- Add healthcheck
- Install lxml_html_clean.
- Fix for py312: Use LooseVersion from looseversion instead of distutils.
- Fix ImportError: lxml.html.clean module is now a separate project lxml_html_clean. Add lxml[html_clean] into requirements.
- Fix another class active in template pagination.
- Fix class active in template pagination.
- Fix hide author.
- Add aldryn_news_urls_need_reloading to reload urls when Sestion is added or removed.
- Fix NoReverseMatch when 'aldryn_newsblog_default' is not a registered namespace.
- Fix requirements - add djangocms-aldryn-search, django-haystack.
- Fix content of NewsBlogSerialEpisodesPlugin.
- Add css class names djangocms-newsblog-content, djangocms-newsblog-article-list, articles-list-item, article-detail, etc.
- Update code to python >= 3.7 and Django >= 3.2.
- Updated translations
- Fixed error when page with attached menu without apphook was not working
- Removed the dollar from the routes
- Fixed article search functionality to work with django CMS 3.6
- Add model Serial and field Episode into Article. Add NewsBlogSerialEpisodesPlugin.
- Fix recursive error of plugin in article detail.
- Use aldryn-translation-tools updated to Django 2.x.
- Adjust the order of urls for resolving views.
- Fix missing optional attribute application_urls in model cms.Page. Fix NotImplementedError in application_namespace.
- Hide author photo. Display no-photo icon.
- Added missing POST methods for newsblog views
- Added support for Django 2.0 and 2.1
- Removed support for Django < 1.11
- Adapted testing infrastructure (tox/travis) to incorporate django CMS 3.6
- Fixed problem with not working sending forms on apphooked pages
- Reverted "Fixed NoReverseMatch errors raised when indexing an article not present on the site being indexed."
- Fixed NoReverseMatch errors raised when indexing an article not present on the site being indexed.
- django-parler >= 1.8.1 is now required
- Fixed FieldError on creating article from cms wizard
- Introduced Django 1.11 support
- Dropped django CMS 3.2 & 3.3 support
- Introduced django CMS 3.5 support
- Dropped aldryn-reversion/django-reversion support
- Admin UI enhancements
- Disabled caching for
- Updated translations
- Removed cache exclusion for
- Fixed related_name inconsistency with django CMS 3.3.1
- Dropped support for djangoCMS < 3.2
- Introduced support for djangoCMS 3.4.0
- Relaxed sortedm2m version range
- Updated translation setup for transifex
- Updated translation strings
- Fixed aldryn_translation_tools not being added to INSTALLED_APPS on Aldryn
- Updated translation setup for transifex
- Fixed bootstrap3 article template sometimes causing broken pages
- Added support for cache durations fields in "time-sensitive" plugins on django CMS 3.3.0+
- Added support for newer versions of django-filer
- Adds support for Python 3.5
- Adds support for Django 1.9
- Adds support for CMS 3.3.x
- Adapt pagenav to hide too many entries
- Pagenav shows "..." if there are to many pages forward or backwards
- Add pagenav settings to apphook configs
- Remove unused render_placeholder configs
- Add static_placeholders where necessary
- Simplify templates
- Change default for app config setting
to False
- Add Django 1.9 compatibility
- Add stripped default django templates to /aldryn_newsblog/templates
- Newly created articles are not published by default
- UX admin interface improvements
- Updates for recent versions of django-reversion
- Adds integration tests against CMS v3.2
- Adds support for reversion with wizards
- Cleans-up and updates test configuration
- Fixes CMS 3.2 wizard
- Fixes issue with lazy translations
- Fixes restrictive django-filer dependency (<0.10)
- Adds Django 1.8 support
- Pins Aldryn Translation Tools to >= 0.1.2
- Pins Aldryn Boilerplates to >=0.7.2
- Menu (CMSAttachMenu) is no longer automatically added
- Adds a CMS 3.2 wizard for creating articles
- Add missing requirement python-dateutil
- Overhaul the News & Blog CMS Toolbar
- Pins Aldryn Translation Tools to >=0.1.0
- Pins Aldryn Reversion to >=0.1.0
- Pins Aldryn Boilerplates to >=0.6.0
- Documentation improvements
- Fixes tag link on article detail page
- Unrestricts Aldryn Translation Tools and implements AllTranslationsMixin where appropriate.
- Restrict Aldryn Translation Tools to <0.0.7
- Adds frontend testing configuration and tests
- Restricts Aldryn Reversion to <0.1.0
- Adds a switch: ALDRYN_NEWSBLOG_UPDATE_SEARCH_DATA_ON_SAVE that when set to False, prevents article data from being saved into search_data. This is useful in environments which prefers to do all indexing in batches.
- Adds a management command: rebuild_article_search_data which can be used to update search_data for all articles.
- Fixes an issue where unintended, empty translations are created
- First production release
- i18n improvements
- Spaces support fixes
- Improve user documentation
- Increase test coverage
- Fixes search index bug
- Fixes testsuite issue with django-filer>=0.9.10
- Fixes bug with toolbar
- Improves migration-ability
- improves support for some version of MySQL
- Improves auto-slugification process
- Now requires v0.1.3+ of aldryn-common
- Now requires v0.5.2+ of aldryn-people
- Fixes a bad migration
- Tested to work in django CMS 3.0.x and 3.1.x
- Other minor refactoring
- Fixes older South migration (0028) for CMS 3.1
- Add "magic" migrations to move from old-style CMS plugin table naming to new for users using older versions of CMS.
- Post a deprecation notice about supporting only CMS 3.0+ from version 1.0.0 of Aldryn News & Blog.
- Pin parler to version 1.4, which is required by the latest migration.
- Reimplements a means of allowing users to use plugins and Articles before creating and publishing the corresponding apphook'ed page. This new method gives more flexibility to developers and template authors.
- Adds breadcrump support by adding a CMSAttachMenu. NOTE: django CMS v3.0.14 or v3.1 or later must be used to have working breadcrumbs.
- Adds support for swappable User models.
- Adds sitemaps support.
- Improves support of language fallbacks as defined in CMS_LANGUAGES
- Adds new app configuration option for setting a template prefix.
- Fix an error in search indexer that breaks indexing if an article has no search data
- Search indexer is using switch_language from parler
- Now requires aldryn-apphooks-config v0.2.4 or later
- Use get_current_language from cms instead get_language from Django because Django bug #9340
- Use get_current_language from cms instead get_language from Django because Django bug #9340
- multi-boilerplate support new requirement: aldryn-boilerplates (needs configuration)