- Set up code coverage report with codecov.io #53
- Add logo and badges to README #54
- Add NEWS file to repository #55
- Slowness detected on getForestPlot/getTornadoPlot call #51
- Sensitivity analysis change: add 'where' argument (equation in model or theta) #48
- Sensitivity analysis change: add 'log' argument #49
- Review call to Campsis simulation #46
- Slighly adapt the tornado plot item #44 (previous release version was not updated)
- Slighly adapt the tornado plot item #44
- Make tests run with both rxode2 and mrgsolve #39
- Show labels should be optional in tornado plots #40
- Add argument 'limits' to getTornadoPlot and getForestPlot #41
- Deactivate progress for the simulation of the base scenario #42
- NA in item when unit of continuous covariate is not specified #32
- Include GPLv3 license #33
- Issue when simulating only 1 item/scenario #34
- Remove level argument from calculate method #35
- Parallel computation not working anymore #29
- Update package due to refactoring of campsisnca #27
- Strange regression in R4.3.1 when sampling parameter uncertainty with Campsis/mvrnorm #21
- Rerun README #23
- Setup GitHub actions workflow #24
- Fix R CMD check #25