changed README, names of functions, constants
changed README, names of functions, constants
converted validation notebooks into py files
converted validation notebooks into py files
fully implemented attention, fixed attention mask propagation
fully implemented attention, fixed attention mask propagation
added both self attention and cross attention to model
added both self attention and cross attention to model
removed fetching of data with openai as unreliable, added attention t…
removed fetching of data with openai as unreliable, added attention t…
added openai endpoint interrogator to get adsorbent properties
added openai endpoint interrogator to get adsorbent properties
improved organization of asyncronous functions, merged fetch of adsor…
improved organization of asyncronous functions, merged fetch of adsor…
updated README and other small changes to code
updated README and other small changes to code
last fixes to validation notebooks, still to complete
last fixes to validation notebooks, still to complete
fixed pipeline to resume training, now correctly deserializing layers
fixed pipeline to resume training, now correctly deserializing layers
updated README, fixed issues with preprocessing leading to nan loss v…
updated README, fixed issues with preprocessing leading to nan loss v…
changed model structure, fixed issues with attention and removed said…
changed model structure, fixed issues with attention and removed said…
remove unused experimental features, temporarely disabled host proper…
remove unused experimental features, temporarely disabled host proper…
fixed some issues with synonyms fetching and conversion of strings to…
fixed some issues with synonyms fetching and conversion of strings to…
modified structure of model to include a molecular context window, ch…
modified structure of model to include a molecular context window, ch…
added masked accuracy and loss, improved model structure, added Q dec…
added masked accuracy and loss, improved model structure, added Q dec…
added pressure encoder, removed tf.dataset generator
added pressure encoder, removed tf.dataset generator
started to implement SCADS neural network model
started to implement SCADS neural network model
implemented dataloader based on dataset, started building model const…
implemented dataloader based on dataset, started building model const…
adsorbents are now encoded by name, since it is very difficult to ret…
adsorbents are now encoded by name, since it is very difficult to ret…
fixed host properties fetching, trying to use formula identifier if t…
fixed host properties fetching, trying to use formula identifier if t…