Linux Monitor is an EPICS application used to monitor the system status of an OPI or IOC
The following process variables are provided by this application:
(Where $(NAME) is the host name of the OPI or IOC. ${NAME) is upper case even if the host name is not.)
$(NAME):CNT Seconds since last reboot
$(NAME):HBT Heartbeat (Increments from 0 to 98 at one beat per second)
$(NAME):HBTMOD Heartbeat (Increments from 0 to 8 at one beat per second)
$(NAME):MEMAV Available memory in Kilobytes (KB)
$(NAME):MEMUSED Used memory in kilobytes (KB)
$(NAME):MEMFREE Free memory in kilobytes (KB)
$(NAME):MEMFREEPCT Free memory as percentage of available (%)
$(NAME):MEMSHRD Shared memory in kilobytes (KB)
$(NAME):MEMBUFF Buffer memory in kilobytes (KB)
$(NAME):MEMCACH Cached memory in kilobytes (KB)
$(NAME):MEMAVPCT Available memory (free and cached) (%)
$(NAME):SWAPAV Swap available in kilobytes (KB)
$(NAME):SWAPUSED Swap used in kilobytes (KB)
$(NAME):SWAPFREE Swap free in kilobytes (KB)
$(NAME):SWAPFREEPCT Swap free as percentage of available (%)
$(NAME):SWAPCACH Swap cached in kilobytes (KB)
$(NAME):UPTIME Elapsed time since system boot
$(NAME):TIME Current system time
$(NAME):BOOTTIME Time of system boot
$(NAME):LOAD1MIN CPU load (1 minute average) (%)
$(NAME):LOAD5MIN CPU load (5 minute average) (%)
$(NAME):LOAD15MIN CPU load (15 minute average) (%)
$(NAME):CPUIDLE CPU idle percentage (%)
$(NAME):CPUNICE CPU nice usage percent (%)
$(NAME):CPUSYSTEM CPU system usage percent (%)
$(NAME):CPUUSER CPU user usage percent (%)
$(NAME):LOAD CPU load percentage (%)
$(NAME):IPADDR IP address of the system
$(NAME):SYSNAME System name (ie 'uname -s')
$(NAME):RELEASE System release (ie 'uname -r')
$(NAME):VERSION System version (ie 'uname -v')
$(NAME):MACHINE System architecture (ie 'uname -m')
$(NAME):PIDAV Number of processes (PIDs) available
$(NAME):PIDUSED Number of processes (PIDs) used
$(NAME):PIDFREE Number of processes (PIDs) free
$(NAME):PIDFREEPCT Number of processes (PIDs) free as percentage of available
$(NAME):SWAPINRATE Rate pages are being swapped in (%)
$(NAME):SWAPOUTRATE Rate pages are being swapped out (%)
$(NAME):SWAPACTIVEPCT Swap active percentage (%)
This project makes use of the LinuxSystemMonitor driver from PSI by Miroslaw Dach