Elite Dangerous Events 1.0.0
A site for commanders in the Elite Dangerous galaxy to create and join in player created events.
Python 3
Setup virtual environment with python 3 flagged
virtualenv -p python3 eliteEvents
Change directory into virtual environment and activate
cd eliteEvents/ && source bin/activate
Clone repo into virtual environment
git clone https://github.com/CCecilia/eliteDangerousEvents.git
Change to root project directory
cd eliteDangerousEvents/eliteEvents/
Install dependencies from requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
The project is setup for MySql but the the default Sqlite3 database code is just commented out
so if you want to use the slqlite DB just comment out the MySql code. But if you use a
MySql database be sure to add the credentials to secret.py as explained in the next step. Sqlite3
is advised for development.
Create secret.py file in eliteDangerousEvents/eliteEvents/eliteEvents/
secret.py should contain the django SECRET KEY and Google Oauth key as below. As well
as the database information if you decide to to use a mysql database.
If no secret.py is created a random secret key is generated and Oauth is unusable.
python manage.py runserver
google_oauth_key = GOOGLE API SECRET
google_oauth_secret = GOOGLE API ID
django_secret_key = YOUR DJANGO SECRET KEY
facebook_oauth_key = FB App ID
facebook_oauth_secret = FB App Secret key
database_name = SCHEMA NAME
database_username = USERNAME
database_password = PASSWORD
database_endpoint = DATABASE URL
Start your local server
python manage.py runserver
Upon success you will see
System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
December 13, 2017 - 20:11:10
Django version 2.0, using settings 'eliteEvents.settings'
Starting development server at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
Copy and paste http://localhost:8000/ into your browser.
python manage.py test
- Auto fill location information
- download populated_systems.json
For auto-filling of populated systems download file and save to website/media/uploads.
Then call Utility.parsePopulatedSystems() in website/views.py to parse the data in the file.
- Crontab commands
- additional info
python manage.py crontab add - add the hourly and daily cleaning of expired events/lfg post jobs
python manage.py crontab show - show active jobs
python manage.py crontab remove - remove active jobs
- Python3.6.3
- Django
- Bootstrap
- other dependecies in requirements.txt
SemVer for versioning.
- Christian Cecilia - Initial work
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Frontier Developments for making an awesome space sim Elite Dangerous
- CMDR (SpyTec)[https://github.com/SpyTec] for edassets.org Git repo