🛒 A Next.js and TypeScript-powered web scraper built to monitor product prices on Amazon. This tool allows users to track price drops, identify the lowest and highest prices, and receive email notifications for updates.
- Scrapes product data from Amazon
- Monitors and tracks price changes over time
- Identifies the lowest and highest recorded prices
- Utilizes Next.js for a fast and responsive front-end
- Implements TypeScript for enhanced code readability and maintainability
- Scheduled updates using cron jobs
- Sends email notifications to users via Nodemailer
- Next.js
- TypeScript
- Cron
- Nodemailer
- Clone the repository
- Install dependencies
- Set up cron jobs for periodic price checks
- Configure Nodemailer for email notifications
- Run the application
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.