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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 4, 2018. It is now read-only.


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This directory contains an alternative to glint that can be used when a GCM
passes already-downscaled fields: glad (where the "a.d." stands for "already
downscaled"). glad acts as a lightweight layer between the GCM and the rest of
CISM. It is responsible for:

(1) Handling time stepping and temporal averaging

(2) Providing a simpler interface to the climate model, rather than requiring
the climate model to make detailed calls to things like glide_tstep_p1, etc.

(3) Translating inputs and outputs into appropriate quantities

Eventually, it is possible that this layer could be removed, moving some of its
functionality up into the GLC layer of CESM/ACME, and some of its functionality
down into the rest of the CISM code. However, we may choose to keep this
lightweight layer in place, because it does have some value.


The main differences between the code here and the code in libglint are:

(1) libglad does not do any upscaling / downscaling / interpolation

(2) libglad currently only works with SMB inputs - not PDD, etc.


Note that a few modules here are also used by libglint, including:

- glad_constants.F90

- glad_restart_gcm.F90

So those may contain a bit of code that is needed by libglint but not by