Hey guys, unfortunately I am unable to continue working on this project, because life and stuffs. My awesome friend is taking the app forward right now!!! He has all the latest swags. Check out his repository here
- AndroidStudio stable release
- When you finish installing, go to SDK Manager and download all supporting stuffs. It doesn't hurt.
- Android SDK
- Java JDK
In AndroidStudio, choose Open Project and select the correct directory. From there, go to File > Project Structures and specify the correct path to Android SDK and Java JDK
- Get Debug .apk file (for development)
./gradlew assembleDebug
- Get Release .apk file
./gradlew assembleRelease
- Install Debug .apk onto devices/emulators
./gradlew installDebug
- Install and start PokemonShowdown with launcher activity:
./gradlew appStart
(customized Gradle task)
- Launch a non-launcher activity (Install .apk first and make sure adb is in the environment variable)
adb shell am start -n com.pokemonshowdown.app/.ActivityNameHere