This API provides various endpoints related to managing auctions, transferring tokens to a vault, and retrieving token metadata from Ref.Finance. Through these endpoints, users can transfer tokens, claim a vault, start or place a bid in an auction, claim tokens from an auction, and fetch token details.
Token Metadata
- Retrieves token metadata from Ref.Finance. Token identifiers can be the name, symbol, or
, and fuzzy matching will be performed automatically.
- Retrieves token metadata from Ref.Finance. Token identifiers can be the name, symbol, or
Swap Transactions
- Retrieves a transaction for swapping between two tokens using the best available trading route on Ref.Finance. Token identifiers can be provided as name, symbol, or
- Retrieves a transaction for swapping between two tokens using the best available trading route on Ref.Finance. Token identifiers can be provided as name, symbol, or
Transfer Tokens to Vault
- Transfers a specified amount of HAT tokens to a vault and increases its deposit.
Claim Vault
- Allows users to claim a vault by providing the vault's index.
Start or Place Bid in Auction
- Starts a new auction or places a bid in an existing auction.
Claim Tokens from Auction
- Allows users to claim their tokens from an auction.
# Get key bitte (add to .env file BITTE_API_KEY="bitte_KEY")
# Install dependencies
pnpm i
# Start the development server
pnpm dev