1 | 1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 |
| -<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:auc="http://buildingsync.net/schemas/bedes-auc/2019" xmlns:gbxml="http://www.gbxml.org/schema" targetNamespace="http://buildingsync.net/schemas/bedes-auc/2019" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" version="2.5.0"> |
| 2 | +<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:auc="http://buildingsync.net/schemas/bedes-auc/2019" xmlns:gbxml="http://www.gbxml.org/schema" targetNamespace="http://buildingsync.net/schemas/bedes-auc/2019" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" version="2.6.0"> |
3 | 3 | <xs:import namespace="http://www.gbxml.org/schema" schemaLocation="https://github.com/BuildingSync/gbXML_Schemas/releases/download/v6.01/GreenBuildingXML_Ver6.01.xsd"/>
4 | 4 | <xs:annotation>
5 |
| - <xs:documentation>BuildingSync Schema - Version 2.5.0</xs:documentation> |
| 5 | + <xs:documentation>BuildingSync Schema - Version 2.6.0</xs:documentation> |
6 | 6 | <xs:documentation xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
7 | 7 | <h1>BuildingSync Schema Deprecation Policy</h1>
8 | 8 | <p>This document details the deprecation policy for the BuildingSync Schema.</p>
451 | 451 | <xs:enumeration value="2.4"/>
452 | 452 | <xs:enumeration value="2.5.0"/>
453 | 453 | <xs:enumeration value="2.5"/>
| 454 | + <xs:enumeration value="2.6.0"/> |
| 455 | + <xs:enumeration value="2.6"/> |
454 | 456 | </xs:restriction>
455 | 457 | </xs:simpleType>
456 | 458 | </xs:attribute>
2000 | 2002 | <xs:documentation>Year the Audit Cycle ends (inclusive, CCYY)</xs:documentation>
2001 | 2003 | </xs:annotation>
2002 | 2004 | </xs:element>
| 2005 | + <xs:element name="AuditCycleStartDate" type="xs:date"> |
| 2006 | + <xs:annotation> |
| 2007 | + <xs:documentation>Date the Audit Cycle starts (CCYY-MM-DD)</xs:documentation> |
| 2008 | + </xs:annotation> |
| 2009 | + </xs:element> |
| 2010 | + <xs:element name="AuditCycleEndDate" type="xs:date"> |
| 2011 | + <xs:annotation> |
| 2012 | + <xs:documentation>Date the Audit Cycle ends (CCYY-MM-DD)</xs:documentation> |
| 2013 | + </xs:annotation> |
| 2014 | + </xs:element> |
2003 | 2015 | <xs:element ref="auc:UserDefinedFields" minOccurs="0"/>
2004 | 2016 | </xs:sequence>
2005 | 2017 | <xs:attribute name="ID" type="xs:ID" use="required"/>
2162 | 2174 | <xs:element ref="auc:AnnualSavingsAverageGHGEmissions" minOccurs="0"/>
2163 | 2175 | <xs:element ref="auc:AnnualSavingsMarginalGHGEmissions" minOccurs="0"/>
2164 | 2176 | <xs:element ref="auc:AnnualSavingsGHGEmissionIntensity" minOccurs="0"/>
| 2177 | + <xs:element ref="auc:LifeCycleSavingsEnergy" minOccurs="0"/> |
| 2178 | + <xs:element ref="auc:LifeCycleSavingsEnergyCost" minOccurs="0"/> |
| 2179 | + <xs:element ref="auc:LifeCycleSavingsWater" minOccurs="0"/> |
| 2180 | + <xs:element ref="auc:LifeCycleSavingsWaterCost" minOccurs="0"/> |
| 2181 | + <xs:element ref="auc:LifeCycleSavingsAncillaryCost" minOccurs="0"/> |
2165 | 2182 | <xs:element ref="auc:SimplePayback" minOccurs="0"/>
2166 | 2183 | <xs:element ref="auc:NetPresentValue" minOccurs="0"/>
2167 | 2184 | <xs:element ref="auc:InternalRateOfReturn" minOccurs="0"/>
2250 | 2267 | <xs:element ref="auc:AnnualSavingsAverageGHGEmissions" minOccurs="0"/>
2251 | 2268 | <xs:element ref="auc:AnnualSavingsMarginalGHGEmissions" minOccurs="0"/>
2252 | 2269 | <xs:element ref="auc:AnnualSavingsGHGEmissionIntensity" minOccurs="0"/>
| 2270 | + <xs:element ref="auc:LifeCycleSavingsEnergy" minOccurs="0"/> |
| 2271 | + <xs:element ref="auc:LifeCycleSavingsEnergyCost" minOccurs="0"/> |
| 2272 | + <xs:element ref="auc:LifeCycleSavingsWater" minOccurs="0"/> |
| 2273 | + <xs:element ref="auc:LifeCycleSavingsWaterCost" minOccurs="0"/> |
| 2274 | + <xs:element ref="auc:LifeCycleSavingsAncillaryCost" minOccurs="0"/> |
2253 | 2275 | <xs:element name="ImplementationPeriod" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0">
2254 | 2276 | <xs:annotation>
2255 | 2277 | <xs:documentation>Total period of time necessary to implement all measures in the package. (months)</xs:documentation>
2365 | 2387 | <xs:element ref="auc:AnnualSavingsAverageGHGEmissions" minOccurs="0"/>
2366 | 2388 | <xs:element ref="auc:AnnualSavingsMarginalGHGEmissions" minOccurs="0"/>
2367 | 2389 | <xs:element ref="auc:AnnualSavingsGHGEmissionIntensity" minOccurs="0"/>
| 2390 | + <xs:element ref="auc:LifeCycleSavingsEnergy" minOccurs="0"/> |
| 2391 | + <xs:element ref="auc:LifeCycleSavingsEnergyCost" minOccurs="0"/> |
| 2392 | + <xs:element ref="auc:LifeCycleSavingsWater" minOccurs="0"/> |
| 2393 | + <xs:element ref="auc:LifeCycleSavingsWaterCost" minOccurs="0"/> |
| 2394 | + <xs:element ref="auc:LifeCycleSavingsAncillaryCost" minOccurs="0"/> |
2368 | 2395 | <xs:element ref="auc:SimplePayback" minOccurs="0"/>
2369 | 2396 | <xs:element ref="auc:NetPresentValue" minOccurs="0"/>
2370 | 2397 | <xs:element ref="auc:InternalRateOfReturn" minOccurs="0"/>
4059 | 4086 | <xs:enumeration value="Replace windows"/>
4060 | 4087 | <xs:enumeration value="Increase floor insulation"/>
4061 | 4088 | <xs:enumeration value="Insulate foundation"/>
| 4089 | + <xs:enumeration value="Add secondary window systems/attachments"/> |
| 4090 | + <xs:enumeration value="Install shading automation system"/> |
4062 | 4091 | <xs:enumeration value="Clean and/or repair"/>
4063 | 4092 | <xs:enumeration value="Close elevator and/or stairwell shaft vents"/>
4064 | 4093 | <xs:enumeration value="Other"/>
16110 | 16139 | </xs:simpleContent>
16111 | 16140 | </xs:complexType>
16112 | 16141 | </xs:element>
| 16142 | + <xs:element name="LifeCycleSavingsEnergy"> |
| 16143 | + <xs:annotation> |
| 16144 | + <xs:documentation>Estimated total energy savings in the whole life cycle (MMBtu)</xs:documentation> |
| 16145 | + </xs:annotation> |
| 16146 | + <xs:complexType> |
| 16147 | + <xs:simpleContent> |
| 16148 | + <xs:extension base="xs:decimal"> |
| 16149 | + <xs:attribute ref="auc:Source"/> |
| 16150 | + </xs:extension> |
| 16151 | + </xs:simpleContent> |
| 16152 | + </xs:complexType> |
| 16153 | + </xs:element> |
| 16154 | + <xs:element name="LifeCycleSavingsEnergyCost"> |
| 16155 | + <xs:annotation> |
| 16156 | + <xs:documentation>Estimated present value of total savings in energy costs in the whole life cycle ($)</xs:documentation> |
| 16157 | + </xs:annotation> |
| 16158 | + <xs:complexType> |
| 16159 | + <xs:simpleContent> |
| 16160 | + <xs:extension base="xs:decimal"> |
| 16161 | + <xs:attribute ref="auc:Source"/> |
| 16162 | + </xs:extension> |
| 16163 | + </xs:simpleContent> |
| 16164 | + </xs:complexType> |
| 16165 | + </xs:element> |
| 16166 | + <xs:element name="LifeCycleSavingsWater"> |
| 16167 | + <xs:annotation> |
| 16168 | + <xs:documentation>Estimated total water savings in the whole life cycle (gal)</xs:documentation> |
| 16169 | + </xs:annotation> |
| 16170 | + <xs:complexType> |
| 16171 | + <xs:simpleContent> |
| 16172 | + <xs:extension base="xs:decimal"> |
| 16173 | + <xs:attribute ref="auc:Source"/> |
| 16174 | + </xs:extension> |
| 16175 | + </xs:simpleContent> |
| 16176 | + </xs:complexType> |
| 16177 | + </xs:element> |
| 16178 | + <xs:element name="LifeCycleSavingsWaterCost"> |
| 16179 | + <xs:annotation> |
| 16180 | + <xs:documentation>Estimated present value of total savings in water costs in the whole life cycle ($)</xs:documentation> |
| 16181 | + </xs:annotation> |
| 16182 | + <xs:complexType> |
| 16183 | + <xs:simpleContent> |
| 16184 | + <xs:extension base="xs:decimal"> |
| 16185 | + <xs:attribute ref="auc:Source"/> |
| 16186 | + </xs:extension> |
| 16187 | + </xs:simpleContent> |
| 16188 | + </xs:complexType> |
| 16189 | + </xs:element> |
| 16190 | + <xs:element name="LifeCycleSavingsAncillaryCost"> |
| 16191 | + <xs:annotation> |
| 16192 | + <xs:documentation>Estimated present value of total savings in ancillary/other costs in the whole life cycle ($)</xs:documentation> |
| 16193 | + </xs:annotation> |
| 16194 | + <xs:complexType> |
| 16195 | + <xs:simpleContent> |
| 16196 | + <xs:extension base="xs:decimal"> |
| 16197 | + <xs:attribute ref="auc:Source"/> |
| 16198 | + </xs:extension> |
| 16199 | + </xs:simpleContent> |
| 16200 | + </xs:complexType> |
| 16201 | + </xs:element> |
16113 | 16202 | <xs:element name="BoilerLWT">
16114 | 16203 | <xs:annotation>
16115 | 16204 | <xs:documentation>The water temperature that the equipment supplies, such as the chilled water temperature setpoint for a chiller, or hot water temperature setpoint for water leaving a boiler. (°F)</xs:documentation>
17266 | 17355 | <xs:element ref="auc:AnnualSavingsAverageGHGEmissions" minOccurs="0"/>
17267 | 17356 | <xs:element ref="auc:AnnualSavingsMarginalGHGEmissions" minOccurs="0"/>
17268 | 17357 | <xs:element ref="auc:AnnualSavingsGHGEmissionIntensity" minOccurs="0"/>
| 17358 | + <xs:element ref="auc:LifeCycleSavingsEnergy" minOccurs="0"/> |
| 17359 | + <xs:element ref="auc:LifeCycleSavingsEnergyCost" minOccurs="0"/> |
| 17360 | + <xs:element ref="auc:LifeCycleSavingsWater" minOccurs="0"/> |
| 17361 | + <xs:element ref="auc:LifeCycleSavingsWaterCost" minOccurs="0"/> |
| 17362 | + <xs:element ref="auc:LifeCycleSavingsAncillaryCost" minOccurs="0"/> |
17269 | 17363 | <xs:element ref="auc:OMCostAnnualSavings" minOccurs="0"/>
17270 | 17364 | <xs:element name="OtherCostAnnualSavings" minOccurs="0">
17271 | 17365 | <xs:annotation>
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