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adding quickstart for hpcs server
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telliere authored and mmatthiesencsc committed Apr 8, 2024
1 parent 507738f commit 3e283ce
Showing 1 changed file with 258 additions and 2 deletions.
260 changes: 258 additions & 2 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -211,7 +211,263 @@ For docker-compose, we consider the Vault and the Spire Server as setup and the

#### K8s

HPCS' serverside consists in an web API. The difficulty in the installation of it comes with the underlying services that needs to be available for it to run properly. Here is a scheme of the architecture of a fully-installed HPCS server side.

flowchart LR
subgraph SSP[Spire Server pod]
SSC[Spire Server container]
SOC[Spire OIDC container]
NC[Nginx proxy]
SSS[Spire server service]
VS[Vault service]
VP[Vault pod]
HP[HPCS server pod]
SSC <-- TCP:8081--> SSS
NC <-- HTTPS:443--> SSS
SSC <--UNIX Socket--> SOC
SOC <--UNIX Socket--> NC
SSS <--HTTPS:443--> VP
HP <--TCP:8081--> SSS
HP <--UNIX Socket--> SSC
VS <--HTTP:8200--> VP
HP <--HTTP:8200--> VS
Outside <--HTTP:anyport--> VS
Outside <--TCP:anyport--> SSS
(Ports are specified for the serverside, clients ports used for communication doesn't matter)

This architecture comes in 3 different main parts :
- HPCS Server (1 Container, containing Spire-Agent and HPCS Server)
- Spire Server (3 Containers, spire-server, spire-oidc, and hpcs-nginx)
- Vault (Helm chart, not managed by HPCS)

In order to proceed to the deployment of this architecture, k8s is the supported method, all the code associated is available under `/k8s`.

##### Pre-requisite

Before proceeding to HPCS' deployment, an original setup is required including :
- A ready-to-run k8s cluster
- `kubectl` and `helm` available and able to run kubernetes configurations (`.yaml`)
- `rbac`, `storage` and `dns` and `helm` kubernetes capabilities, f.e : `microk8s enable rbac storage dns helm` with microk8s.

Please note down the name of your k8s cluster in order to run later deployments.

##### Configuration

Several configurations are to be reviewed before proceeding.
- Nginx SSL Certificate path : Please review in `/k8s/spire-server-nginx-configmap.yaml` (section `ssl_certificate`) and `/k8s/spire-server-statefulset.yaml` (section `volumeMounts` of container `hpcs-nginx` and section `volumes` of the pod configuration). If you plan to run the deployment using ansible, please review `/k8s/deploy-all.yaml`, section `Copy oidc cert to vault's pod` and `Create spire-oidc {key, csr, cert}` for the host path to the certificate. Create the directory configured before running deployment.

- Cluster name : Please review in `/k8s/hpcs-server-configmap.yaml`, section "`agent.conf`", then "`k8s_psat`" and `/k8s/spire-server-configmap.yaml`, section "`server.conf`", then "`k8s_psat`", replace "`docker-desktop`" with your k8s cluster name.

- For further information about spire agent/ server configurations under `/k8s/hpcs-server-configmap.yaml` and `/k8s/spire-server-configmap.yaml`, please refer to spire-server [configuration reference]( and spire-agent [configuration reference](

##### Bash

This part of the documentation walks you through the different steps necessary in order to run a manual deployment of HPCS' serverside (including Vault, Spire-Server and HPCS Server).

__Starting with the "`spire-server`" pods :__

Generate your nginx certificate :
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /path/to/your/privatekey.key -out /path/to/your/certificate.crt -addext "subjectAltName = DNS:spire-oidc"

Create HPCS namespace :
cd k8s
kubectl apply -f hpcs-namespace.yaml

Create Spire service account and cluster role :
kubectl apply -f spire-server-account.yaml -f spire-server-cluster-role.yaml

Create configmaps for spire-server, spire-oidc and nginx proxy :
kubectl apply -f spire-oidc-configmap.yaml -f spire-server-configmap.yaml -f spire-server-nginx-configmap.yaml

Create spire-server statefulset, managing spire-server-x pods :
kubectl apply -f spire-server-statefulset.yaml

Expose spire-oidc proxy and spire-server's api over the cluster :
kubectl apply -f spire-server-service.yaml -f spire-oidc-service.yaml

At this point, you should be able to see at least one `spire-server-x` pod, f.e :

kubectl get -n hpcs pod/spire-server-0
spire-server-0 3/3 Running 0 30s

And the port on which the spire-server API is exposed (here 31140) :
kubectl get -n hpcs service/spire-server
spire-server LoadBalancer localhost 8081:31140/TCP 30s

__Then install Hashicorp Vault via it's official helm chart (here with microk8s):__

Add hashicorp repo and run installation :
microk8s helm3 repo add hashicorp
helm install vault hashicorp/vault --version 0.27.0 --namespace=hpcs

Initialize the Vault :
kubectl exec -it vault-0 -n hpcs -- vault operator init -n 1 -t 1
Note unseal token and root token.

Unseal vault :
kubectl exec -it vault-0 -n hpcs -- vault operator unseal [seal token]

Connect to the vault to enable jwt auth and kvv2 secrets, register oidc as a source :
kubectl exec -it vault-0 -n hpcs -- sh
export VAULT_TOKEN="[root token]"

# Enable kvv2
vault secrets enable -version=2 kv

# Enable jwt auth
vault auth enable jwt

# Connect OIDC authority (spire-oidc)
vault write auth/jwt/config oidc_discovery_url=https://spire-oidc oidc_discovery_ca_pem="

Expose Vault's API to the node :
kubectl expose service vault --name="vault-external" --type="NodePort" --target-port 8200 -n hpcs

At this point, Vault is running and it's API is exposed, to check on which port, run :
vault-external NodePort localhost 8200:31819/TCP,8201:31587/TCP 2s

__Next step is to create a spire identity and it's vault role in order to be able to identify HPCS-Server against Vault__

Get your kubernetes node uid (repeat this and the following spire identity creation for every nodes):
kubectl get nodes -o json | grep uid

Check wether you run containers using cgroupsv2 :
grep cgroup2 /proc/filesystems

Create the spire identity (If not using cgroupsv2):
kubectl exec -n hpcs spire-server-0 -c spire-server -- ./bin/spire-server entry create -spiffeID spiffe://hpcs/hpcs-server/workload -parentID spiffe://hpcs/spire/agent/k8s_psat/[Cluster Name]/[UID] -selector k8s:pod-name:hpcs-server

Create the spire identity (If using cgroupsv2):
kubectl exec -n hpcs spire-server-0 -c spire-server -- ./bin/spire-server entry create -spiffeID spiffe://hpcs/hpcs-server/workload -parentID spiffe://hpcs/spire/agent/k8s_psat/[Cluster Name]/[UID] -selector unix:uid:0

Connect to vault and create hpcs-server policy :
> kubectl exec -it vault-0 -n hpcs -- sh
/ $ vi /tmp/policy
path "auth/jwt/role/*" {
capabilities = ["sudo","read","create","delete","update"]
path "sys/policies/acl/*" {
capabilities = ["sudo","read","create","delete","update"]
/ $ vault policy write hpcs-server /tmp/policy
/ $ vault write auth/jwt/role/hpcs-server role_type=jwt user_claim=sub bound_audiences=TESTING bound_subject=spiffe://hpcs/hpcs-server/workload token_ttl=24h tok

__You can now deploy HPCS server__

Create hpcs-server and hpcs-spire service accounts :
kubectl apply -f hpcs-server-account.yaml -f hpcs-spire-account.yaml

Create hpcs server configmap :
kubectl apply -f hpcs-server-configmap.yaml

Create hpcs-server statefulset (and underlying pods) :
kubectl apply -f hpcs-server-statefulset.yaml

Expose hpcs-server api over the cluster :
kubectl apply -f hpcs-server-service.yaml

Expose hpcs-server service over the node :
kubectl expose service hpcs-server --name="hpcs-server-external" --type="NodePort" --target-port 10080 -n hpcs

Check exposed port :
hpcs-server-external NodePort localhost 10080:31827/TCP 2s

That's it, you can now use HPCS server as you please.

##### Ansible

:warning: This method is currently still under development. You could run into non-documented issues.

The previously explained steps can be automatically run using an ansible playbook available under `/k8s/deploy-all.yaml`

All the pre-requisites listed before are necessary to run this playbook. If you are running kubernetes using `microk8s`, you will need to create aliases or fake commands for `helm`, for example using a script :

microk8s helm3 $@
Written as `/usr/bin/helm`.

You will also need ansible k8s and openssl plugins :
ansible-galaxy collection install kubernetes.core
ansible-galaxy collection install community.crypto

You can now run the ansible playbook :
cd k8s
ansible-playbook deploy-all.yaml

#### Docker-compose

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -366,4 +622,4 @@ When a client wants to encrypt its data or container and to give access to it to
- Using cgroupsv2
- Replacing every calling binary by the hypervisor

Since this limitation doesn't represent a confidentiality issue (a client isn't ever provided more than a write-only permission), current mitigations are more practical than secure (again, see #5).
Since this limitation doesn't represent a confidentiality issue (a client isn't ever provided more than a write-only permission), current mitigations are more practical than secure (again, see #5).

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