COSMIC v3.4.9
What's Changed
- Hardcoded zsun for winds plus other bug fixes following Gaia BH project by @poojanagrawal in #582
- fixed error in call to comenv due to secondary by @poojanagrawal in #589
- WIP: Metallicity-dependent porb sampling by @katiebreivik in #580
- MS + MS merger changes by @katiebreivik in #591
- Moved the parts of hrdiag with remnnant assignments into assign_remnant.f by @poojanagrawal in #590
- RTMSFLAG by @kulvi90 in #592
- Removed the conditional for MESA RTMS (RTMSFLAG = 3) because the func… by @kulvi90 in #597
- Corrected the metallicity threshold for the cosmic conditional by @kulvi90 in #599
- Quick fix for deprecation due to incompatibility with Pandas >= 2.0.0 updated API by @smandhai in #593
- Allow user to specify a target total mass for independent sampler by @TomWagg in #602
- Hotfix for Pandas >v2.0.0 API from Pull 593 by @smandhai in #603
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v3.4.8...v3.4.9