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mirekys committed Jun 4, 2021
1 parent 0d8b168 commit 4f4d350
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Showing 3 changed files with 146 additions and 2 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion appinfo/info.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<description>Custom theme for the ownCloud@CESNET server.</description>
<author>Miroslav Bauer @ CESNET</author>
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion core/templates/layout.guest.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
<?php foreach ($_['cssfiles'] as $cssfile): ?>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php print_unescaped($cssfile); ?>">
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php style('core', 'bulma.min.css'); ?>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/apps/theme-cesnet/core/css/bulma.min.css">
<?php foreach ($_['printcssfiles'] as $cssfile): ?>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php print_unescaped($cssfile); ?>" media="print">
<?php endforeach; ?>
Expand Down
144 changes: 144 additions & 0 deletions core/templates/login.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
<?php /** @var $l IL10N */

use OCP\IL10N;
use OCP\Util; ?>
script('core', [
<!--[if IE 8]><style>input[type="checkbox"]{padding:0;}</style><![endif]-->
<form method="post" name="login" autocapitalize="none">
<?php if (!empty($_['redirect_url'])) {
print_unescaped('<input type="hidden" name="redirect_url" value="' . Util::sanitizeHTML($_['redirect_url']) . '">');
} ?>
<?php if (isset($_['apacheauthfailed']) && ($_['apacheauthfailed'])): ?>
<div class="warning">
<?php p($l->t('Server side authentication failed!')); ?><br>
<small><?php p($l->t('Please contact your administrator.')); ?></small>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php foreach ($_['messages'] as $message): ?>
<div class="warning">
<?php p($message); ?><br>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php if (isset($_['internalexception']) && ($_['internalexception'])): ?>
<div class="warning">
<?php p($l->t('An internal error occurred.')); ?><br>
<small><?php p($l->t('Please try again or contact your administrator.')); ?></small>
<?php endif; ?>
<div id="message" class="hidden">
<img class="float-spinner" alt=""
src="<?php p(image_path('core', 'loading-dark.gif')); ?>">
<span id="messageText"></span>
<!-- the following div ensures that the spinner is always inside the #message div -->
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<?php if (isset($_['licenseMessage'])): ?>
<div class="warning">
<?php print_unescaped($_['licenseMessage']); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<p class="grouptop<?php if (!empty($_['invalidpassword'])) {
?> shake<?php
} ?>">
<input type="text" name="user" id="user"
placeholder="<?php $_['strictLoginEnforced'] === true ? p($l->t('Login')) : p($l->t('Username or email')); ?>"
value="<?php p($_['loginName']); ?>"
<?php p($_['user_autofocus'] ? 'autofocus' : ''); ?>
autocomplete="on" autocorrect="off" required>
<label for="user"
class="infield"><?php $_['strictLoginEnforced'] === true ? p($l->t('Login')) : p($l->t('Username or email')); ?></label>

<p class="groupbottom<?php if (!empty($_['invalidpassword'])) {
?> shake<?php
} ?>">
<input type="password" name="password" id="password" value=""
placeholder="<?php p($l->t('Password')); ?>"
<?php p($_['user_autofocus'] ? '' : 'autofocus'); ?>
autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" required>
<label for="password" class="infield"><?php p($l->t('Password')); ?></label>
<input type="submit" id="submit" class="login primary icon-confirm" title="<?php p($l->t('Login')); ?>"
value="" disabled="disabled"/>

<?php if (!empty($_['csrf_error'])) {
<p class="warning">
<?php p($l->t('You took too long to log in, please try again now')); ?>
} ?>
<?php if (!empty($_['invalidpassword']) && !empty($_['canResetPassword'])) {
<a id="lost-password" class="warning" href="<?php p($_['resetPasswordLink']); ?>">
<?php p($l->t('Wrong password. Reset it?')); ?>
} elseif (!empty($_['invalidpassword'])) {
<p class="warning">
<?php p($l->t('Wrong password.')); ?>
} ?>
<?php if (!empty($_['accessLink'])) {
<p class="warning">
<?php p($l->t("You are trying to access a private link. Please log in first.")) ?>
} ?>
<?php if ($_['rememberLoginAllowed'] === true) : ?>
<div class="remember-login-container">
<?php if ($_['rememberLoginState'] === 0) {
<input type="checkbox" name="remember_login" value="1" id="remember_login"
class="checkbox checkbox--white">
} else {
<input type="checkbox" name="remember_login" value="1" id="remember_login"
class="checkbox checkbox--white" checked="checked">
} ?>
<label for="remember_login"><?php p($l->t('Stay logged in')); ?></label>
<?php endif; ?>
<input type="hidden" name="timezone-offset" id="timezone-offset"/>
<input type="hidden" name="timezone" id="timezone"/>
<input type="hidden" name="requesttoken" value="<?php p($_['requesttoken']) ?>">
<?php if (!empty($_['alt_login'])) {
<form id="alternative-logins">
<legend><?php p($l->t('Alternative Logins')) ?></legend>
<?php foreach ($_['alt_login'] as $login): ?>
<?php if (isset($login['img'])) {
<li><a href="<?php print_unescaped($login['href']); ?>"><img src="<?php p($login['img']); ?>"/></a>
} else {
<li><a class="button"
href="<?php print_unescaped($login['href']); ?>"><?php p($login['name']); ?></a></li>
} ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>

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