Releases: BuildingSync/schema
Release Version 2.1.0
BuildingSync Version 2.1.0 does not introduce any breaking changes; however, the version
attribute is now required
as part of the root BuildingSync
element. Version 2.1.0 includes many validation updates and additions
to support reporting auditing data. Also, the release versions now include the patch version (e.g.,
Date Range: 12/21/19 - 07/31/20
Category | Count |
Controls | 0 |
General | 7 |
Measures | 0 |
Reports | 0 |
Systems | 2 |
Validation | 2 |
Other | 5 |
Total | 16 |
Change Type | Count |
Breaking Change | 0 |
Non-breaking Change | 16 |
New Issues: 9 (#177, #183, #184, #187, #189, #195, #197, #198, #210))
Closed Issues: 7
- Closed #159, Key / Keyref instead of ID / IDRef for limiting scope using Xpaths
- Closed #160, Create larger test suite with more comprehensive examples. Include different 'levels', then additionally create most typical HVAC systems
- Closed #177, Validate format of telephone number
- Closed #184, Add version attribute to BuildingSync element
- Closed #187, Change ID attributes for following elements to use="required"
- Closed #189, Add LinkedPremises to FanSystem and MotorSystem
- Closed #197, Review use of talking about standards within documentation
Accepted Pull Requests: 17
- Merged #178, Validate format of telephone number
- Merged #179, Validate format of postal codes.
- Merged #180, Update Audit Template examples
- Merged #185, Add EnergyCostIndex element
- Merged #186, Add BRICR example generated by Audit Template
- Merged #188, Feat/canadian provinces
- Merged #192, add LinkedPremises to FanSystem and MotorSystem
- Merged #193, feat/require IDs on all elements with an ID attribute
- Merged #194, feat/require version attribute with semantic versioning restriction
- Merged #196, update OccupantQuantityType enumerations with definitions
- Merged #199, update PrimaryHVACSystemType enumerations in line with AT tool
- Merged #201, use BEDES term for referring to ASHRAE 211
- Merged #202, feat/add OriginalOccupancyClassification element to Section
- Merged #209, Update annotations for consistency
Release Version 2.0
Date Range: 02/01/19 - 12/20/19:
BuildingSync Version 2.0 is the culmination of the last two BuildingSync preleases. The changelog below represents all the changes since Version 1.0.
Category | Count |
Building | 7 |
Contacts | 4 |
Controls | 5 |
Envelope | 7 |
General | 15 |
Lighting | 3 |
Measures | 1 |
Plug and Process | 2 |
Reports | 10 |
Systems | 15 |
Validation | 1 |
Total | 70 |
The list of major breaking changes include:
- Enable Multiple Reports
- Refactor Controls
- Enable multiple roofs, ceilings, and foundations
- Rename Subsection to Section
- Update casing of OnSite to Onsite
- Pluralize
element for plants
The list of minor breaking changes include:
- Add ContactRoles Container and Submitter Enumeration
- Multiple Audit Dates in Report
- Consolidate MELs and Plug Loads
- Consolidate Miscellaneous Gas Loads and Process Loads
- VentilationType Enumerations and VentilationControlMethods
- Enable Multiple Special Roof Classifications
- Pluralize LinkedDeliveryID
- Pluralize and rename PrimaryHVACControlSystemType Element to HVACControlSystemType
- Modify capitalization of term Timestamp
- Add EfficiencyUnits enumerations
- Fix "Dual fuel" typo
- Remove Trailing Whitespace from Laboratory
- Fix capitalization - Prefix 'Yearof' should be 'YearOf'
The list of major non-breaking changes include:
- Add ExteriorFloorSystemType Element
Accepted Pull Requests:
- Merged #158, Pluralize
element for plants - Merged #155, Fix capitalization - Prefix 'Yearof' should be 'YearOf'
- Merged #157, Add missing @type attribute to 'Other' element in schema for 'DeliveryType' element.
- Merged #161, Add auc:MeasureName enumeration to auc:TechnologyCategory element for 'BuildingEnvelopeModifications'.
- Merged #162, Bound percentages
- Merged #163, Add BenchmarkValue element
- Merged #164, Add LinkedPremises child element to Benchmark element.
- Merged #169, Modify DaylightingIlluminanceSetpoint units
- Merged #174, PrimaryHVACSystemType and PrimaryLightingSystemType
- Merged #175, Fix spelling errors in documentation for SectionType element
- Merged #79, Add Address to Building Element, Example
- Merged #80, Add ID to Report and Qualification, Example
- Merged #81, Update Ownership Enumerations
- Merged #82, Update Linear Fluorescent Enumerations
- Merged #83, Enable Multiple Reports, Example
- Merged #84, Add AuditorQualificationType Enumerations
- Merged #85, Add Blue Roof, Example
- Merged #86, Consolidate MELs and Plug Loads, Example
- Merged #87, Allow None for FenestrationGasFill Enumeration
- Merged #88, Add ContactRoles Container and Submitter Enumeration
- Merged #90, Add UDF to CondenserPlant
- Merged #91, Add YearInstalled to Plant Elements, Example
- Merged #92, Add YearBurnerInstalled, Example
- Merged #93, New TerminalUnit Enumerations, Example
- Merged #94, Multiple Audit Dates in Report, Example
- Merged #95, AirInfiltrationSystem ID, UDF on Package of Measures, enums on GenerationTechnology, OccupancyClassification, and PlugLoadType
- Merged #96, Move Miscellaneous Gas Loads under ProcessLoad, Example
- Merged #97, Update casing of OnSite to Onsite
- Merged #98, Package of Measures ID
- Merged #99, VentilationType Enum and VentilationControlMethods
- Merged #101, FanBased Optional
- Merged #102, Add WeatherDataType, SimulationCompletionStatus, CalculationMethod, CustomMeasureName, AnnualPeakNativeUnits, and AnnualPeakConsistentUnits, Example
- Merged #103, Location Elements on Plants/Sources, Example
- Merged #104, Add FootprintShape to BuildingType
- Merged #105, Ballast type enumeration values
- Merged #106, Scenario notes
- Merged #109, Add auc:RoofCondition element to auc:RoofID element, Example
- Merged #110, Add "None" value to auc:ControlTechnology enumeration
- Merged #111, Add auc:PrimaryFuel Element to Plants
- Merged #114, Enable Multiple Special Roof Classifications
- Merged #115, Rename Subsection to Section, Example
- Merged #116, Enable multiple roofs, ceilings, and foundations
- Merged #118, Fix coolroof name
- Merged #120, Refactor Controls, Example
- Merged #121, General: Annotations and Version Tag
- Merged #122, MeasureScaleOfApplication - Add Enumerations
- Merged #123, Add AuditorQualificationType enumerations
- Merged #124, Add EfficiencyUnits enumerations
- Merged #125, Add FuelTypes enumerations for "Fuel oil no 5 and 6"
- Merged #126, Add FuelTypes enumerations
- Merged #127, Add ElectricResistance to HeatingSourceType
- Merged #128, Pluralize LinkedDeliveryID
- Merged #129, Add OccupancyClassification enumerations
- Merged #130, Rename ProcessGasElecLoadType element
- Merged #131, Remove Trailing Whitespace from Laboratory
- Merged #132, CondensingOperation - Add Enumerations
- Merged #133, Modify capitalization of term "Timestamp"
- Merged #134, DraftBoundary - Add Enumerations
- Me...
Release 2.0 Prerelease 2
Date Range: 10/01/19 - 11/15/19:
This release is the second prerelease of Version 2.0. The second prerelease of BuildingSync incorporates 7 additional pull requests. Of these pull requests, 2 are breaking changes (albeit relatively small and focused).
The table below shows which building categories were affected the most.
Category | Count |
Controls | 1 |
General | 2 |
Measures | 1 |
Reports | 2 |
Validation | 1 |
Total | 7 |
The list of major breaking changes include:
- Merged #158, Pluralize
element for plants
The list of minor breaking changes include:
- Merged #155, Fix capitalization - Prefix 'Yearof' should be 'YearOf'
The remaining changes can be seen in the changelog below.
Closed Issues: 2
Accepted Pull Requests: 7
- Merged #157, Add missing @type attribute to 'Other' element in schema for 'DeliveryType' element.
- Merged #161, Add auc:MeasureName enumeration to auc:TechnologyCategory element for 'BuildingEnvelopeModifications'.
- Merged #162, Bound percentages
- Merged #163, Add BenchmarkValue element
- Merged #164, Add LinkedPremises child element to Benchmark element.
Release 2.0 Prerelease 1
Date Range: 02/01/19 - 09/30/19:
This release is the first prerelease of Version 2.0. One of the main use cases for Version 2.0 was to enable data exchange between PNNL's Audit Template Tool and 3rd party tools that can author/read BuildingSync. Updates to BuildingSync 2.0 included multiple contributions from PNNL, specifically @markborkum.
Presently, there are 60 relevant PRs that have been merged into the develop branch. Of these 60 PRs, 6 are classified as major changes, 51 are minor, and 3 are simple changes to the schema that do not impact the end-user. In addition, of the 60 relevant PRs, 17 are breaking changes whilst 43 are non-breaking changes. The table below shows which building categories were affected the most.
Category | Count |
Building | 7 |
Contacts | 4 |
Controls | 4 |
Envelope | 7 |
General | 11 |
Lighting | 2 |
Plug and Process | 2 |
Reports | 8 |
Systems | 15 |
Total | 60 |
The list of major breaking changes include:
- Enable Multiple Reports
- Refactor Controls
- Enable multiple roofs, ceilings, and foundations
- Rename Subsection to Section
- Update casing of OnSite to Onsite
The list of minor breaking changes include:
- Add ContactRoles Container and Submitter Enumeration
- Multiple Audit Dates in Report
- Consolidate MELs and Plug Loads
- Consolidate Miscellaneous Gas Loads and Process Loads
- VentilationType Enumerations and VentilationControlMethods
- Enable Multiple Special Roof Classifications
- Pluralize LinkedDeliveryID
- Pluralize and rename PrimaryHVACControlSystemType Element to HVACControlSystemType
- Modify capitalization of term Timestamp
- Add EfficiencyUnits enumerations
- Fix "Dual fuel" typo
- Remove Trailing Whitespace from Laboratory
The list of major non-breaking changes include:
- Add ExteriorFloorSystemType Element
The remaining change (non-breaking) can be seen in the change log below.
Closed Issues: 2
- Merged #73, Fractions and percentages appear to be unevenly implemented
- Merged #117, Typo in definition of "CoolRoof" element
Accepted Pull Requests: 60
- Merged #79, Add Address to Building Element, Example
- Merged #80, Add ID to Report and Qualification, Example
- Merged #81, Update Ownership Enumerations
- Merged #82, Update Linear Fluorescent Enumerations
- Merged #83, Enable Multiple Reports, Example
- Merged #84, Add AuditorQualificationType Enumerations
- Merged #85, Add Blue Roof, Example
- Merged #86, Consolidate MELs and Plug Loads, Example
- Merged #87, Allow None for FenestrationGasFill Enumeration
- Merged #88, Add ContactRoles Container and Submitter Enumeration
- Merged #90, Add UDF to CondenserPlant
- Merged #91, Add YearInstalled to Plant Elements, Example
- Merged #92, Add YearBurnerInstalled, Example
- Merged #93, New TerminalUnit Enumerations, Example
- Merged #94, Multiple Audit Dates in Report, Example
- Merged #95, AirInfiltrationSystem ID, UDF on Package of Measures, enums on GenerationTechnology, OccupancyClassification, and PlugLoadType
- Merged #96, Move Miscellaneous Gas Loads under ProcessLoad, Example
- Merged #97, Update casing of OnSite to Onsite
- Merged #98, Package of Measures ID
- Merged #99, VentilationType Enum and VentilationControlMethods
- Merged #101, FanBased Optional
- Merged #102, Add WeatherDataType, SimulationCompletionStatus, CalculationMethod, CustomMeasureName, AnnualPeakNativeUnits, and AnnualPeakConsistentUnits, Example
- Merged #103, Location Elements on Plants/Sources, Example
- Merged #104, Add FootprintShape to BuildingType
- Merged #105, Ballast type enumeration values
- Merged #106, Scenario notes
- Merged #109, Add auc:RoofCondition element to auc:RoofID element, Example
- Merged #110, Add "None" value to auc:ControlTechnology enumeration
- Merged #111, Add auc:PrimaryFuel Element to Plants
- Merged #114, Enable Multiple Special Roof Classifications
- Merged #115, Rename Subsection to Section, Example
- Merged #116, Enable multiple roofs, ceilings, and foundations
- Merged #118, Fix coolroof name
- Merged #120, Refactor Controls, Example
- Merged #121, General: Annotations and Version Tag
- Merged #122, MeasureScaleOfApplication - Add Enumerations
- Merged #123, Add AuditorQualificationType enumerations
- Merged #124, Add EfficiencyUnits enumerations
- Merged #125, Add FuelTypes enumerations for "Fuel oil no 5 and 6"
- Merged #126, Add FuelTypes enumerations
- Merged #127, Add ElectricResistance to HeatingSourceType
- Merged #128, Pluralize LinkedDeliveryID
- Merged #129, Add OccupancyClassification enumerations
- Merged #130, Rename ProcessGasElecLoadType element
- Merged #131, Remove Trailing Whitespace from Laboratory
- Merged #132, CondensingOperation - Add Enumerations
- Merged #133, Modify capitalization of term "Timestamp"
- Merged #134, DraftBoundary - Add Enumerations
- Merged #136, Add xs:complexType child element to definition of "Pneumatic" element
- Merged #137, Add FuelType enumerations
- Merged #138, Add CondensingOperation and DraftBoundary elements wherever DraftType
- Merged #139, Add Gas Engine Enumeration to Chiller Compressor Driver
- Merged [#140](
Release Version 1.0
Date Range: 05/31/18 - 01/31/19:
Schema Related Changes:
- Merged #53, Spaces (not tabs). JSON schema
- Merged #56, Remove Double Dash in Annotations
- Merged #57, Change Representation of Zone Equipment
- Merged #58, Add Program Identifier to Support Other Projects
- Merged #59, Harmonize definitions of
- Merged #63, Add UBID
- Merged #64, Rename root element to BuildingSync/Facilities
- Merged #65, Ensure all “IDREF” instances in BuildingSync.xsd are consistent and W3C compliant
- Merges #67, Ensure adequate containerization of lists
- Merged #68, Update the list of qualified auditors
Other Changes:
Release Version 0.3
Version 0.3
- Merged #12, Removed SpaceID from Sides, since it's redundant with what's defined in thermal zone. (KMFM, per PNNL)
- Merged #13, Add New CTS Example
- Merged #14, Changed cooling tower control to separate types - fan, temperature, and cell. (KMFM, per PNNL)
- Merged #15, Updates based on revisions in BEDES Version 2.0
- Merged #23, Added user defined fields to Heating-Source and Cooling-Source in HVAC
- Merged #25, Change Heating Plant Type
- Merged #26, Burner Additions
- Merged #27, Equipment Condition
- Merged #28, Add Annual Peak Reduction Element
- Merged #30, Add COP to SHW units
- Merged #31, Initial Multi-Tenant Support
- Merged #32, Move Utility and Use References
- Merged #33, Remove unbounded from auc:PremisesIdentifiers.
- Merged #34, ECM categories and enumerations
- Merged #35, Common_tenant_area
- Merged #36, Fix example file failure
- Merged #37, Feature/fix undefined xsd attributes and elements
- Merged #46, Update license
- Merged #49, Add a Sharing Example
- Merged #50, Add FloorAreas to LinkedPremises
Specific changes:
- "Public housing" added to OccupancyClassification
- Added several new "ContactRole" options to enumeration, and dropped "Finance Specialist"
- Added ContactTitle as a new element
- Changed enumeration for OperatorType to match BEDES 2.0
- "Fair" dropped from DuctInsulationCondition
- RoofExteriorSolarReflectanceIndex was added as a new element
- "Wind" was added to the enumeration for OtherEnergyGenerationTechnology
- MeasureInstallationCost and MeasureMaterialCost were added as elements of measure costs.
- Several new options for CostEffectivenessScreeningMethod were added.
- Several new choices under TypeOfRateStructure were added. Detailed information was not, because they are really just subtypes of Tiered Rate, and if details are important they should be entered there.
- NOx and SO2 were added as options under EmissionsType.
- Pluralize MeasureIDs under PackageOfMeasure Reporting Scenario
- Pluralize TechnologyCategory to TechnologyCategories
Release Version 0.2
Version 0.2 of BuildingSync.
Note that this was released on May 22, 2016. The date of release on Github is not correct.
Release v2.0.0-legacy
Version 2.0 legacy.