Clone the Katapult repository from Arksine’s repository.
git clone
After cloning Katapult, open its directory and Katapult’s config file.
cd katapult
make menuconfig
Set the file and close it by typing Q and Y.
Build Katapult.
make clean
Go back, enter the Klipper directory, and open Klipper’s config file.
cd ..
cd klipper
make menuconfig
The CAN Bus configuration is vital to this file. You need to select the interface configuration written in the printer.cfg file.
In my case, it is PB12/PB13. It may be different on your device, so check your printer.cfg file on Mainsail to get the correct configurations.
Close the file by typing Q and Y.
Build Klipper.
make clean
To flash Katapult and Klipper, the board needs to be in DFU (Device Firmware Update) mode.
Two buttons on the E3EZ that enter the board into DFU mode are:
- Boot
- Reset
You can always check whether the board is in DFU mode by typing lsusb
Type lsusb
without doing anything with the Boot and Reset buttons.
You will see the following lines.
Now, perform the following steps on your board:
- Push both the Boot and Reset buttons at the same time.
- First, release the Reset button, and then release the Boot button.
To check if the board is in DFU mode, type lsusb
This time, you need to see the following lines.
When you have validated that E3EZ is in DFU mode, flash Katapult using the following line.
sudo dfu-util -a 0 -D ~/katapult/out/katapult.bin --dfuse-address 0x08000000:force:leave -d 0483:df11
It will flash Katapult, and you will see the following lines. You can ignore the dfu-util error at the end.
Press the Reset button to restart the E3EZ.
Type again lsusb
to ensure that the board is not in DFU mode.
Enter the DFU mode again by performing the following steps on your board:
- Push both the Boot and Reset buttons at the same time.
- First, release the Reset button, and then release the Boot button.
To check if the board is in DFU mode, type lsusb
You need to see the following lines again.
When you have validated that E3EZ is in DFU mode, flash Klipper using the following line.
sudo dfu-util -a 0 -d 0483:df11 --dfuse-address 0x08002000 -D ~/klipper/out/klipper.bin
It will flash Klipper, and you will see the following lines.
Press the Reset button to restart the E3EZ.
Type again lsusb
to ensure that the board is not in DFU mode.
To enable CAN Bus, you need to create the interface file using Nano.
If Nano is not installed on the device, use the following command to get Nano.
sudo apt-get install nano
Create the interface file using Nano.
sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces.d/can0
It will open the Nano text editor.
Copy the following lines into the text editor, and be careful about the indentations at the last two lines.
allow-hotplug can0
iface can0 can static
bitrate 1000000
up ifconfig $IFACE txqueuelen 1024
Write the document using Ctrl+O and press Enter.
Exit the document using Ctrl+X.
Bring the CAN Bus interface can0 up.
sudo ifup can0
Type ifconfig
to check if the CAN Bus is running.
If everything works, you will get the UUID using the following command.
python3 ~/katapult/scripts/ -q