The basic formatting rules are set in .clang-format
. Use auto-formatting in your editor.
All code should target C++ language revision 20.
If you use CLion, please enable the setting called "Enable ClangFormat" under Settings > Editor > Code Style.
Files are upper camel case.
- Files:
- Directories:
Private/internal headers are postfixed with Private
before the file extension.
Like SomeFeaturePrivate.h
Project folders include:
for source files and public header filesPrivate
for private header filesInclude
for projects that require separate header files
Sources for a specific namespace must go into a folder with the lowercase name of that namespace. The only exception to this is the root namespace, as this doesn't require its own subfolder.
Names are lower camel case.
void getLimit() {
// ...
Preprocessor functions are written in snake-case and prefixed with tt_
, for example:
#define tt_check(x) if (!(x)) { /* .. */ }
Consts are lower camel case with capital letters.
Typedefs for structs, classes and datatype aliases are upper camel case.
typedef uint32_t ThreadId;
const ThreadId id;
struct ThreadData {
// ...
enum class
or enum struct
is preferred over plain enum
because of scoping. It's styled like this:
enum class {
Don't ever throw them. Make a return type that wraps all the error and success scenarios that are relevant.