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kongdd committed Mar 7, 2023
1 parent 9a9686d commit 184b3f3
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Showing 6 changed files with 124 additions and 77 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ Imports:
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ export(vic)
Expand Down
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions R/tools.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,3 +12,17 @@ listk <- function(...) {
x <- setNames(list(...), vars)

`%||%` <- function(x, y) {
if (is.null(x)) {
} else {

set_dimnames <- function(x, value) {
dimnames(x) <- value
172 changes: 98 additions & 74 deletions R/vic.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -248,149 +248,152 @@ vic <- function(forcing, soil, veg,
output_info = NULL,
veglib = NULL, snowband = NULL, lake = NULL,
forcing_veg = NULL,
veg_force_types = c('albedo', 'LAI', 'fcanopy'),
veg_force_types = c("albedo", "LAI", "fcanopy"),
parall = FALSE) {

tp1 <- proc.time()

if(!is.list(output_info) || length(output_info) == 0) {
output_info <- list(
fluxes = list(timescale = 'day', aggpar = 1,
outvars = c('OUT_PREC', 'OUT_EVAP', 'OUT_RUNOFF',
snow = list(timescale = 'day', aggpar = 1,
outvars = c('OUT_SWE', 'OUT_SNOW_DEPTH', 'OUT_SNOWF',
if (!is.list(output_info) || length(output_info) == 0) {
output_info <- default_output_info
output_info <- list(output = output_info)

if (!is.list(output_info[[1]])) output_info %<>% list(output = .)

output_info <- deal_output_info(output_info)
n_outputs <- length(output_info)
out_names <- names(output_info)

if(is.null(veglib)) {
if (is.null(veglib)) {
veglib <- veglib_LDAS
} else {
if( {
veglib <- veglib[, !sapply(veglib, is.character)]
veglib <- as.matrix(veglib)
if ( {
veglib <- veglib[, !sapply(veglib, is.character)] %>% as.matrix()

if (is.vector(soil)) {
soil <- t(soil)
soil <- as.matrix(soil)

ncell <- nrow(soil)
cellid <- soil[, 2]

# Check length of forcing data.
minfl <- get_forclen()
for(ft in names(forcing)) {
for (ft in names(forcing)) {
fl <- nrow(forcing[[ft]])
if(is.null(nrow(forcing[[ft]]))) fl <- length(forcing[[ft]])
if(fl < minfl) {
stop(sprintf('Length of forcing data "%s" (%d) is too short for model require (%d).',
ft, fl, minfl))
if (is.null(nrow(forcing[[ft]]))) fl <- length(forcing[[ft]])
if (fl < minfl) {
'Length of forcing data "%s" (%d) is too short for model require (%d).',
ft, fl, minfl
fc <- ncol(forcing[[ft]])
if(is.null(fc) && ncell > 1 || fc < ncell)
if (is.null(fc) && ncell > 1 || fc < ncell) {
stop(sprintf('Columns of forcing data "%s" (%d) are too few for model require. It should no less than number of gridcells (%d).', ft, fc, ncell))

if(!is.list(veg)) veg <- list(veg)
if (!is.list(veg)) veg <- list(veg)

if(is.vector(lake)) {
if (is.vector(lake)) {
lake <- t(lake)
} else if(!is.null(lake)) {
lake <- as.matrix(lake)
} else if (!is.null(lake)) {
lake %<>% as.matrix()

if(is.vector(snowband)) {
snowband <- t(snowband)
} else if(!is.null(snowband)) {
snowband <- as.matrix(snowband)
if (is.vector(snowband)) {
snowband %<>% t()
} else if (!is.null(snowband)) {
snowband %<>% as.matrix()

forc_types <- c("PREC", "TEMP", "SW", "LW", "PRESS", "VP", "WIND")
# The order of forc_types must not be change.

forc_lack <- forc_types[!(forc_types %in% names(forcing))]
celev <- getOption('VIC_global_params')[['nlayers']]*4+10
if("LW" %in% forc_lack) J <- get_J()
celev <- getOption("VIC_global_params")[["nlayers"]] * 4 + 10
if ("LW" %in% forc_lack) J <- get_J()

if(ncell == 1) forcing <- data.frame(forcing[forc_types])
globalopt <- getOption('VIC_global_params')
if (ncell == 1) forcing <- data.frame(forcing[forc_types])

globalopt <- getOption("VIC_global_params")
`%dof%` <- ifelse(parall, foreach::`%dopar%`, foreach::`%do%`)

tp2 <- proc.time()

tmp_out <- foreach::foreach(i=1:ncell) %dof% {
# 需要传递全局变量
tmp_out <- foreach::foreach(i = 1:ncell) %dof% {
# tmp_out <- list()
# for (i in 1:ncell) {
# running(i, 100)
forc_veg <- matrix() # default
if(!is.null(forcing_veg)) {
if (!is.null(forcing_veg)) {
forc_veg <- forcing_veg[[i]]
attr(forc_veg, "types") <- veg_force_types

iband <- if (is.null(snowband)) -1 else snowband[i, ]
ilake <- if(is.null(lake)) -1 else lake[i, ]
iband <- snowband[i, ] %||% -1
ilake <- lake[i, ] %||% -1

if(is.null(nrow(veg[[i]])) || ncol(veg[[i]]) <= 1){
if (is.null(nrow(veg[[i]])) || ncol(veg[[i]]) <= 1) {
iveg <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 8)
} else {
iveg <- veg[[i]]

forc <- sapply(forc_types, function(ft){
if(ft %in% forc_lack) {
forc <- sapply(forc_types, function(ft) {
if (ft %in% forc_lack) {
rep(0, minfl)
} else {
forcing[[ft]][1:minfl, i]

# Estimate forcing data that not supplied.
if("PRESS" %in% forc_lack) {
if ("PRESS" %in% forc_lack) {
elev <- soil[i, celev]
forc[,5] <- 101.3*exp(-elev*9.81/(287*(273.15+forc[,2]-0.5*elev*0.0065)))
forc[, 5] <- cal_Pa(forc[, 2], elev)
if("LW" %in% forc_lack) {
if ("LW" %in% forc_lack) {
lat <- soil[i, 3]
forc[, 4] <- cal_lw(forc[,2], forc[,6], forc[,3], lat, J)
# cal_lw(temp, vp, rdsn. lat, J)
forc[, 4] <- cal_lw(forc[, 2], forc[, 6], forc[, 3], lat, J)
# temp, vp, rsds, lat, J

p <- listk(globalopt,
forc, soil[i, ], iband, iveg,
ilake, forc_veg, veglib, output_info)

# p <- listk(
# globalopt,
# forc, soil[i, ], iband, iveg,
# ilake, forc_veg, veglib, output_info
# )
# print(str(p))
iout <- vic_run_cell(globalopt,
forc, soil[i, ], iband, iveg,
ilake, forc_veg, veglib, output_info)

iout <- vic_run_cell(
forc, soil[i, ], iband, iveg,
ilake, forc_veg, veglib, output_info
# tmp_out[[i]] = iout

tp3 <- proc.time()

# Run time in C
#cpp_time <- rbind(
# cpp_time <- rbind(
# c(rowSums(sapply(tmp_out, function(x)x[[n_outputs + 1]])), 0),
# c(rowSums(sapply(tmp_out, function(x)x[[n_outputs + 2]])), 0),
# c(rowSums(sapply(tmp_out, function(x)x[[n_outputs + 3]])), 0))
out <- list()
for(i in 1:n_outputs) {
out_header <- attr(tmp_out[[1]][[i]], 'header')
out_time <- attr(tmp_out[[1]][[i]], 'time')

for (i in 1:n_outputs) {
out_header <- attr(tmp_out[[1]][[i]], "header")
out_time <- attr(tmp_out[[1]][[i]], "time")

iout <- lapply(1:length(out_header), function(h) {
itype <- sapply(1:ncell, function(g) tmp_out[[g]][[i]][, h])
rownames(itype) <- out_time
colnames(itype) <- cellid
itype <- sapply(1:ncell, function(g) tmp_out[[g]][[i]][, h]) %>%
set_dimnames(list(out_time, cellid))
names(iout) <- out_header
Expand All @@ -399,14 +402,35 @@ vic <- function(forcing, soil, veg,

tp4 <- proc.time()

time_table <- rbind(tp2-tp1, tp3-tp2, tp4-tp3, tp4-tp1)[,1:3]
#time_table <- rbind(time_table, cpp_time)
#rownames(time_table) <- c('init_time', 'run_time', 'final_time', 'total_time',
time_table <- rbind(tp2 - tp1, tp3 - tp2, tp4 - tp3, tp4 - tp1)[, 1:3] %>%
set_rownames(c("init_time", "run_time", "final_time", "total_time")) %>%

# time_table <- rbind(time_table, cpp_time)
# rownames(time_table) <- c('init_time', 'run_time', 'final_time', 'total_time',
# 'init_time(cpp)', 'run_time(cpp)', 'final_time(cpp)')
rownames(time_table) <- c('init_time', 'run_time', 'final_time', 'total_time')
out[['timetable']] <- round(time_table, 4)
out[['global_options']] <- globalopt
out[['output_info']] <- output_info
class(out) <- 'vic_output'
out[["timetable"]] <- time_table
out[["global_options"]] <- globalopt
out[["output_info"]] <- output_info
class(out) <- "vic_output"

#' @import magrittr
default_output_info <- list(
fluxes = list(
timescale = "day", aggpar = 1,
outvars = c(
snow = list(
timescale = "day", aggpar = 1,
outvars = c(
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions R/vic_forcing.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,11 @@ get_J <- function() {

# air pressure in kPa
cal_Pa <- function(Tair, elev = 0) {
101.3 * exp(-elev * 9.81 / (287 * (273.15 + Tair - 0.5 * elev * 0.0065)))

cal_lw <- function(temp, vp, rsds, lat, J) {
# Calc s
lat <- lat * pi/360
Expand Down
8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions man/vic.Rd

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