This is the format used in September 2023 to send and save missions before the planned switch to a format based on project11_nav_msgs/TaskInformation messages for sending missions to a robot. To send a mission to a robot, a JSON array containing an object for each CAMP MissionItem is constructed. To save a project to a file, a top level Group item as described below is constructed containing all the mission items.
Members for all items include:
- label
- speed (if not 0)
- type
- children: Array of behaviors (optional, only for items that can be sent to the robot)
Current types defined in the CAMP source code:
- BackgroundRaster (can't be sent to the robot)
- Behavior
- Group
- Orbit
- SearchPattern
- SurveyArea
- SurveyPattern
- TrackLine
- Waypoint
- VectorDataset (can't be sent to the robot)
Following are the object specific members of the above object types.
- filename
- behaviorType
- active
- children: Array of mission item objects
- radius
- safetyDistance
- targetFrame
- startLocation: Waypoint object
- endLocation: Waypoint object
- first_leg_heading
- first_leg_distance
- direction: clockwise or counterclockwise
- children: Array of TrackLine objects
- children: Array of mission item objects
- startLocation: Waypoint object
- endLocation: Waypoint object
- spacing
- direction
- alignment: start, center, or finish
- children: Array of TrackLine objects
- waypoints: Array of Waypoint objects
- latitude
- longitude
- filename