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Releases: CWWhitney/ethnobotanyR

ethnobotanyR version 0.1.9

24 Dec 14:09
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version 0.1.9 is a patch
Updated for R 4.2.0 "Vigorous Calisthenics":

  • Added color options for ethno_alluvial() and radial_Plot()
  • Add error checks for use observations with more than count '1'
  • Add corrections for those same use observations
  • Added a new vignette Modeling with ethnobotanyR (split the existing into one about indices and one about modeling and expanded on both)
  • Add more visual output options in ggplot2 (...)
  • Update the non-parametric bootstrap as a Bayesian Model ethno_boot()

Bug fixes

version 0.1.8 News

This version 0.1.8 of ethnobotanyR is a patch:
Fixed bugs in functions from Myanmar work and China work/ removed more old functions updated for new methods in the tidyverse

version 0.1.7 News

This version 0.1.7 of ethnobotanyR is a patch:
Added new functions from Myanmar work and China work/ removed old functions

version 0.1.6 News

This version 0.1.6 of ethnobotanyR is a patch:
Fixed some bugs / added some more model options and figure options

version 0.1.5 News

This version 0.1.5 of ethnobotanyR is a patch:
Removed some bugs / added some more model options and figure options

version 0.1.4 News

This version 0.1.4 of ethnobotanyR is a patch:
Removed some bugs and added some new methods/models and figures

version 0.1.3 News

This version 0.1.3 of ethnobotanyR is a patch:
Fixed some bugs and added some new indices and figures

version 0.1.2 News

This version 0.1.2 of ethnobotanyR is a patch:
Removed some bugs / added some new methods

version 0.1.1 News

This version 0.1.1 of ethnobotanyR is a patch:
Fixed some bugs and added some new indices

version 0.1.0 News

This version 0.1.0 of ethnobotanyR is a new release
The package ethnobotanyR 'Calculate Quantitative Ethnobotany Indices' following some common standard indices used in ethnobotany.

ethnobotanyR version 0.1.8

07 Jan 15:11
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ethnobotanyR version 0.1.8 is a patch:

Updated for R 4.0.2:

  • Added an ethno_alluvial plot with the ggalluvial extension of ggplot2
  • re-installed all the related packages anew (also updated for R 4.0)
    'circlize','cowplot','dplyr','ggalluvial','ggplot2','ggridges','reshape', 'magrittr', as well as 'roxygen', 'broom', 'pbapply', and 'rmarkdown'
  • Fixed bugs in RIs and RFCs
  • Added more information for the Bayes tools

ethnobotanyR v0.1.7

31 Jan 10:28
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ethnobotanyR 0.1.7 is a patch:

Updated UVs() following Tardio and Pardo-de-Santayana (2008)

simple_UVs() now calculates a simple UVs cf. Albuquerque et al. (2006).

Fidelity level per species FLs() from Friedman et al. (1986) is now included for all uses (without the max Ip "dplyr::slice(which.max(Ip))").

Now includes the CVe() from Reyes-Garcia et al. (2006).

The ethnobotanyChord() function is now replaced with ethnoChord(), which includes a 'by' parameter to allow for plotting simple circos plots of uses by species and informants.

The CIs() function is updated to reflect the simpler URs/N calculation following Tardio and Pardo-de-Santayana (2008).

The ethno_bayes_consensus() function offers a Bayesian consensus (soft evidence) of the confidence we can have in the answers in the ethnobotany data. It is inspired by Oravecz, Z., Vandekerckhove, J., & Batchelder, W. H. (2014). Bayesian Cultural Consensus Theory.

The ethno_boot() function make a bootstrap analyses of ethnobotany indices. It creates a non-parametric bootstrap as a Bayesian Model and is meant to be applied for ethnobotany data and indices in the ethnobotanyR package. It is inspired (heavily) by Rasmus Bååth's “The Non-Parametric Bootstrap as a Bayesian Model” Publishable Stuff, 2015.

ethnobotanyR v0.1.6

08 Oct 11:15
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The ethnobotanyR package can be used to calculate common quantitative ethnobotany indices to assess the cultural significance of plant species based on informant consensus. ethnobotanyR 0.1.6 is a patch with updated quantitative indices and new tools for generating diagrams of uses by species and informants.

Calculate Quantitative Ethnobotany Indices v0.1.5

06 Aug 14:25
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Calculate common quantitative ethnobotany indices to assess the cultural significance of plant species based on informant consensus.

ethnobotanyR 0.1.5 is a patch:

Updated UVs() following Tardio and Pardo-de-Santayana (2008) simple_UVs() now calculates a simple UVs cf. Albuquerque et al. (2006). Fidelity level per species FLs() from Friedman et al. (1986) is added. Now includes the CVe() from Reyes-Garcia et al. (2006).

Calculate Quantitative Ethnobotany Indices v0.1.3

30 Jan 10:23
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Calculate common quantitative ethnobotany indices to assess the cultural significance of plant species based on informant consensus.