feat: translations extraction command #2045
4 new issues (0 max.) of at least minor severity.
Here is an overview of what got changed by this pull request:
- Added 4
Complexity increasing per file
- src/Command/TranslationsExtract.php 10
See the complete overview on Codacy
Check warning on line 38 in src/Command/TranslationsExtract.php
codacy-production / Codacy Static Code Analysis
The class TranslationsExtract has 11 non-getter- and setter-methods. Consider refactoring TranslationsExtract to keep number of methods under 10.
Check warning on line 38 in src/Command/TranslationsExtract.php
codacy-production / Codacy Static Code Analysis
The class TranslationsExtract has a coupling between objects value of 23. Consider to reduce the number of dependencies under 13.
Check warning on line 109 in src/Command/TranslationsExtract.php
codacy-production / Codacy Static Code Analysis
The method execute() has a Cyclomatic Complexity of 10. The configured cyclomatic complexity threshold is 10.
Check warning on line 109 in src/Command/TranslationsExtract.php
codacy-production / Codacy Static Code Analysis
The method execute() has an NPath complexity of 288. The configured NPath complexity threshold is 200.