Releases: CWWhitney/ethnobotanyR
ethnobotanyR version 0.1.9
version 0.1.9 is a patch
Updated for R 4.2.0 "Vigorous Calisthenics":
- Added color options for
- Add error checks for use observations with more than count '1'
- Add corrections for those same use observations
- Added a new vignette
Modeling with ethnobotanyR
(split the existing into one about indices and one about modeling and expanded on both) - Add more visual output options in
(...) - Update the non-parametric bootstrap as a Bayesian Model
Bug fixes
- Removed pbapply options
- Address issues with the in chord plots (add a warning that more than 50 species or informants is a lot)
- Remove arguments for dplyr (to work with version on the way)
- Address CRAN issue
version 0.1.8 News
This version 0.1.8 of ethnobotanyR is a patch:
Fixed bugs in functions from Myanmar work and China work/ removed more old functions updated for new methods in the tidyverse
version 0.1.7 News
This version 0.1.7 of ethnobotanyR is a patch:
Added new functions from Myanmar work and China work/ removed old functions
version 0.1.6 News
This version 0.1.6 of ethnobotanyR is a patch:
Fixed some bugs / added some more model options and figure options
version 0.1.5 News
This version 0.1.5 of ethnobotanyR is a patch:
Removed some bugs / added some more model options and figure options
version 0.1.4 News
This version 0.1.4 of ethnobotanyR is a patch:
Removed some bugs and added some new methods/models and figures
version 0.1.3 News
This version 0.1.3 of ethnobotanyR is a patch:
Fixed some bugs and added some new indices and figures
version 0.1.2 News
This version 0.1.2 of ethnobotanyR is a patch:
Removed some bugs / added some new methods
version 0.1.1 News
This version 0.1.1 of ethnobotanyR is a patch:
Fixed some bugs and added some new indices
version 0.1.0 News
This version 0.1.0 of ethnobotanyR is a new release
The package ethnobotanyR 'Calculate Quantitative Ethnobotany Indices' following some common standard indices used in ethnobotany.
ethnobotanyR version 0.1.8
ethnobotanyR version 0.1.8 is a patch:
Updated for R 4.0.2:
- Added an ethno_alluvial plot with the ggalluvial extension of ggplot2
- re-installed all the related packages anew (also updated for R 4.0)
'circlize','cowplot','dplyr','ggalluvial','ggplot2','ggridges','reshape', 'magrittr', as well as 'roxygen', 'broom', 'pbapply', and 'rmarkdown' - Fixed bugs in RIs and RFCs
- Added more information for the Bayes tools
ethnobotanyR v0.1.7
ethnobotanyR 0.1.7 is a patch:
Updated UVs() following Tardio and Pardo-de-Santayana (2008)
simple_UVs() now calculates a simple UVs cf. Albuquerque et al. (2006).
Fidelity level per species FLs() from Friedman et al. (1986) is now included for all uses (without the max Ip "dplyr::slice(which.max(Ip))").
Now includes the CVe() from Reyes-Garcia et al. (2006).
The ethnobotanyChord() function is now replaced with ethnoChord(), which includes a 'by' parameter to allow for plotting simple circos plots of uses by species and informants.
The CIs() function is updated to reflect the simpler URs/N calculation following Tardio and Pardo-de-Santayana (2008).
The ethno_bayes_consensus() function offers a Bayesian consensus (soft evidence) of the confidence we can have in the answers in the ethnobotany data. It is inspired by Oravecz, Z., Vandekerckhove, J., & Batchelder, W. H. (2014). Bayesian Cultural Consensus Theory.
The ethno_boot() function make a bootstrap analyses of ethnobotany indices. It creates a non-parametric bootstrap as a Bayesian Model and is meant to be applied for ethnobotany data and indices in the ethnobotanyR package. It is inspired (heavily) by Rasmus Bååth's “The Non-Parametric Bootstrap as a Bayesian Model” Publishable Stuff, 2015.
ethnobotanyR v0.1.6
The ethnobotanyR package can be used to calculate common quantitative ethnobotany indices to assess the cultural significance of plant species based on informant consensus. ethnobotanyR 0.1.6 is a patch with updated quantitative indices and new tools for generating diagrams of uses by species and informants.
Calculate Quantitative Ethnobotany Indices v0.1.5
Calculate common quantitative ethnobotany indices to assess the cultural significance of plant species based on informant consensus.
ethnobotanyR 0.1.5 is a patch:
Updated UVs() following Tardio and Pardo-de-Santayana (2008) simple_UVs() now calculates a simple UVs cf. Albuquerque et al. (2006). Fidelity level per species FLs() from Friedman et al. (1986) is added. Now includes the CVe() from Reyes-Garcia et al. (2006).
Calculate Quantitative Ethnobotany Indices v0.1.3
Calculate common quantitative ethnobotany indices to assess the cultural significance of plant species based on informant consensus.