- Nextflow
- bcftools
- LASER (download from http://csg.sph.umich.edu//chaolong/LASER/ )
- Extract with
tar -xzvf LASER-2.04.tar.gz
- Extract with
- Python virtual enviroment with pandas, numpy, sklearn
Running the entire pipeline should take ~24h
- Input VCFs should be split by chromosome and named starting with "chr{#}."
- Input VCFs should be gzipped.
- Input VCFs should be indexed with corresponding '.tbi' files in the same location.
- Study and reference files can be in different locations.
Input reference VCFs located at:
- Should be a CSV with an ID column and a population column ('genetic_region' for HGDP_TGP)
Reference population file located at:
Specify the following parameters in the nextflow.config file:
- Path to reference VCFs (with index files)input_study
- Path to study VCFs (with index files)path_to_laser
- Path to unzipped LASER directorynPCs
- Number of PCs to compute/project, then use for ancestry inference (optional)reference_pop
- Path to reference population filemin_prob
- Minimum probability threshold for assigning population label w RF modelseed
- Random seed to use for random forest model (optional)n_jobs
- Number of jobs to use for parallelization of projection step
To use the HGDP + 1KG callset (gnomAD v3.1.2) as your reference data, download the callset and sample metadata here.
- Filter per chromosome on preferred quality metrics.
- E.g.
bcftools view -fPASS -q0.05 -Q0.95 -i 'F_MISSING < 0.001' <vcf> | bcftools annotate -x INFO,^GT - -Oz -o <filtered_vcf>
- Additional QC filters from gnomAD sample metadata (also excludes related individuals)
bcftools view -S HGDP_1KG.PassedQC.id
- E.g.
- Perform LD pruning per chromosome.
- E.g.
plink --indep-pairwise 1000 100 0.9 --vcf <filtered_vcf> --double-id --id-delim , --out chr${i}.plink
plink --vcf <filtered_vcf> --extract chr${i}.plink.prune.in --recode vcf-iid --out <filtered_pruned_vcf>
- E.g.
- IMPORTANT: Rename gnomad files to begin with
. If needed, rename chromosomes to align with study data.- E.g.
bcftools annotate --rename-chrs rename_chrs.txt gnomad.genomes.v3.1.2.hgdp_tgp.chr${i}.filtered_pruned.vcf.gz -Oz -o chr${i}.gnomad.genomes.v3.1.2.hgdp_tgp.filtered_pruned.vcf.gz
- An example
file will look something like this:1 chr1 2 chr2 3 chr3 ...
- E.g.
- Index all files.
bcftools index -t chr${i}.gnomad.genomes.v3.1.2.hgdp_tgp.filtered_pruned.vcf.gz
- I.e. from the sample metadata available here, extract the population descriptors (we used the harmonized
label) - Format of the population label file should be a CSV (comma-separated), with two columns (Sample ID and Population label).
- The pipeline currently assumes the file will look like this:
ID,genetic_region HG00000,EUR ...
- But can easily be updated to accomodate other ID and population column labels.
- The pipeline currently assumes the file will look like this:
Optional script to take the output of the ancestry inference pipeline and:
- Subset your study samples to the predicted ancestry group of interest (from
at your desired threshold of probability). - Take the projected PC coordinates for these samples (from
) and the reference PC coordinates against which they are projected (reference.RefPC.coord
). - Plot the top N PCs for your predicted ancestry data and reference data (with population labels).
Parameters to specify:
- Projected study data PCA coordinates (output/trace.ProPC.coord)-R
- Reference data PCA coordinates (output/reference.RefPC.coord)-S
- Predicted ancestry output for study samples (output/predicted_ancestry.txt)-A
- Population labels for reference data-c
- Predicted ancestry group in study data to subset and plot-T
- Threshold of probability to use when subsetting by predicted ancestry (e.g. 0.5)-n
- Number of PCs to plot-l
- Study label to use when titling plot and legend--out
- Prefix of output image file name (output.png)
Example command:
python plot_PCA.py -P output/trace.ProPC.coord -R output/reference.RefPC.coord -S output/predicted_ancestry.txt -A genetic_region.csv -c CSA -T 0.80 -n4 -l STUDY --out figure