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Data Tasks

CV Data Tasks Architecture Diagram

Table of Contents


The cv-data-tasks application is used to clean up TIM messages from the database, RSUs and SDX. There are two main functionalities to the application, CleanupActiveTims and RemoveExpiredTims (as represented by each class under /actions). CleanupActiveTims looks through the Database active_tim table to find TIMs missing ITIS codes or not distributed. RemoveExpiredTims looks through the Database active_tim table to find TIMs with a tim_end field less than the current time. Both cases call the /delete-tim/ endpoint on the ODE Wrapper project.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


The data-tasks project relies on the cv-data-service-library for various functionality. This module is part of a solution encompassing that library and it should be build before building this one.


A basic development environment file has been included (/resource/ and is used when debugging via the CV Data Tasks (Launch) task.

It is possible to run this module outside the main solution. There is a pom.xml file used to work with Maven commands. To build this module individually run the following

IMPORTANT note the library must already be built

mvn clean install

Advanced installation

In order to run the RSU validation logic, you'll need to create a custom launch settings file and environment configuration file. This is due to the fact that RSU validation requires records from both the dev and prod environments. To get started, merge the following to the launch.json file:

"configurations": [
        "type": "java",
        "name": "CV Data Controller Prod (temp)",
        "request": "launch",
        "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}/cv-data-controller",
        "args": "",
        "mainClass": "com.trihydro.cvdatacontroller.Application"
"compounds": [
        "name": "CV Data Tasks Compound Launch",
        "configurations": [
            "CV Data Tasks (Launch)",
            "CV Data Controller (Launch)",
            "CV Data Controller Prod (temp)"

Finally, create a file for the cv-data-controller in the cv-data-controller/src/main/resources directory. Add the following contents:


Fill in the respective variables with prod values before running.


The system is designed to use the Java ScheduledExecutorService and run every 4 hours to remove extraneous TIMs.


Tests may be executed with

mvn test


This application is deployed using Docker, and is part of the larger WyoCVApplication suite. The associated Dockerfile is configured for the development ODE environment. See the main README for the project and associated docker-compose, and sample.env file for further deployment configurations.

Configuration Reference

You may configure these values in cv-data-tasks/src/main/resources/ or by editing them in the sample.env file at the project root.

IMPORTANT When using the env file method, you must You must rename or duplicate the sample.env file to .env. If using the method, you must pass in the name of the environment to use with the parameter.

Value in Value as env var (in sample.env) Description Example Value
config.odeUrl TASKS_CONFIG_ODE_URL URL pointing to the ODE https://example.ode:8443
config.cvRestService TASKS_CONFIG_CV_REST_SERVICE URL for the CV REST Service http://localhost:8888
config.wrapperUrl TASKS_CONFIG_WRAPPER_URL URL for ODE Wrapper https://example.ode:7777
config.rsuDataServiceUrl TASKS_CONFIG_RSU_DATA_SERVICE_URL RSU Service URL http://example.ode:8898
config.sdwRestUrl SDW_REST_URL URL for the SDX http://host.docker.internal:12230
config.sdwApiKey SDW_API_KEY SDX ODE User API Key
config.alertAddresses TASKS_CONFIG_ALERT_ADDRESSES Who to email,
config.fromEmail TASKS_CONFIG_FROM_EMAIL Sender of email
config.environmentName TASKS_CONFIG_ENVIRONMENT_NAME Name of environment DEV
config.mailHost MAIL_HOST Mail Server IP localhost
config.mailPort MAIL_PORT Port for SMTP 25
config.runTmddValidation TASKS_CONFIG_RUN_TMDD_VALIDATION Run or disable TMDD validation true
config.runRsuValidation TASKS_CONFIG_RUN_RSU_VALIDATION Run or disable RSU validation true
config.rsuValThreadPoolSize TASKS_CONFIG_RSU_VAL_THREAD_POOL_SIZE # threads for RSU validation 4
config.rsuValTimeoutSeconds TASKS_CONFIG_RSU_VAL_TIMEOUT_SECONDS Timeout for RSU validation 300
config.removeExpiredPeriodMinutes TASKS_CONFIG_REMOVE_EXPIRED_PERIOD_MINUTES How often to run 240
config.cleanupPeriodMinutes TASKS_CONFIG_CLEANUP_PERIOD_MINUTES How often to run 240
config.sdxValidationPeriodMinutes TASKS_CONFIG_SDX_VALIDATION_PERIOD_MINUTES How often to run 1440
config.rsuValidationPeriodMinutes TASKS_CONFIG_RSU_VALIDATION_PERIOD_MINUTES How often to run 1440
config.tmddValidationPeriodMinutes TASKS_CONFIG_TMDD_VALIDATION_PERIOD_MINUTES How often to run 1440
config.retentionEnforcementPeriodMinutes TASKS_CONFIG_RETENTION_ENFORCEMENT_PERIOD_MINUTES How often to run 1440