{combination}_{image}) \approx \text{content}(\text{original}_{image})$.

Gatys et al. found that convolutional neural networks (CNNs) offer a way to mathematically define the $\text{style}$ and $\text{content}$ functions.

The Content Loss

The activations from earlier layers in a network contain local information, while activations from higher layers capture increasingly global and abstract information. Thus, the content of an image, which is more global, is found in the upper-layer representations of a CNN.

Let $F^l \in \mathbb{R}^{C_l \times H_l \times W_l}$ denote the feature map of the generated image at layer $l$, and $P^l$ denote the feature map of the content image at the same layer. Then the content loss is defined as:

$$\mathcal{L}_{\text{content}} = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i,j} \left( F_{ij}^l - P_{ij}^l \right)^2$$

This guarantees that the generated image will maintain high-level structural similarity to the target content image. It assumes that upper layers in a CNN effectively "see" the content of the input images.

The Style Loss

Unlike content loss, which uses a single upper layer, style loss uses multiple layers of a CNN to capture texture patterns across spatial scales.

To model the style of an image, we compute the Gram matrix of a layer's activations. The Gram matrix captures the correlations between feature maps at layer $l$, reflecting the texture statistics at that scale.

For a feature map $F^l \in \mathbb{R}^{C_l \times H_l \times W_l}$, the Gram matrix is:

$$G^l_{ij} = \sum_{k=1}^{H_l W_l} F_{ik}^l F_{jk}^l$$

where $G^l \in \mathbb{R}^{C_l \times C_l}$. The style loss for layer $l$ is the Frobenius norm between the Gram matrices of the generated image ($G^l$) and the style reference image ($A^l$):

$$\mathcal{L}_{\text{style}}^l = \frac{1}{4 N_l^2 M_l^2} \sum_{i,j} \left( G_{ij}^l - A_{ij}^l \right)^2$$


  • $N_l = C_l$: Number of feature maps (channels).
  • $M_l = H_l \times W_l$: Number of spatial locations.

The total style loss aggregates contributions across multiple layers:

$$\mathcal{L}_{\text{style}} = \sum_{l} w_l \mathcal{L}_{\text{style}}^l$$

Here, $w_l$ is a weight factor controlling the contribution of layer $l$.

Total Loss

The total loss combines content and style losses:

$$\mathcal{L}_{\text{total}} = \alpha \mathcal{L}_{\text{content}} + \beta \mathcal{L}_{\text{style}}$$


  • $\alpha$: Weight for content preservation.
  • $\beta$: Weight for style transfer.

Additional Notes

  • Choice of Layers:

    • Content loss typically uses higher layers to capture global structure.
    • Style loss uses multiple layers (low and high) to capture textures at various scales.
  • Customization of Style Scales:
    By adjusting $w_l$, specific spatial scales of style can be emphasized or suppressed.

  • Optimization Process:

    • The generated image is initialized (e.g., as noise or the content image).
    • Gradient descent is applied to iteratively minimize $\mathcal{L}_{\text{total}}$.
  • Summary:

    • Preserve content by aligning high-level activations of the generated and content images.
    • Preserve style by aligning feature correlations (Gram matrices) of the generated and style images.


[1] Gatys, L. A. (2015). A neural algorithm of artistic style. arXiv preprint arXiv:1508.06576.

[2] Chollet, Francois. Deep learning with Python. Simon and Schuster, 2021.

Neural Style Transfer Notebook Usage

This project provides a simple interface to experiment with Neural Style Transfer, including style transfer, content visualization, and style visualization.

Usage Examples

1. Full Style Transfer

Use this to apply the style of an image to a content image.

main(content_path='img/content/dancing.jpg', style_path='img/style/picasso.jpg', mode='style_transfer')

2. Visualizing Content Reconstruction from Random Noise

Use this to observe how the content image emerges from random noise during optimization.

main(content_path='noise', style_path='img/content/dancing.jpg', mode='content')

3. Visualizing Style Representation

Use this to visualize how the network interprets the style of the image.

main(content_path='noise', style_path='img/style/picasso.jpg', mode='style')


  • content_path: Path to the content image or 'noise' for random noise initialization.
  • style_path: Path to the style image.
  • mode: One of the following:
    • 'style_transfer': Performs full style transfer.
    • 'content': Reconstructs the content image from noise.
    • 'style': Visualizes the style as seen by the network.

Example Directory Structure

├── content/
│   └── dancing.jpg
├── results/
├── style/
│   └── picasso.jpg

Happy experimenting!






Implementation of Neural Style Transfer based on the original paper by Gatys et al., with adaptations from Deep Learning with Python by François Chollet. This notebook allows you to experiment with style transfer, content reconstruction, and style reconstruction to explore and gain a deeper understanding of how Neural Style Transfer (NST) works.








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