🔭 I’m currently working on Fullstack Projects
🌱 I’m currently learning AWS Technologies, PHP, Laravel, Inertia.js, React
👨💻 I’m looking to collaborate on Projects that helps me learn and contribute for society!
💬 Let's talk about Technology, business, games and history!
📫 How to reach me caio_bgalvao@hotmail.com
🏰 Architectures and principles: MSC, MVC, OOP, SOLID.
Modules Attended at Trybe
- Fundamentals - HTML 5, CSS, Java Script ES6, JEST
- Front-end - React, Redux, RTL, React Hooks, Context API
- Back-End - Docker, MySQL, Express.Js, Sequelize, Deploy with Heroku, SOLID, Chai, Mocha, Sinon, Type Script, OOP, MongoDB, Mongoose, CI/CD with GitHub Actions
- Computer Science - Python, Pytest, OOP on Python, Network and security concepts, API with Python, Algorithms and Data Structure
- EsLint - Java Script
- StyleLint - CSS
- RadoLint - Docker File
- YAML Lint - Docker Compose
- Trello
- Slack
Is an acronym for Model, Service and Controller. This architecture is didactic and we use it in Trybe's projects. Being Model the layer of requests to the database, Service the layer of business rules and Controller the layer that responds to the requests.
🔭 Atualmente estou trabalhando em Projetos Fullstack
🌱 Estou estudando sobre Técnologias da AWS, PHP, Laravel, Inertia.js, React
👨💻 Meu objetivo é colaborar com projetos que me façam aprender e agreguem valor para a sociedade!
💬 Gosto de conversar sobre Tecnologia, negócios, games e história!
📫 Envie um e-mail: caio_bgalvao@hotmail.com
🏰 Arquiteturas e princípios: MSC, POO, SOLID.
Modulos concluidos na Trybe
- Fundamentos - Linux, Git, HTML 5, CSS, Java Script ES6, JEST
- Front-end - React, Redux, RTL, React Hooks, Context API
- Back-End - Docker, MySQL, Express.Js, Sequelize, Deploy com Heroku, SOLID, Chai, Mocha, Sinon, Type Script, POO, MongoDB, Mongoose, CI/CD com GitHub Actions
- Ciência da Computação - Python, Pytest, POO no Python, Rede e Conceitos de Segurança, API com Python, Algorítimos e Estrutura de dados
- EsLint - Java Script
- StyleLint - CSS
- RadoLint - Docker File
- YAML Lint - Docker Compose
- Trello
- Slack
É um acrônimo para Model, Service e Controller. Essa arquitetura é didática e a utilizamos nos projetos da Trybe. Sendo Model a camada de requisições à base de dados, Service a camada de regras de negócio e Controller a camada que responde às requisições.